[Course Forum] JLPT N3 Vocab (with audio) - duplicate prompts

It seems the creator doesn’t have an account on the community part of memrise, yet. But in case he does in the near future, both the entries for 一瞬 and 瞬間 prompt with (moment) and the same parts of speech.

I know both of these off by heart by now because I get one wrong every day as there’s literally no way at the moment to tell which one it wants.

Hi, I would add an extra comment:
when I write kana with romaji, in the case of そんちょう the romaji version is only accepted with this writing: sonchiyou. Similar problem found with きょうちょう where kiyouchiyou is accepted. Other words didn’t have these typos (as far as I went), and typing with hiragana has no issue.

I would add the following N3 issues:

The word for calculation appears twice in N3, as 勘定 ・かんじょう and 計算・けいさん with the part of speech exactly the same: n, vs. They both appear sometimes one after the other in watering and when you pick one, you are marked wrong as it is the other and vice versa. You also have the situation where both are given as answers for calculation e.g. in an audio question and again, if you pick one it is always the other one. This has to be corrected if people are going to be put off their study like this. Yes the sub-definitions differ slightly but these not come up until you are marked wrong! Could someone change this to calculation (not けいさん) or calculation (not かんじょう).

The same applies for 茹でる・ゆでる and 煮る・にる though I think this might be in N2. They come up for ‘to boil’ with the same speech part/function: ‘v1, vt’. When you guess one, it is always the other and you are marked wrong. As they both end in ru, there is no point giving the clue that is giving for other ones. Like vr (verbs ending in the ru sound).

One more example of this is koeru and wataru which are both intransitive and mean ‘to cross over’. Well maybe wataru is written as ‘to go across’ but if you could check this and differentiate between the two, it would help people watering.

Thank you. I’m hoping Moonglum, who is also nowhere to be found, or Monzen who is over in the community forum for N2 but sometimes corrects stuff relating to N3 I think, will see our comments as they are usually very good to fix things.

Good for you for getting it going though Mr Speaker and LauraPantob8 : )

By the way Mr Speaker,
I think there is a difference between the speech part of shunkan and isshun. One is marked as n-t isn’t it? Meaning it’s a temporal noun. Can’t remember which one but like you I got mixed up with them as well.

I’ve only just joined the community forum since the whole system changed : )

Hey sorry, I had no idea this place even existed…

It’s currently 1am for me, I’ll fix things ASAP.

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thanks TL-RobWalsh, I meant you as well when wondering who would see to these issues.

TL-RobWalsh, thanks a lot, man. Glad to see this eventually got to the creator.

I don’t know if it’ll be helpful, but an idea I got off another user that I do for my own courses is I added a “synonyms” column. And when I encounter words I’ve added in the past that are like this, I go back and put them in the synonyms field, so in the future when I type in the “wrong” one it tells me it’s a synonym and doesn’t mark me down as getting it wrong.

Sometimes I end up going through all the ways I know to say that one word, but I get there eventually without getting mad.

Hi again Rob,

If you have time could you take care of the three issues I mentioned? yuderu vs. niru, koeru vs. wataru and kanjyou vs. keisan? Thanks

Hi again TL-RobWalsh,

Could you take care of these or maybe ask someone else to? If you’re not on Memrise much fair enough, but in that case let someone else do the changes.


@TL-RobWalsh. If you add me as a contributor I am happy to help in fixing anything that is causing difficulties in the course and I’ll always post any changes I make. I’ve helped to maintain the N2 course which is now being ably taken care of by someone else.

Yeh, I’m going to have to get someone to help. Be damned if I can find any free time at the moment.

hey guys, sorry again… work… ugh…

Anyway, I added moderateambition and Mr.Speaker as contributors to the course, thank you SO much for volunteering to do this!!

Thanks a lot, man. I’ll get onto this after work today and try to correct whatever issues I run into.

Are you cool with me adding a synonyms column so it doesn’t mark people wrong for synonyms?

Thanks TL for responding. I accept the work though I wasn’t initially volunteering myself …!! I have not been an official contributor before in the sense of being able to change entries so I’m not sure how to get that started.
Mr Speaker. How exactly can you add ‘columns’? I’m not against it as such but synonyms are already given for some words even if you do not find out what they are until you have to pass on the word or you are marked wrong. Also, a word may be a synonym but it may have a different nuance. This may make the entry clunky.
Just a thought.

I have now just seen the ‘edit course’ button when I go into N3. I didn’t notice it before my last comment. I can’t remember which level the words are which I suggested changes to… I’ll explore a bit and then maybe ask one of you? Thanks.

In the database view it shows all the columns for different types of data it has on each word. You can add your own custom ones, too.

The trick is if you enter anything in the columns other than the one being tested on, it comes with a little prompt saying “No, that’s the synonym, we want something else”. Much like if you type the English meaning of a word in, it’ll tell you that’s the meaning and it wants the kana. So in the case of いっしゅん(一瞬), if you put in しゅんかん(瞬間) it’ll tell you that’s not the answer; but it won’t tell you what the right answer is. So you do actually need to know it to progress.

Ok I get ye. It’s similar to people saying (not ~~~) after a certain word.

Yeah, exactly. Super useful in my personal course where I have おいそれと、とっさに、さっさ、さっそく and いまのうち. Otherwise it becomes totally unfair as there’s no way I could know which one Memrise really wants.

Seems it isn’t letting me add a column, though. I click “add” and nothing happens.

I’ve raised the issue in the bugs forum to see what’s up.

it is not a bug: (if you’re only contributor=) there are a number of changes you simply cannot perform. Only the course creator and the team can change several things (in your case, adding a column). You have only so-called “editing rights”.

Oh, well that explains that. Thanks for that. Saves me having to chase up a bug that isn’t a bug. Would be nice if they gave some sort of prompt to tell me that’s forbidden.

In that case, TL-RobWalsh, when you get a moment would you be able to add a “Synonym” column to the database? Just a text column that’s standard, so not an attribute column. If you could, that’d be great.