[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

In Japanese 2, there’s a sentence, “どこしゅっしんですか?”

However, the text hint is “あなたはどこ出身ですか?” The issue is the extra “あなたは” on the beginning is not spoken in the audio hint, and will cause an answer to be rejected. I assume the text hint is in error.

The sentence “あなたわにひんしゅっしんですか?” has a similar problem, as its text hint is “あなたはイギリス出身ですか?” The text hint asks about England, whereas the actual sentence asks about Japan.

I’m also experiencing the issue regarding the tilde character in typed responses. The “space after tilde” trick seems to work, but without checking the forums, there’s no way to know about that.

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Japanese 1 Level 10 Pasta is spelled wrong. Or rather it isn’t spelled wrong, but its using Hiragana when it should be using Katakana. Since the course doesn’t teach Katakana, it’d be better if words related to it aren’t taught.

Edit: Looking more closely at things. A majority of the words in that level are wrong simply because they aren’t spelled in Katakana.

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The answer that wants “chiyoushihadou” is one that you need to type the hiragana for it while the other one you spell with the phonetics.

That doesn’t help the fact that you cannot differentiate them from one another.

Im doing course 1 and i wish there wouldn’t be any katakana words before katakana are learned or at least program would take correct katakana spelling as right answer. Other problem is that when there are multiple choice questions and sentences are long, i simply don’t have enough time to read those so often i just need to guess quickly something before time runs out. Often choice is based on just last word or some key letters that stand out from sentence while giving it sweeping glance. Not biggy since theres not so many long sentences so far but that katakana words written with hiregana is crime against everything learning and teaching is supposed to be.


I’ve had this problem in another course. The reason there was that the kana input mode wrote the tilde in full width, while alphanumeric mode writes it half-width, which the computer sees as two different characters.

Full width: あ = ~
Half width: _A = ~

Not sure if this is the same problem?

In Japanese 3 by Memrise:

22.Measuring things:

'14. She weighs 60 kilograms.'
In this, the “ろくじゅう” should be written as such, instead of “ろくじゆっ”.

24.Navigation class:

'9. Chopsticks’
Though chopsticks and bridge have the same scripts, but in this context, it should be " はし- Bridge ".

24.Navigation class:

'19. The bridge is very close’
The smaller script (in the box) starts with “その” , whereas it doesn’t say or read such in the audio or larger scripts.


'15. Which country do you want to visit?'
It should be " どちらのくにをおとずれたいですか?"

32.Navigation class:

’ 9. To travel '
The playback should be “Ryokosuru” instead of “yokosuru”

36.We’re going out…:

'11. To go out for dinner’
The playback reads “ゆうしよくにでかける” but the written scripts end with “ます”

In Japanese three under cracking kanji, place is spelled palce.

For future reference [Course Forum] Japanese 1 - 7 by Memrise refers to all Japanese courses numbered from one through to seven created by Memrise.

I looked in Course three and found your word (palce) on level seventeen:

I edited my comment due to its being moved from elsewhere to here and it made the comment look out of place

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Hi again Memrise people! :slight_smile:

Just a reminder: I'm using the Dutch version of Memrise.

I’ve finished Japanese 1 a few days ago (though it’s still stuck on 246/249 words and I have no clue how to get the full 249 even after coming back to Japanese 1 for rehearsals).
After that I started with Japanese 2 and I found several things wrong in the course.

-First up there’s the Dutch translation of きれいです which in Memrise gets translated to “het mooi” which should be “het is mooi”.
-Apparently England/the Netherlands & English/Dutch got switched around somehow cause the course translates えいご as “Dutch” and わたしはいぎりすしゅっしんです as “I’m from the Netherlands” which isn’t correct.

I could only add one picture to this post since I’m a new user so I can’t show you the えいご translated as Dutch error.

Lastly I had a feature request(if I’m not totally misinterpreting the use of Kanji).
I love learning Kanji (too bad the Kanji levels are always so short :stuck_out_tongue:).
Though I whish there would be vocal sounds with them(and also sound challenges where you see one Kanji character and have to pick one of the 3 sounds which vocalizes it) so it’s easier to read the Kanji when you encounter them.
For example 英語 would be vocalized as えいご.

Drawing Kanji with your finger is probably too big of a request but would be really neat!

Thanks in advance!
And have an awesome day :smiley:

Thanks for letting us know.
@MerlijnB Can you look into the Dutch typo’s please?
Our QA team is looking into the issue where completed courses appear unfinished, we hope to get it fixed asap.
Apologies for the trouble in the meantime!


@Fhireman thank you for the suggestions. Glad to see you’re enjoying learning with Memrise.

We’re looking into a fix for the issue you’re having with your first Japanese course, and it will hopefully be out soon. Have you encountered this problem on any other courses. Some links to the courses would be very useful in helping us accurately pinpoint the issue.

Thank you
Happy learning


Japanese 3:

43.Finding your kit:

20.How many chairs are there in the living room?
“いまにいいすはなんきやくありますか?”. Something seems wrong in this. Could someone help me out with it, pls? Also, could you explain why is it so, if it’s correct?

I’m also seeing issues with spaces being required around tilde’s in answers when typing in hiragana, which is incredibly hard to do inline (at least on a Mac in hiragana mode hitting the spacebar substitutes kanji in auto-magically, and can’t be disabled) and wastes a lot of time to go back to and fix when done typing.

Japanese 1 Level 14
わたしのでんわばんごうは 〜 です
Japanese 1 Level 11
わたしは 〜 すきではありません

I also have to repeat the previously raised concern about the time given for multiple choice reading questions, I usually wind up having to strategically find keywords, not read the answers because of time constraints. And I’m not THAT slow at reading hiragana.


I can’t figure out the answer to “my name is…”

I type Watashino namae wa/ha ~desu/desu/…desu.

None of that works.

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In the Japanese 1 course, in the level 6 “test run your hiragana”. However, many of the questions display the answer directly under the question before you’ve been given a chance to answer, which seems to miss the purpose a bit.

Indicated with a red arrow here.

What I’d like to see is that this word pointed by arrow would be written in roman letters. At least in first levels. But yeah, this way it seems quite pointless

Water keeps showing up as 2 separate answers, the one I click is always incorrect.



Hi Prady_023,

Thank you for pointing that out. That was a typo, with extra い before the word いす. It is now fixed.


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Hi SarahJoyMcKenzie1,

This has been fixed. Thank you for pointing it out!