[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

Hello! I’ve seen the post saying that all the verbs are in their polite form, but then why “to pay” is はらう、not はらいます? Japanese-3, Level 6.

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I really appreciate your kind words. You made my day! :hugs:


Hi Remus,

Now one answer is water (kanji), and other is water, so that you can distinguish which one you’re being tested on in MC tests. Please let me know if there are any other problems. Thanks!


Hi nybble1981,

Thank you for your comment. The inconsistencies in verb forms (polite VS casual) are being fixed in the updated courses, and no work is going to be done on the current versions I’m afraid.


hi, I just hope it’ll help to achieve some integrity, though I personally think plain forms are better for study purpose:) Also, there is かく(書く )in Japanese-3 level 15.

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I’m currently taking the Japanese 1 course and I don’t always want to use the mobile app. However when I’m on the web site instead I’ve been frustrated because there is no simple way to input the Hiragana characters that are being asked for (I’ve resorted to copy/pasting them).

What I find most confusing is when they ask for the Japanese word for the English given, sometimes they want it in Hiragana and sometimes in Romaji and it never indicates which, so I’ve been dinged several times when I choose the incorrect character set, even if I am inputting the correct word. Is this a bug or am I missing something?

Install Japanese input on your computer: https://www.coscom.co.jp/learnjapanese801/install_ime.html

After you’ll never want to go back to the mobile version. :wink:

I already figured that part out. The bigger question is how do I know if they want me to answer the question in Kana or Romaji? I keep getting dinged because half the time the review wants me to enter it one way, and half the time the other, but it always just asks for the “Japanese” without specifying which character set I should use. Is there something I’m missing?

I think only the first one or two lessons request romaji, after that it’s all hiragana. But there should be new official courses out within a week that either only use kanji/hiragana/katakana or only romaji.

I’m on Lesson 7 of Japanese 1 (“Test Run your Hiragana!”) and yesterday it asked for “thank you” and “what’s up” in romaji and “good night” and “good bye” in hiragana. That’s why I’m frustrated because it’s inconsistent and when I choose the wrong one, I get dinged and have to “review” the word again even though I know it.

It’s always difficult to make a course that suits every learner’s level. You could add the romaji as alternative answers and let the learners make the switch to respond in kanji/kana once they’re ready.

Really small thing (and it probably doesn’t matter with the new courses coming in) but in Japanese 2, Level 24, the literal translation for “He’s allergic to nuts” is missing the possessive の. I find the literal translations really helpful for piecing together the grammar, so I thought it was worth mentioning :slight_smile:

But there is nothing possessive in that sentence. “He’s” is a contraction for “He is.” If you write it out as “He is allergic to nuts,” maybe that makes it clearer?

Oh really? What’s the purpose of の in the sentence then? My knowledge only comes from the 1st and 2nd course so I rationalised it as something like “allergy belonging to nuts” :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I don’t think the possessive の belongs there. I’ve run this through a few different translation programs and none of them include a possessive.

According to Jisho, 「 ナッツアレルギー 」 (or 「なっつあれるぎー」 in Hiragana) is a separate word. I’d reckon it to be some kind of compositum, like 「電話番号」 or 「でんわばんごう」.

I can’t wait for the new levels 1-3 courses to come out. I assume it should be any day now. :slight_smile:


So I’m up to lesson 9 in Japanese 1, and here you can see it’s still asking for some words in romaji. What frustrates me is there is no indication from the web interface which character set they want (romaji or hiragana) and if I guess wrong, I get dinged and it is affecting my accuracy. Is this something that will be addressed in the future? All I’m asking for is an indication as to which character set I’m expected to use.

According to @MarikoMiz, the new versions of the Japanese 1 through 3 courses with script only are on the proverbial home stretch and should be available any day now. That new version of Japanese 1 through 3 uses only script and no roumaji. Separate versions with roumaji only are announced to follow later. So I’d suggest you wait a bit and change over to the new courses once they’re available :slight_smile:

Thanks, good to know! I guess I’ll break my streak and wait then.