[Course Forum] Mandarin Chinese 1-3 by Memrise

hi, @xia.fan

there are some small typos

in the first course: hěn kāixīn ; kě ma?

in the second course (mandarin 2): wóxiǎng = I want to…; wǒyào…= I want…; I’m going to…

(I mean the updated courses for speakers of British English, is this the right forum for those? now there are two fora, I don’t know which is which)


hi, @xia.fan

level 1: suóyǐ 所以, which now given only as “so”, urgently needs the alternatives “therefore, as a result”

(see the example given in the course: yīnwèi wǒ èle, suóyǐ wǒ shēngqì = because I’m hungry, so I’m angry

/which is to say: because I’m hungry, therefore I’m angry" - strange thing to say, but what ever)

many thanks

also, @xia.fan
the native for the bù hǎochī = tastes bad is definitely saying something else. Would you have the kindness to check the entry?

@lien, please, there are some mistakes in the updated version of the mandarin course, but it seems xia.fan does not get any notifications? it is true that there are two fora for the course, unfortunately (@sircemloud, would you “reverse” the mistake by joining the threads somehow?) many thanks, Lien, xia.fan

Merging them seems to be a bad move as there are such a large amount of entries in both.

I would suggest closing one with a link to the other and leaving that one live. Which one would you suggest ?

EDIT : I found myself the answer by applying logic (oldest and longest stays)

Mandarin from French:

I’ve reported this before and got a response that this has been fixed, but it still is present in my app - “zhègè háizi shì tāde nǚer” is translated as “cet enfant est ma fille” (should be sa fille).

One more: nǐ yào shénme liángcài is translated as “quels plats chauds est-ce que tu veux ?”. It’s not “chauds” (hot) but “froids” (cold).

A little one: tài duõ for “trop de”, using a tilda (~).

Hello @xia.fan

I found an error on Mandarin Chinese 1: Level 22 汉字 (Characters).

One of the inputs doesn’t have meaning/hanzi but instead pinyin/meaning.

to block; card

instead of

to block; card

This leads to empty fields which gives a wrong answer if you pick it.

I also encountered a bug on iOS when I finished the Mandarin Chinese 1 and was about to move onto level 2. Made a post about it on the iOS bug section:

@xia.fan This is most likely from the HSK1 course if I remember correctly.

However it is not a typo. 垂 translates correctly to “to droop”. Which means something that is hanging down, like branches on a tree or a flower.

Could you please email me the relevant screenshots and your app version code? I will look into it as soon as possible.
You can find the app version code at the bottom of ‘About Memrise’ page in the app.
My email: [email protected]
Thank you very much!

Thank you for you detailed explanations!
The third might be acceptable in spoken Chinese, but in considered speech or in written language it would be considered incorrect. :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for pointing this out! You are definitely correct, “suóyǐ所以” should be ‘therefore, as a result’, and ‘so’ is ambiguous without context!
I’ve changed the translation :slight_smile:

I’ve deleted the mismatching video that you mentioned and I’ll upload the correct ones as soon as I get the access.
Sorry for not replying sooner!
Thanks for your help!

I have fixed the issue of “kǎ: to block; card” :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot!


Thanks. Not a big deal. It happens on my Kindle Fire HD . Works fine on my wife’s ipad. I was able to find the version #: 2.9_3719520_develop. No idea how to get a screenshot of Memrise on my Kindle. Thanks for your help.


tài duõ still has the tilde over the o. Can be found in Mandarin Chinese 2 - Level 17.

It is also very inconsistant with the dots , how many there should be and if there is a space or not, throughout the courses. Not only does it look bad but it makes it annoying as you in some questions has to type the exact number of dots and if there is a space or not for it to be correct.

Will try to make a list of them.

wǒ jiào… - my name is …
nǐ jiào… - your name is…

yóudiǎn… - to be a little bit…

wǒ xǐhuān… - I like…

wǒde diànhuà hàomǎ shì … - My phone number is…

…… háishì…… - …or… (in questions)

tài …… le - too (much); so

…… yòng zhōngwén zěnme shuō?- how do you say … in Chinese?

nǐ…shuōdé hénhǎo -
you speak…very well

wǒyào… - I want…; I’m going to…
wǒ xiǎngyào… - I would like to have…; I want to do…

wǒmen qù …… ba - let’s go to…; let’s do…

…… zài nálǐ?- where is … ?
zhēn…ya! - how … it is

duì …… guòmǐn - be allergic to

xiàng …… yíyàng - as …; like …

…… duō dà le?- how old is…?

…diǎnzhōng - …o’clock

zěnme qù …… - how to go to…

guò…le - guò…le

kànqǐlái …… - to appear to be; to look as if

néng bù néng ……?- is it possible … ?
xiǎng bù xiǎng ……?- want to…or not?

every… - 每

nǚshìmen xiānshengmen… - ladies and gentlemen …
cóngqián… - once upon a time …
ā,duì le … - oh, by the way…

zài … pángbiān - next to
zài … zhījiān - between

yǐjīng …… le - have … already

lí …… jìn - near …; close to …
lí …… yuǎn - far from …

duì…gǎn xìngqù - to be interested at…

…déngděng - …etc;…and so on

chūqù… - to go out…
nàme… - in that case…

xiān…zài… - to do…before doing…

dì… - prefix indicating ordinal number

yìbǎ… - measure word for objects with handle
yìzhāng… - measure word for flat objects

zài…shàngmiàn - over…
zài…xiàmiàn - under…
zài…qiánmiàn - in front of…
zài…hòumiàn - behind…

…sǐ le - …to death; extremely

lúndào… - to be…'s turn

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In Mandarin Chinese 3 - Level 11 Retail therapy, the audio for ‘i need a new hat’ is the audio for ‘make it cheaper’.

I’m using the iOS app, I think if it were possible to report errors as we use the app would be a great way to make such corrections.

Thanks for the great app and learning platform nevertheless.

very confusing hen and ge usage

for ex in level 11 in the first course

nánchī = not delicious; not tasty
(this = zhègè)
(that = nàgè)


zhègè hǎochī= this is delicious //nà hěn nánchī = that’s disgusting (for food

where/when to use the “ge” and the “hen” remains a secret :slight_smile: )

Level 13 of Chinese 3 has some muddled audio e.g. dizhi will play the audio for difang. I’m only ten in so far, but there have been a few mixups.
Very good course otherwise, very practical topics and useful examples.

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level 1:

if “how many people are you? (polite form)” is to be indeed polite, why it is not (您们) "nínmen jǐwèi?"instead of “nǐmen jǐwèi?”

many thanks

In Mandarin Chinese three, kěnéng shìba(I guess so; maybe) is coupled with the sound for dengdeng.


can you look this problem up please ?