[Course Forum] Let's Learn Japanese course series (formerly SGJL)

I’ll check this evening if there are non Basic sentences still in the courses. You should see during the preview if it’s an Intermediate or Advanced entry.

SGJL 09 - Tae Kim’s Japanese Grammar pt 03, level 12.

見た? あの人? no audio first sentence.
A:たかし君は、ここにいる? / B:知らない。no audio.
A:駅の近くにカラオケがあるじゃんか。/ B:うん。no audio.

SGJL 11 - A Dict. of Basic Japanese Grammar pt 4, level 13.

日ごと audio is correct, but furigana is にちごと instead of higoto
友子 definition is Tomoko, but furigana and audio are ゆうこ

SGJL 04 - Tae Kim’s Japanese Grammar pt 1

Level 16: Verbs - basic sentences

There is money. (lit: As for money, it exists.)
Translation should be:
There is money. (lit: Money is the thing that exists.)


SGJL 04 - Tae Kim’s Japanese Grammar pt 1

Level 19: Negative verbs - basic sentences

There is no money. (lit: As for money, does not exist.)
Translation should be:
There is no money. (lit: Money is the thing that does not exist.)

SGJL 03 - Remembering the Kanji + KO2k1 pt 1

but of course
Meaning should be:
condition, situation

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SGJL 09 - Tae Kim’s Japanese Grammar pt 03, level 16.

There are no distinctions between:




Hi there! I currently at SGJL 03 - Remembering the Kanji + KO2k1 pt 1 , Lesson 2 (RTK 16-56) and it misses few kanjis (13) that i learned in book (Remembering the Kanji, whic was linked) at lesson 2. It misses: I 吾, Risk 冒, companion 朋, chant 唱, sparkle 晶, spine 呂, rising sun 呂, stomach 胃, nightbreak 旦, gallbladder 胆, span 亘, concave 凹 , convex 凸, prosperous 昌. And by looking at numbers next lesson seems so skip word’s too (Lesson 3 (RTK 57-90) but only 15 is here )


The course is actually using the 555 kanji from 2001.Kanji.Odyssey Book One and presents them in RTK learning order. Basically, you learn 555 kanji that comprise 75% frequency use in Japanese literature, then go on to vocabulary list that only teach words that only use kanji from those 555 (or is kana only).

The skipped kanji will be taught in later courses. The next 555 are from 2001.Kanji.Odyssey Book Two for course SGJL 08.

Added (させられる) and (される abbr.) to distinguish them. I also fixed the other issues you mentioned earlier. As always, thanks for the help.

oh, so I should look what kanji in lessons (not book, but this website) and learn them from book? Sorry didn’t know that, Thank you.

Will you update Intermediate Courses soon?
Just asking,take your time.

Yes. I may have to make another thread since I cannot edit the top post in this one.


SGJL 11 - Tae Kim’s Japanese Grammar pt 04, level six.

その人だけが好きだったんだ。Pretty sure the audio says ず instead of す

SGJL 09 - Tae Kim’s Japanese Grammar pt 03, level 17.

No way to tell apart

申し訳ありません sorry (formal)
恐れ入ります sorry (formal)
恐縮です sorry (formal)

Hi, I was starting to go through SGJL 03 and noted that the readings of the kanji aren’t taught/tested, but rather in the meta data. There are also multiple readings for the kanji, so which one should I memorize? Or should I learn all of them? Thanks!

The Kanji courses in this series are meant for learning to use an English prompt to recognize (and write if you want) the equivalent Kanji character. The Japanese pronunciation and vocabulary that use these Kanji are not necessary till you get to Vocabulary courses such a SGJL 05.

Essentially, it’s designed to give you a knowledge of Kanji as a native English speaker similar to what a native Chinese speaker would have when they go to learn Japanese vocabulary.


Ah thanks. So even though I know Chinese, would you recommend I still go through SGJL 03?

If you already are comfortable with hundreds (or thousands) of Kanji and can figure out the difference for the Japanese variances, I’d say there’s no problem skipping that course. Perhaps scan the 555 kanji and make the decision from that.

Sure. Thanks!

SGJL 09 - Tae Kim’s Japanese Grammar pt 03, level 19.

金魚 audio is きにょ instead of きんぎょ

SGJL 09 - A Dict. of Basic Japanese Grammar pt 3, level 13.

山村君は先生日本を「お」借り「した」。Instead of Yamamura, the audio says Sanson. Also, there’s a particle error

SGJL 11 - Tae Kim’s Japanese Grammar pt 04, level 8.

Need hint for English prompts between:
