[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

Hi Mariko,

As promised I went through all of Japanese 3 as a review while noting errors -

Level 36 ‘to go out for dinner’ the second half of the written text is different than the audio
Level 39 ‘cirlce; yen’ is a typo
Level 46 ‘What will the others do this afternoon?’ the text ends in maska while the audio ends in deska.
Level 32 ‘travel’ and Level 54 ‘trip’ - is ri to start each word silent? I don’t hear it in the audio for either.

There was one item I had noticed previously where the audio was completely different from the text but I didn’t find it this time so perhaps it’s already been fixed. If I come across it again I’ll let you know.

On another subject, I haven’t been able to try the ‘Meet The Natives’ mode yet despite being a Pro member. When I attempt to open them in Japanese 1/2/3 I receive either of the following messages -

I hope that’s helpful. I’m eagerly awaiting Japanese 4 and wish you well making progress towards releasing it. If you want to drop any hints about some of the topics it covers I’m very curious and am all ears :slight_smile:


I just did a bug report about the Meet the Natives issue. I was thinking it was because I was new to the course but if it doesn’t show up in the first 3 Courses at all then something is wrong.

Sorry if it has been already discussed. I am sure it has been. I am starting the japanese Course. Is it supposed to be written in hiragana s well? I tried several time to translate “What’s up” with the romaji “chiyoushi wa dou” but it does not accept it. I have to copy and the paste the thereabove hiragana. But, for the monet, onlly for that screenshot. Is it normal or is it a bug? Do I have to install IME to proceed? Also, I can’t hear sound question. I’ll be very grateful if somebody can answer. Have a great day.

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hi @amedeocastagna
I don’t know why, but “what’s up” accepts “choushiwadou” as an answer. Which is kinda confusing as later word “condition” excepts only “chiyoushi”

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I get the same - it happened after the major incident the other week. iPad app course Japanese 2 says 454 words total but web course has 455 words. iPad shows course complete, web shows 1 word to go which you can’t get at :confounded:

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hello Margita. Now I see it! I don-t understand why but it works! thankyou!

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I honestly don’t see the point of a listening exercise like this.

Is this going to continue through all 7 levels?

Hi Mariko,

I mentioned it in my comment above, but Meet The Natives is still malfunctioning for myself and at least one other user.

I also found the item I mentioned where the audio is completely incorrect. In Level 21 the entry for ‘hug me’ in the female voice plays the audio for ‘my mum also wants a watch’.

Hi Bryan,

Can you tell me which device you’re using, and which level did you have issues with Meet the Natives?

I’ve corrected the level 21. Thanks!

Hi WildSage,

If you don’t like some items/levels in the course, you can ignore words/levels by accessing the course on the web. You can find the details here: http://feedback.memrise.com/knowledgebase/articles/524618-how-do-i-ignore-words-skip-levels


Hi Bryan!

Apologies for late reply. Thank you for sending the list of errors. It’s very helpful to get feedback from users who got really far already.

Level 36: removed wrong audio, and will be uploading correct one.
Level 39: This was corrected about a couple of months ago… I checked and it looks right. Can you try logging out and then back in?
Level 46: corrected.
Level 32/54: word ‘ryokou’. The RY is not silent. As a native speaker, it never occurred to me that the ry sound was difficult to hear… I guess the KOU bit has a bigger stress.

We are looking into the issues with Meet the Natives ASAP. Thanks for your patience meanwhile!

Japanese 4 will kick off with more context-specific greetings, and will go on to talk about fixed expressions as well as some common idioms :slight_smile:

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The choushi wa dou? issue is now fixed.

If you are learning on the web version, I would advise you to install IME Japanese keyboard.

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Hi Prokonig19,

Thank you for the feedback!

  1. This is now fixed to ‘is little’

  2. I’m looking at this item and it looks fine. Are you talking about the item in Level 7 in Japanese 2?

  3. What exactly is the issue here? Can you elaborate?

Looking forward to your reply :slight_smile:

Japanese 2: Bag (ばっぐ) and office (おふぃす) doesn’t accept the matching Katakana.

Japanese 3: Level 32 (Exploration) has another bug that I’ve just spotted.

The audio and text (both Japanese) do not match. Thanks in advance.

P.S. I’m also extremely excited about the upcoming levels of Japanese.


Also, will there be any Memrise-sourced JLPT courses throughout N5 to N1? That would be great.

I am aware of how to ignore exercises. The problem is if I ignore those I won’t get the actual hiragana practice that I want. That exercise is of no use because it isn’t giving us the hiragana with the sound.

I’m afraid I can’t help you with this, as it’s how the course is designed. Sorry.

Fixed. Thanks!


Can you try logging out and logging back in for me? I found this item in database but the audio seem to match the item. I can’t find where the issues lies.

Unfortunately, for the time being we’re not considering having JLPT courses as publishing Japanese 4-7 ASAP is the top priority. But since Japanese has been so popular (Thanks to you guys!) the long-term plan is to have some sort of course, not sure yet in what format, where people who finished all 7 Japanese courses can continue with their journey.

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If anyone is having issues with Meet the Natives mode in Japanese courses, please try uninstalling & installing the app again. Thank you!