[Course Forum] JLPT N2 Vocab by BenWhately

Hi I couldn’t find forum for N4

figured i’d inforum you about issue with one of the kanji.

JLPT N4 Vocab
Level 17
Kanji 201-225
to that degree

problem is input requires user to answer with both versions exactly 其れ程;それ程

I’m sorry, I don’t have permissions to edit the N4 database. There should be a note at the top of the main page telling where to find the forum. If not, then it’s probably not being actively maintained. You could ask Memrise to see if you could be made a coordinator and then you could fix issues yourself. Good luck! Japanese is a tough language but it does get a little easier as you start to learn more Kanji.

Another disambiguation: city as the prompt was changed to:
city (one kanji): 市=し
city (two kanji): 都会=とかい

There are also several other forms of city in the database. I changed the prompt “city, municipal” to “city municipality” for 都市=とし to at least get the parts of speech to match. I confess I have a hard time distinguishing in my mind what the subtle distinctions are to distinguish these three. If anybody can give any enlightenment on the distinctions it would be very helpful and I’d be happy to modify the meanings.

The other ones, 都心=としん=city centre (center) (esp. capital city) and 首都=しゅと =capital city, metropolis (two kanji) are reasonably well distinguished I think.

Today I changed the two prompts “to apologize” to:

to apologize (not 詫びる)=謝る=あやまる

to apologize (not謝る)=詫びる=わびる

Again, if anybody can think of a better way to disambiguate the two, please let me know.

I also changed the two prompts of “capacity, volume” for 容積=ようせき;体積=たいせき in an analogous fashion.

Today I changed the two prompts of “sunlight” as follows:

sunlight (not 日差し) =日光=にっこう

sunlight, rays of the sun (not 日光) =日差し=ひざし

Today I made “to get” = 得る=える
and "(after the -masu stem of a verb) to be able to … " =得る=うる accept each other, because I’m pretty sure they are actually interchangeable.

But let me know if you disagree.

One of the mems for the prompt “photographing” for 撮影 expressed concern that the prompt wasn’t really correct, so I change it to the meaning in jisho: “photography (still or motion); photographing; filming; shooting; (video) recording”

I have problems with ちょうせつ and ちょうせい , they both have narly identicall meanings (is there any difference?) and both are nouns that work with suru. Could you add something to make them easier to differentiate?

Thanks for pointing out that problem. I couldn’t think of a really good distinction so I used the old “not” method.

Specifically, the prompts now read:

Prompt: regulation, adjustment, control (not 調整) with reply 調節=。ちょうせつ。

Similarly “regulation, adjustment, tuning (not 調節)” is now 調整=ちょうせい

I’m happy to change it if somebody comes up with a better distinction.

I have made some changes that were fairly minor in the last three weeks. Today I made a slightly more major change. I was getting confused between 縦=たて and 垂直=すいちょく. The prompts used to be “vertical” with the part of speech given by noun, and “vertical, perpendicular”, with the part of speech as “adj-na;n;-adj-no”. I got confused because the word “vertical” is an adjective in English, not a noun. So I checked on www.jisho.org and changed the prompt for 縦 to “the vertical; height”.

I also changed the hint of “scholarship” for 奨学金=しょうがくきん to “scholarship (money given to students)” to distinguish it from 学問 and 学力, which have English prompts of “scholarship,study,learning”, and “scholarship, knowledge, literary ability”, respectively.

More meaningful changes today.

  1. I changed the prompt of 梅=うめ to include Chinese plum instead of just saying Japanese apricot, since it seems to be translated as plum more often.
  2. I changed the prompt of 世話=せわ and 預かる=あずかる to include the looking after is for people or things. i.e., the new clues are “looking after (people), help; aid; assistance”, and “to look after (things)”, respectively.

Hi Monzen,

I was wondering if you also have access to the N3 course by TLRobWalsh? I’m not sure if you were one of the contributors, along with Moonglum, or if it is just N2 you do, but I thought I’d ask. He does not seem to respond to requests to change things. I hate to go over his head like this but I think the changes I requested are necessary.

Thanks in advance

P.s. I think I might have called you Monz somewhere else. Sorry about that.

Today I changed the prompt for 同時=どうじ, whose parts of speech are n;adj-no from “simultaneous(ly)” to “simultaneous”, to distinguish it from 一生=いっせい whose prompt is “simultaneous(ly), all at once” and whose parts of speech are n-adv,n. I did this because (ly) is used for adverbs, and 同時 is not listed to be an adverb, while 一生 is listed as an adverb. Happy to change it if you can give me a good reason to do so.

@moderateambition, I’ve posted on the n3 forum and hopefully robWalsh will add me as a contributor. moonglum is a contributor on that course but not me. I’ve got a bit more time now and so could some work over there. Mike is doing a great job on this course by the look of it - thanks Mike for your continued hard work.

Hi Monzen,

I have just seen your request to be added as a contributor over on N3. I have been added along with someone else who I have never seen before. I have not seen Moonglum at all in this new forum system. It’s like he disappeared and he was the most pro-active on the old system with changing things, both in N3 and N2 (I think).

Moonglum stopped participating much about a year ago, saying that “real life got in the way”, or some such. He certainly did a great job on this course, but he seems to have moved on.

I understand. He seemed to be on Memrise an awful lot. He did do great work on the course though so I hope he’s reading these posts to know we appreciate(d) it : )

By the way, could you or someone else, if it has not been done already (I don’t think it has) make a distinction between 煮る and 茹でる。 They are both in as ‘to boil’ with the speech part as N1, VS, but there is no distinction. Thanks in advance.

Agreed about Moonglum. Also, thanks for the suggestion about to boil, moderateamibtion. I added clarifications to them both. They are now:

煮る: にる to boil; to simmer; to stew; to seethe

茹でる:ゆでる:to boil (something in hot water)