[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

So what’s the point of this thread? I was under the (apparently false) impression that it was about improving the course.

Just reporting an issue I found with Japanese 1.

I had the phrase "わたしはとてもげんきです " come up a few times now, which the romanji would be “watashi wa totemo genki desu”, right? Except whenever I try to enter that it comes up as incorrect. If I try to use “ha” instead of “wa” for “は” its STILL incorrect.

Out of curiosity I checked the mem’s to see if there was any issue on my part but each gave the answer I was providing.

in the German version, this sentence appears written in hiragana; if you want to type it in in romaji, you have to write it without spaces between words

Because writing HA is correct.
KonnichiWA == こんにちは
WatashiWA == わたしは
AnataWa == あなたは

Further info: http://www.memrise.com/course/80119/learn-basic-japanese/10/
(I started Japanese with that course and it explains beginner things much better)

Hi WildSage,

Thank you for your suggestion. This forum is indeed for gathering feedback and ultimately improving the course, and the team and I do our best; however in this instance I don’t believe that removing the test type will be beneficial for all users. That being said, there are going to be two new versions of the Japanese courses soon: full script course and romaji course. These may suit you better. I hope this helps!


“is good; can (polite)” only accepts いいです(よいです) as an answer, could you also let it accept just いいです so that it follows the logic of the other entries with parentheses?



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Lol, 頑張れ has been added to the the 3d (!) level of “Japanese 1”. IN KANJI! Don’t you think that’s pretty heavy for newcomers who are still struggling with hiragana? Considering the course avoids using katakana even where it’s needed…

So I think I found a problem in the Japanese 1 Cource lvl 3 Now in Hiragana. Where there is a newly add word that shouldn’t be there as It contains caracter that are not hiragana but kanji
-Course name: Japanese 1 lvl 3 Now in Hiragana

In Japanese 1, Level 3, it appears that a new word got added today: 頑張れ! / Good luck!

This is an unusual choice and seems to be erroneous, since never before or sense in the course is the simple hiragana form learned, nor are these two kanji in the course. Not only that, but these are extremely difficult kanji to expect a beginning Japanese student to understand.

@Ar_Worf7c, @mcmlevi

Sorry for the confusion! The item was added for testing purpose and is now removed. If you log out and log back in, you won’t see it anymore.

Hi again!

Course 3, level 3 has the word “guide book”. The answer is がいどぶっく but the correct katakana version ガイドブック is not accepted. Can you please add it? :slight_smile:

Also, level 38 has the translations for pull and push switched around. Pull should be ひく and push should be おす right? The course says the other way around. :wink:

In Japaneses - 7. “I am very well” is bugged and its repeats itself on a infinite loop .


Thank you for reporting! They both are now fixed.

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Please could you tell me your username, device name and the app version you’re using?

zero0010,I am using PC

I can’t seem to reproduce the issue… can you try the following before I report the bug?

  • Try different browser if you have one
  • Log out and log back in

I just did that still didn’t fix it. It gives me Accuracy 0% 0 pts

does matter if i can get it right every single time “current streak -1 and accuracy keeps rising” 31 points

On PC, Chrome, for Level 7 of Japanese 2 “I don’t have water” accepts just “みず” instead of the full sentence. I noticed this when typing in the sentence when I got it wrong and it accepted after typing just みず. Below is a screenshot showing the answer is accepted:

Also a question about the “water” sentences in this level: “Of course I have water” and “I don’t have water”, are these in regards to physically having water? As in, “I have water on my person” (in a bottle or something), or is it whether or not we’d like water to drink at a restaurant? “I don’t have water” meaning “I don’t want any water”? Just wondering because they’re hard to interpret on there on, and sound a bit odd if taken literally with the context of the other words and sentences in this level :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi McFadge,

Thank you for your post! The issue with みず being accepted as answer is now fixed.

Regarding your question,
‘I don’t have water’ means I don’t have any water with me (or on me)
‘Of course I have water’ is NOT yes I will have water, but it’s I (currently; already) have water.
I hope this helps!

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