[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

Hi relyat08,

Thanks for the screenshot. You’re absolutely right it should be 案外好きです in that little box (aka attributes). I currently don’t have the access to edit that part of the course. I’m trying to gain access so thatI can fix some things… I’m not gonna lie to you and say I’ll get to it right now, because I don’t have the access but when I can I will fix this (along with other issues in attributes) ASAP. Thanks!


@MarikoMizutani I really appreciate your prompt response. I can be patient. :slight_smile:

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I just started Memrise today. While I’ve studied Japanese in the past and remember pretty much all my Kana and some vocabulary, I wanted to go from the beginning. I’m really liking the interface and the point system, it reminds me of readthekanji.com :smiley: However, I’ve ran into a problem.

The words have the ‘Japanese writing’ in Roomaji, not Hiragana. I have successfully stayed away from using it as a crutch in the past, and I don’t want it being in my lessons. Kind of a deal breaker if I’m not able to see the Hiragana, I’m afraid :confused: Do you guys know of a way to change the Roomaji to Hiragana?

Or if it is phased out early-enough on?


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Hi, @Ookiiushidesu

Only first lesson is in Romaji. You can ignore it. All others are in Hiragana


Here are error that I found during complete review.

  1. choushiwa dou?

    it tells you to write it in Japanese but it rejects the answers such as “ちょうしわどう” or “chyoushiwa dou”. By itself brakes habit learned if one was writing in romaji that things like ちょ are being written like chyo and never like cho. Also if one writes in hiragana using ime then one need to remember that this one word should be written in romaji, which a studen learning the quirks of the system instead of material.

  2. konnichiwa

same thing happens here, plus the last wa which is actually ha will be hard for those that studied a bit farther.

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I once said that they should provide compound sounds. I was told they are adding them sometimes. I found this on Google, maybe it helps you to understand a little @BigBadUrsa .


In my humble opinion, every combo should be introduced just before the word it is containing (same lvl or preceeding). Also there should be some information about long vowels, maybe a level (or at least an official mem) for those…

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Shouldn’t Japanese be like in kana or something. (This levels introduces kanji)
This way it does not make any sense. How should I read this?

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Hi Atikker,

Thank you for your post. The kanji levels do not actually teach how the kanji are read. This is because as I’m sure you are aware, kanji can be read many different ways depending on the kanji it’s being presented with. The kanji levels teaches the meaning of each of each character, or rather what it represents/symbolizes. Hence there is no audio in this level. Thanks!

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I know that kanji can have several meanings. Just wanted to know why it is doubled there and suggested that the Japanese one could be in kana. What is the point of double kanji?

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I can have the ‘double’ kanji can be removed, but I can’t add the kana because this level doesn’t teach to you the ‘sounds’ of kanji, but instead shows what it represents. Thanks!


Is there any plans to teach Katakana in the Japanese Memrise course?


Level 2 - Sounds of the Native - Japanese 1 - Memrise い is missing here

Level 2 - Sounds of the Natives - Japanese 1 - Memrise in here い is present

Maybe the whole US version is bugged. It shows 0 learners although there is like 4.5k this week

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Can I ask a big favor? The courses have a lot of foreign words written in hiragana when they should be in katakana. I know you don’t want to confuse beginners in early levels with another writing system, but it feels wrong. Do the Japanese write びーる instead of ビール in real life situations? I would like to ask if you could add the katakana versions of foreign words to the accepted answers in typing exercises? (They don’t need to be shown or anything, just accept them as answer)


Hi Atikker,

Thanks for the screenshots. The reason い doesn’t exist is… because I hadn’t had the time to do it! So that’s not a bug. Apologies. I will do that today.

However the second part here is something completely unrelated and is probably a bug. (>Maybe the whole US version is bugged. It shows 0 learners although there is like 4.5k this week)
I will report it to the relevant team. Thanks!


Hi Hallgat89,

I know that Katakana stuff is extremely frustrating, and I feel exactly the same! I eventually want to have all the foreign words presented in Katakana, just the way they should be, but for the moment I don’t have the permission to do that.

What I can do now instead is to add katakana (ビール)as alternative so that when you type them in Katakana, they will still be marked correct. I will be working on this today and hopefully finish today… but please bear with me if I don’t finish them before the end of the day, as there are so many foreign ‘borrowed’ words in the course. Thanks!


Hi Xefjord,

It is definitely happening. I can’t tell you when though. Sorry!

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Hi again!

When you get ‘borrowed’ items in typing test (ie beer, wine, terminal, pink, pasta etc) you can now type the answer in Katakana and it will be marked as correct.

I know this is not as good as having the item in Katakana, but it’s the best I can do for now. Let me know if you have any problems! @Xefjord this might be relevant to you as well.


I have not had any issues with the Katakana I just want to see the Memrise course become as well rounded as possible. I think you are doing a great job and thank you for all your hard work. I noticed you mentioned before that “This level doesn’t teach the ‘sounds’ of Kanji” Do you plan on teaching the sounds of some Kanji later on? Or is it just something you learn from little box under the hiragana sentence (With the kanji included) as you go? Either way is fine so long as you include the Kanji in context to see at some point.

Maybe the higher levels will start to include some kanji within the actual sentences. Or you can keep it all in Hiragana. But the sooner you can start involving Kanji the less handicapped the users will be when moving on to actual Japanese reading. I can see where it might be somewhat of a waste of time to go over the same Kanji you learned in earlier lessons just to learn the sound. But if you include Kanji into actual sentences and have the audio of the sentence people may just learn from use (Which is the best way to do it). They already know the meaning of the Kanji so meaning of the word should not be too much of an issue (This is the same reason Heseigs RTK method is popular despite not teaching the sounds.) and they can focus on learning the sounds of the Kanji just through its use in the sentence.

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Thanks for the Katakana, I find it very convenient! Have you also changed the way ? ! ~ must be written? I never write those at the end (or front) of the sentences, but now answers are only accepted if I type them. Also could you please look into this? ~すぎます is not accepted anymore, even though I type it with japanese IME (Windows 10). So far I haven’t had this problem.

Same happens with ~に

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