[Course forum] Japanisch 1 - 7 by Memrise (Japanese for German speakers)


There’s a problem with the romanji in Japanese 1/Japanisch 1 (Deutsch - Japanisch).

All the small hiragana like in ぎゅうにく (gyuuniku) are not working. E.g. one has to write GI - YU - U - NI - KU instead of gyuuniku for 牛肉.

E.g. Tea “おちゃ” is O - CHI - YA in romanji instead of ocha etc. etc.

That might be confusing for people who still write in romanji in the beginning.

Besides the small っ doesn’t work. One is not able to write double t in romanji. :slight_smile:



Are you learning on the web or on the app?

To type small っ、you can do it by repeating the following consonant twice. For example,
きゃっと will be kyatto.


Both, it works fine in the app but in the web version the double T doesn’t work.

E.g. in “わたしはまちがっていますか?” (Lv. 8) “watashihamachigatteimasuka” doesn’t work in romaji. I tried figure out what the program wants to have by typing in all the different kinds and it turns out that you have to write “watashihamachigaTSUteimasuka”. The small っ is a big “TSU” as in the other examples above where you have to type in “kiyo” instead of “kyo”. It seems that it doesn’t detect the difference between the small and the big ones.

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Thanks for your reply! I would advise you install Japanese keyboard (qwerty, romaji input) on your phone and on your laptop from the settings. It will be useful in a long run, too!

Yes, I did a few hours ago. I just wanted to tell you about that, just because some of the people who learn japanese and write romanji in the beginning might get it wrong. :slight_smile:


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I’ve just found something in “Japanisch 1” for German speakers that looks a little odd to me. In level 17, “Verpflegung”, there’s the word “Brücke” (“bridge”). I was a little stumped how a bridge fits in with forks, spoons and restaurants :wink: Then I found that both 橋 (bridge) and 箸 (chopsticks) are read はし, and the kanji 箸 is taught two levels back. Maybe there was supposed to be a chopstick in this level, and not a bridge? You might say, the opposite problem of this.

I’m not sure how much you still correct in the “old” courses while working on the new versions, but I thought I’d make a note of it @MarikoMiz

Hi henning.kockerbeck,

Thanks for reporting! I’m not going to make any major changes and improvements to the existing courses anymore, but I can still make amendments and corrections where needed! Thanks for reporting the issue. There has been a bit of mixup among the words that sound the same (therefore written the same in hiragana, not in kanji). This is now fixed. Thanks!

japanisch 2;

hallo @mario2189:
heißt eigentlich “wahrsagen” (wadoku: 1 Wahrsagen n; Weissagung f; Prophezeiung f; Orakel n; Horoskop n. 2 Wahrsager

A als Nomen 1 Blau n. || Grün n. 2 grüne Ampel f. 3 schwarzes Pferd n; blauschwarzes Pferd n. 4 Aotan n (japan. Kartenspiel). ao·tan青短; 青丹 5 Ao·hon n (Genre illustrierter Geschichtenbücher mit Kabuki, Jōruri und Kriegsgeschichten). ao·hon青本 6 Bronzemünze f. ao·sen青銭 B als Präfix unreif; unerfahren; grün. || Unreife f; Unerfahrenheit f; Grünheit f. aka赤
(Quelle: http://www.wadoku.de/search/?q=青); mindestens “grün” soll als Alternative, glaub ich
und was 局 betrifft… uff http://www.wadoku.de/search/?q=局

danke und
frohe Weihnachten

@MarikoMiz, @mario2189 I’ve just run across a little bug in Japanisch 2 for German speakers, in the first lesson (“Das Universum beschreiben”). There we are taught 「そう」 with the German translation “so”. But there seem to be two "so"s around, because it appears twice as a possible answer, and one of them is deemed wrong:

By the way, I’m not sure whether the translation of “so” is completely correct. As far as I understand, that’s another case of ko-so-a-do words. Like

「ここ」 means “here”
「そこ」 means “there”
「あこ」 means “neither here nor there”, “yet someplace else”
「どこ?」 means “where?”

you could say

「こう」 means “like this” or “this way”
「そう」 means “like that” or “that way”
「あう」 means “yet some other way”
「どう?」 means “which way?”

Is that correct? If so, maybe something like “anders”, “auf andere Weise” would be a better translation for 「そう」, as “so” would rather be 「こう」.

EDIT: Another possibility would be “so; auf diese Weise” for 「こう」 and “so; auf jene Weise” for 「そう」.

Hi Hydroptere,

We are going to remove all ‘kanji only’ levels in the new versions of the courses. For the moment, there is not going to be any further work done for the current versions. If these levels distract you, please skip the level of the specific items. Thanks!

Hi there, thanks for flagging these issues! Having two options with “so” is indeed a bug, sorry about that! We are working on resolving this ASAP.
As far as your suggestions for こう and そう go, I have just discussed with @MarikoMiz and we like what you’ve suggested for the German translation, so I will amend those for Japanese for German speakers in the course now!
Thanks and kind regards!

In the course Japanese 2, Level 19, the 4th entry in Japanese to German is

ist ist das Krankenhaus?

In english that would be “is is the hospital?”,
which seems like a weird question.

The translation should rather be

Wo ist das Krankenhaus?

(Where is the hospital?)

thanks for flagging this! It was simply a typo, I’ve just corrected it.
Best, Mario

Why is speed review so fast when you ask for a sentance? (Android App)

I’m in Japanese 1-6 and I already get whole sentences and I have to answer them in the same speed … I don’t even have time to read one of the answers. Is that some kind of a cruel joke? I alread went down with my rating for the app from 5 to 2 stars in the app shop and I was about to cancel my subscription and get a refund. I like the app that’s why I try one more time here … but I feel like you are making fun of me :smiley: … you can’t be serious with the speed for sentences.

Hi sickbattery,

I’m sorry about the issues with the Speed Review. It is reported often especially for the Asian languages and we are currently working on the fix. The problem is that we have the same interface for all languages and the Speed Review works okay for most of the European languages but are near impossible for Asian languages. This is on our to-do list to fix now and I sincerely apologise for the inconveniences in the meantime. If there’s anything else I can help you with please let me know. Thanks!

It’s like a flag in the data and a special case in the app that scales the time with every character.

Very complicated stuff :scream: … …

Edit: … but I bet it’s still not implemented, because of the calculation of pionts or something else that is just as relevant as the points. … lol, because it’s more important then me beeing able to learn something. Oh, no, no, no … learning is not what I bought the app for :smiley: … ROFL.

German Version of Japanise 1:

The Iam Swiss is mixed up with the audio message Iam Austrian

I found some translation issues in the new courses:

In the new Japanese 3, Level 5:

昼食を食べます is translated as “frühstücken” (to have breakfast) but I think it should be “zu Mittag essen” (to have lunch).

In the new Japanese 2, Level 29:

The literal translation for 100 says “zwei zehn vier” (two ten four).
The literal translation for 24 says “vier zehn sechs” (four ten six).

Just spotted it, too. That’s “Japanisch 1, Level 15”, specifically.

still do not understand where you want hiragana and where kanji…

and also what is the point of the “met the natives” icon? I had no natives in the courses until now, no single video, what is the point then?