[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

Hello, I can’t get past this lesson even though I entered the correct answer (?).


Thank you for your help.

This is fixed! Sorry for blocking your learning!


Thanks for your reply. I did not know there were separate courses for British and US English… or “English” and “English (US)” as it seems to be listed in Memrise. I guess this makes sense for being a British based company (which I also just learned). I’ll probably just switch over to the British English course for Japanese 2.

I still have a few questions/clarifications:

  1. Will the new Japanese courses you mentioned in November (with separate roumaji and hiragana/katakana/kanji versions) be released for both British English and US English, or will it be for British English only?

  2. Do you know when the new Japanese courses will be released? If not, do you have any updates?

For anyone else reading this wondering about how to change your language settings from English (US) to English, check out these links: Language Settings (Android); Changing Language in Search (Android); Change Language in Profile for iOS Users; Change My Website Language

Thank you for pointing this out. This is now fixed.

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Hi Phauna,

Thanks for the screenshot! This has been reported to the relevant team.

For Japanese 2, Level 16, there’s the following sentence and translation:

Does your boyfriend have a job?

I keep mistakenly providing the Japanese as:


Does this sound really weird? I read the provided Japanese as “Does your boyfriend work?”, which basically means the same thing, but whenever I see the “have” I jump for あります.

Hi McFadge,

The answer you’re providing is not not wrong, but it sounds a little unnatural :slight_smile: People will still understand what you’re trying to say though.

Hi Sirwonkerton,

I’m sorry for the confusion between English and English (US). We are currently sorting out ways to display them differently to avoid further confusion.

  1. For the time being the new Japanese course will be for British English, as well as Italian, Spanish, French, and some others.
  2. It has taken us a lot longer than we intended to. Japanese 1-3 (full script) are now ready to be uploaded, and for the time being the plan is to have them live by mid January.

Thanks for your input and happy holidays! :gift:


Japanese 3: すぺいん - has wrong attribute: 日本 (should be スペイン)

In Japanese 3 ‘to push’ has the audio ‘hiku’ and ‘to pull’ has the audio ‘osu’, ie they are the wrong way around.

fixed, thank you for reporting!

fixed, thanks for reporting!

I wasn’t able to read everything up to this point due to length and time, so I apologize if some of my issues have been resolved already, and what I was able to read was very encouraging and helpful, which actually just made me wonder if there was a way to consistently subscribe to this thread. I usually get notified if I am being directly replied to, but that doesn’t carry over to new general thread comments, unfortunately. If I can subscribe, let me know how, so I can follow this a bit more closely. As a subscriber, I’d like to keep up to date! :slight_smile:

Anyway, original reason for posting: I ran into a few more of the inaccurate kanji>hiragana translations, which I’ll post as screenshots in a second. These seem to be particularly common, just minor things, like using 寝ている in the kanji slot, while having ねています as the hiragana in the top slot. Or 読みます in the kanji slot, with the hiragana being よむ. etc. Things like that are quite common, and workable, but some of them are mismatched enough that I’m unable to research the kanji myself, and can’t really trust the given translation. There is also an issue with a translation somewhere in level 3, I’ll have to track it down again, but can’t remember which one it is :confused: that has totally wrong audio for the posted translation.
Last real issue for today is the same thing that another person mentioned well above me, where 5 of the 6 multiple choice options are in romaji, and there is only one hiragana option, or where all but 1 option is exactly the same. That makes those choices very obvious, and takes a bit of the challenge and helpfulness out of the process. Hopefully that can be resolved.
I’d also like to see more options become acceptable answers, especially for the PC version, as when free typing on my keyboard with a time limit, it’s easier for me to come up with a translation that works and even sounds more natural some of the time, rather than having to go with the EXACT translation that the program asks for. If I’m asked to spell “Where are you going?” in Japanese, and I reply with どこに行きますか?どこに行きますか? but leave out the あなたは it would be nice if both of those options were still accepted. I understand that the second one requires enabling kanji for correct answers, and would be a bit of an undertaking, but these are just maybe long term suggestions, I guess? :slight_smile:

Here is one of the ones that I couldn’t decipher myself at all because it doesn’t match up with the hiragana translation at all. If you don’t get what I’m talking about, I primarily use and reference the bottom translation in the box, where it usually displays the kanji, as that’s mostly what I’m focusing on studying right now, rather than just looking at the hiragana, which isn’t as helpful for me.

Another one from the same lesson:

This one isn’t a huge deal, but just not consistent with the bottom translation. The dialogue and hiragana are both the same, but the kanji translation leaves out あなたの. I assume the kanji translation still sounds natural in Japanese, and is technically grammatically correct.

Ah, this is the one I mentioned in my original post where the audio doesn’t match the text at all. I think the audio is something along the lines of 私のお母さんも時計を欲しがっています。

Last thing that I just remembered. My Japanese 2 course has been sitting at 436/437 words memorized for the last couple of months and I have no idea how to track down whatever word I’m missing to complete it. It’s honestly driving me crazy because I keep getting told to learn new words whenever I go back to review Japanese 2 and I don’t get the complete course award either, obviously, because I still have one more word to learn apparently… I have no idea how to solve the problem. Thanks for your help!

Can’t be bothered to tell you what lesson it is in, it’s a review. It’s in Japanese 3.

Not accepting answer. Fix please.

The amount of errors in these decks is becoming ridiculous. I genuinely would be happy to buy membership if these courses weren’t so infuriatingly inconsistent. It would be like buying a Japanese coursebook with hundreds of typos and an audio CD that didn’t match up with the book.

Wanted to note and update my above post about wrong translations. I figured out that (おす=押す) and (ひく=引く) are swapped in those translations. That’s the kind of thing that, frankly, shouldn’t be happening. I love you guys, but there are an inordinate amount of mistakes, and it’s something that should really not be happening. When they are minor differences that don’t change the meaning, I am more forgiving, but these literally mean the exact opposite of each other. I don’t want to learn that the kanji for おす=引く and that ひく=押す when that’s 100% wrong.

Hi relyat08,

Thank you for your input above! I’m going to reply to all things mentioned, but for now I will give you a quick update on おす VS ひく issue. This has been fixed earlier this week so it should now appear correctly with correct audio. If it doesn’t, please log out and log back in.