[Course Forum] JLPT N2 Vocab by BenWhately

Thanks for that. I noticed the change in the watering session i just did : )

I just checked and for whatever reason, I am no longer a contributor on the N3 course by TL-RobWalsh, so I can’t be any help with that.

glad to hear from you anyway.

I just changed “home town (formal)” to “home town” and added “ふるさと” as an alternative to ”こきゅう”
for 故郷. There was a mem that said that ふるさと is actually the formal version, but I couldn’t confirm it, except that they are both listed as correct pronunciations of the kanji in jisho.org, so I thought in this case it was better actually to allow for ambiguity. If somebody can give me more authoritative information on the formality, I will be happy to modify it again.

I’ve been changing definitions without posting, as it doesn’t seem that what I do gets any comments anyway. If you find something changed that you don’t like (or actually anything that you don’t like) just post here and I’ll try to address it. Most of my changes have added explanations or “not x” kinds of things, rather than changing the first word of the prompt.

You’re still a contributor and always have been AFAIK.

Today I changed the prompt for 燃える from “to burn” to “to burn (with flames); to get fired up” to distinguish it from 焼ける, which had the prompt "to burn (no flames).

Also, I have recently finished the course. I intend to keep up with reviewing for a while because I still need to review a lot of old words that I ignored at one point. And now that I have all the words coming up, there will be more opportunity for ambiguous words to become a problem, so I will continue to try to fix the course (rather than ignoring the words, which is what I used to do when I couldn’t change it myself). But it might be good for somebody else to start thinking about contributing as well.

I’m still pretty new to Memrise but have you considered adding audio from a TTS program like Naver to fill in the words missing audio? Or is it not worth the effort?

Hi, I think that’s a good idea. But at the moment I don’t know how to do it efficiently. If you or somebody else knows how to do it in bulk, then I’d be happy to try if you can tell me how to do it. If another course contributor wants to do it, I’d support that as well. Or if you want to become a contributor and do it yourself, I’d support that as well.

I usually try not to change the first word of a definition, but today I changed the prompt for 明かり from “(day) light” to “1) light, illumination, glow; (2) lamp” because, as was pointed out in a mem, it is not really usually used for daylight, but for lamplight. The definition I put in was from www.jisho.org

Hello again. Today to disambiguate “to grasp”, 握る from “to seize, to grasp, to capture,to arrest” for 捕らえる, I added one of its sub-definitions that was in the alternate definitions that appear after you get it wrong. So now the prompt for 握る is “to grasp, to mold”. Also, I added a clarifier to “speech” for 演説 because I was confusing it with speech as in language, so now the prompt is "speech (as in “give a speech”). Let me know if you can think of better ways for disambuiguating these words.

Thanks for making and constantly updating the course Mike. Started using it and like how detailed you are with the important details like parts of speech, kanji associated etc. Keep up the good work.

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Thanks, but I can’t really take much of the credit. Ben Whately created the course. I think the parts of speech were put in with the creation. Probably both were from a list that was already on the internet, because it is extremely similar to a spreadsheet I got on the internet a few years ago. Monzen and Moonglum added all the kanji into the alternate words a few years ago. I am just fixing mistakes if I find them and trying to disambiguate similar words/definitions. But it’s nice to be appreciated!

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Today I tried to disambiguate the many clues of “system”. Here is what they are now. If you can see a better way to change them, let me know:
制度 (せいど) system; institution; organisation (not 体系)
体制 (たいせい) (the) system, order; system; structure; set-up; organization
体系 (たいけい) system,organization, architecture (not 制度)
系統 (けいとう) system, lineage, ancestry
組織 (そしき) (1) organization, (2) structure, construction, (3) tissue, (4) system

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Hi, I think this course would definitely be much better if it used kanji to get a response instead of kana in the multiple choice options. When I see a wall of kana my eyes just kind of cross. Like if you were promoted for the translation of water, picking between ひ, みず, やま is much more time consuming and annoying in my opinion than just picking between 火, 水, 山. (obviously this issue is drastically exacerbated with longer words.) I’m not sure if this is exactly what you were talking about, but you mentioned not knowing how to add kana and kanji to show up at the same time before.

It might not be what you meant, but if you go to the levels editor and open a level, there should be an option at the top that right now would say “test on kana, prompt with English.” If you click that it will open a drop down menu where you can change kana to kanji. If you did that, or maybe made a clone of this course with that option turned on, I think it would be a huge boon to the learning community.

I know there are a lot of levels and I don’t know of a way to change them all at once, so if there isn’t, if you made a clone of this course and didn’t feel like going through each lesson to change to that option, I’d be happy to help if you made me a contributor.

there are kanji courses too

Yes, shift-key, I think you want a different course. I believe that the old beta version of JLPT N2, which may still be available on the course page (yes, it’s called JLPT N2 from Memrise Beta), had different levels for testing from English to kana, so that you could have both ways, one after another. I think that is indeed the best way to do it, but I don’t want to double the levels in this course. But if you want the exact duplicate course to this, with testing from English to Kana, you may be able to get BenWhately to duplicate it. He did that earlier for somebody who wanted to change the word order when the forums used to be with the course. As far as I know the other person never actually did anything with the duplicated course, but if the Beta version doesn’t work for you, I’d suggest asking Ben to duplicate it, or to use one of the courses specifically set up for just English to Kanji.

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Here you go: https://www.memrise.com/course/741318/jlpt-n2-vocab-test-on-kanji/

It is not up-to-date with the changes that mike.savage has made to the main course.

You could try to contact Lien who was very helpful and might duplicate it in its current improved state.

there is a mistake on level 76
the word ひょうほん says “not 本”, but ひょうほん uses the the 本 kanji (標本)

Sorry for the late reply. As Moonglum once said “real life has intervened”.
In the database for level 76, it say “not 見本”. It doesn’t say “not 本”. The English prompt is example, specimen (not 見本), because the definition for みほん = 見本 is also sample; specimen; pattern​, which could be confused.

If you still have trouble, please let me know.