[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

All these changes sound great, thanks!

Hi hallgat89,

As a native speaker I absolutely agree with you, it’s crazy how irregular numbers can be when combined with counter words. There are some counter words even natives get wrong (ie counter words for rabbits).

I will look at Japanese 2 myself and if it’s a tech issue I will report it to the relevant team. Thanks for the patience meanwhile!


I believe there is a bug in Japanese 1. No correct answer in the following question:

should be “watashihaochiyatoko-hi-gasukidesu”. There is no “watashi” part

What is the difference between “private = 厶” and “private, me = 私” ? I am always getting the answer for 私 (わたし) wrong because I answer it as “I”.

These show up in Japanese 1, Level 12.

It’s largely speculation on my part, but here’s what I think: In Chinese script, 厶 is an older variant of 私. Because kanji were “imported” from Chinese script multiple times, I’d assume there’s a similar situation. Additionally, I’ve seen cases where more complex kanji are in everyday use replaced with simpler ones that are easier to write and read. For example, the age counter ("… years old") is 歳. But it’s often written as 才, which actually is a completely different character. From this, I’d assume that the “proper” way to refer to yourself is 私, but you might run across the easier 厶.

Be aware that we’re talking about polite speech with both variants. For other “politeness levels” like casual there are other words to refer to yourself.

私 ー private,me == Me (myself)
厶 ー private in the normal sense.
公 - public,official in the normal sense

So 私 (watashi) means the person.
(just guessing)

This is fixed now. Thank you for reporting.

@henning.kockerbeck, thank you for the explanation, this makes sense now. And also thank you @hallgat89 for your response.

Consistency again. Japanese 3 - Lesson 24.

English prompt needs to read ‘is close/near’.

Bugged Question

Hello, I’m unable to complete Japanese 2 like others have mentioned above. I’m stuck on 454/455 words on the website version.

When I click on ‘Learn’ it goes to ‘page does not exist’ 404 page.


Course 3 level 46
Do the others want to come to the beach this afternoon?

It says “ほかのひとたちはきょうのごごうみべにいきたかっていますか?” but shouldn’t this be “ほかのひとたちはきょうのごごうみべにいきたがっていますか?” (tagatteimasu instead of takatteimasu)?

Hi MarikoMiz,

Are there any updates on the development of the separate Japanese courses you mentioned in November? I’m really looking forward to having one that integrates katakana better.



I’m not sure if you still want some feedback about not accepting Katakana answers. I just now started to try and use Katakana for some answers and have found the following words not accepted in Katakana: orange, soup, and cheese. A screenshot for soup and cheese is below for reference.


After learning the hiragana in Japanese 1, the course starts asking the student, who is presumably completely new to Japanese, ridiculously long Japanese phrases. So disappointing. No explanations. I predict this course will not have too many people finish it when it uses this methodology. I know I have little chance or want to remember 8 - 10 word phrases right off when I am having enough trouble remembering the few new simple phrases learned in the first couple of modules.

I would recommend to first (or in conjunction) learn some basic Japanese grammar (using Tae Kim’s guide for instance http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar) and use Memrise for vocabulary. I agree that for grammar it’s not the best course, or the best tool in general, but I think it’s very helpful to learn words easily.


Japanese 2, Level 19, questions seem to accept just “びょういん” for “びょういんはどこですか?”

Thanks for reporting! This is now fixed.

Hi Sirwonkerton,

Reports are always greatly appreciated, so thanks a lot! (and also for the screenshots).

Alternatives (aka katakana answers being accepted as correct answers) are only implemented in the Japanese for British English course, unfortunately.


This has been fixed. Thanks for reporting!