[Course Forum] JLPT N3 Vocab (with audio) - duplicate prompts

Sure, I’d be happy to help with some of the tweaks to the course as I get the time. I suppose we wait a bit first to see if there’s a response from @TL-RobWalsh or one of the other contributors.

If I do end up as a contributor, I could keep a change log going, in case anything should be reversed later.

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Hi all,

First off, thank you all for creating and maintaining this course!

I’d like to report a minor mistake in the early part of the course, ‘Kanji for 1 - 15’. 中央 (ちゅうおう) is listed for ‘1) completion 2) (grammar) perfective aspect’, rather than 完了 (かんりょう). It does display properly in the kana part of the same level.


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Just wanted to reemphasize aaronvg’s point since it has been a month and I encountered the same problem! Thanks!

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Hi @aaronvg

I also found the same mistake you reported. Thanks @TL-RobWalsh for creating this course. Could you help fix this please?



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Hi, I only just got the email and I think it should be fixed now?

Thanks for letting me know!

What is your username on memrise? We’d all be happy for more people to help!

@TinyCaterpillar you have also been added as a contributor, thank you <3

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Thanks @TL-RobWalsh for quickly fixing it! It helped a lot! My username is worldtravel2016


Thanks, @TL-RobWalsh! I’m still not seeing the editing options though, for some reason. Could you try adding me again, please? Username is “TinyCaterpillar”.

Strange, I’ll add you again!

Looks like it worked this time. Thanks!

I went ahead and made a small update to fix the issues I posted earlier:

  • Changed “祭,祭り” to “祭;祭り” to avoid being marked as incorrect when you type only one option or the other.

  • Added “差” and “違い” as “synonyms” for each other. This solution is unfortunately leaving a bit to be desired since Memrise’s recent change that makes alts of other columns get counted as wrong. Answering the kana form of the synonym will give you another chance, but the kanji form won’t. We could add another column, but that could obviously get messy. I’ll leave it as it is for now.

  • Updated the “Latest update” date in the course header.

  • I also added my alt account (PeddlerOfSmiles) as a contributor, since it will generally be more convenient for me to make changes with that account.

Please feel free to let me know if I should revert any changes from this or future updates. I’ll be sure to make a post here whenever I change anything.

It’s awesome how this post got so big since I contacted Rob on october 2016 through reddit when I reached the point in the course where I started having problems and found this forum. Now the course is being updated and so many things are getting improved and fixed, last update is from november 2017 (wow!) I’m happy this got better since it’s actually the best japanese vocabulary course I found and I create my courses based on the structure of this one. Happy to see how it’s getting better in each update. Thanks to all the contributors for fixing and updating the course and to Rob for creating it.

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I noticed that the audio only plays when I first encounter the word. After that (during the learning process), the audio does not play. Can you change it such that the audio plays while learning the word? If this is too much work for you, you could add me as a contributor. Thank you very much.

Hi, @Jonathan_Dumale.

TL-RobWalsh has been busy recently, so I’m acting as a contributor to the course for now. To me this sounds like it might be a bug, since I don’t think there’s an option to disable audio at different stages of the learning. I’ve been using this course myself for a few years, and I haven’t noticed this issue.

Could you please provide an example of an item that shows this behavior? I’ll take a look and see if the same thing’s happening on my end. Also, are you running any userscripts, and are different courses playing the audio for each stage as you’re looking for?

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Try learning Level 45 in JLPT N4 Vocabulary by JTalkOnline.com
The audio plays every time I got the correct answer. If it was a mistake, the audio does not play.

But in JLPT N3 Vocab (with audio), even if I got the correct answer, the audio does not play. I think this is similar to a certain “feature” that displays the English equivalent of a kanji every time you got it correct.(like in JLPT N4 Kanji by JTalkOnline.com)

For a specific example, try level 29 of JLPT N3 Vocab (with audio). The audio plays when first encountering ふじん and じょうほう. But after that, the audio does not play throughout the learning process even if I got the correct answer.

The audio does not play in this instance. (See image)

What I wanted is something similar to JLPT N4 Vocabulary where the audio plays throughout the learning process.

Thank you very much.

Thanks for the info. I just tried going through the learning process for ふじん and じょうほう in Lv29 of JLPT N3 Vocab (with audio), then both a normal review session and an extra review session for the same two, and the audio played every time for me.

I’m unsure if this is relevant, but I took a look at the settings for the audio column, and there are options for “Always Show” and “Show after tests”, both unchecked. Unfortunately though, I seem to be unable to change these settings as a contributor.

Could you please try learning the first item in this course, and see if the same problem is present?


If the same thing happens, I can try messing with the settings to troubleshoot, since this is a course that I’ve created.

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I tried learning the first 5 words. The audio for the word ていか only played for the first leaf. The audio for そしな does not play during the learning process (first leaf onwards). On the other hand, the audios for ひっこし, たいりょく and くばる are working for all leaves.

Perhaps, the options for “Always Show” and “Show after tests” is the key to my problem. It’s unfortunate that you can’t change it in JLPT N3.

Alright, I tried checking both boxes for my course. Could you try the same thing again and see if it behaves any differently from before?

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The audio for そしな is not working at all for all leaves. While audio for ていか played more than once. Is the audio for そしな an mp3 file?

Edit: I checked and it is an mp3 file.

All audio files in that level for my course are mp3s, and are all downloaded from the same source (Forvo).

Hmm… I’m honestly puzzled on what’s going on, but we at least seem to know that those options won’t fix it. Due to the fact that it’s behaving differently between items in the same course and database, and that I haven’t been able to reproduce the problem on my end at all, it seems likely that it’s some kind of bug on Memrise’s end, possibly only with certain browsers. I’m happy to try something else if either of us come up with another idea, but I unfortunately don’t know what else to try at the moment. For now, I would suggest sending a bug report to Memrise here:


You could also try opening a thread to report it in the relevant section here:

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