[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

Hi kanatsumoto,

The pronouncement is not the ‘problem’, the romaji spelling is: tsete
Shouldn’t tse be te?

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Hello @ton4755,

Thank you for the further information. You are correct, and I have made the fix now. Thank you for letting me know!

This is just for your information, but we have updated Japanese courses ready for English speakers now. I’m afraid it looks like it will take a bit more time to get them ready for Danish just yet, but if you do not mind learning in English, I would recommend this updated course. The updated course teaches phrases and words with Katakana and Kanji as well, not only using Hiragana. In that way, it is a bit more practical.


Hi カナツモト,

Thanks for the fix.
Now I’m a bit puzzled, Your link brings me here: Learn Japanese on Memrise - Beginner - Japans 1 - Memrise, where it looks like I have to start all-over (Button Start learning)
On the other hand, when I click on Japans-1 on ‘my’ home screen, I get a partly Dutch page:

and on this page I don’t have to start over.
This last page is however more suitable for me, as I am Dutch, not Danish :wink:

Warm regards,


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I’m sorry, @ton4755!!
Dutch, not Danish of course!

It is a mystery to me why the link doesn’t take you to the intended page (Learn Japanese on Memrise - Japanese 1 - Memrise), I’m sorry.

Here is another way to find the same course: Course > Change your mother tongue language to Engish > Choose Japanese as the language you want to learn.


Hi kanatsumoto,

Thanks. Danish are nice people, and it is often said Denmark is as The Netherlands should be, so it’s not calling a Japanese person a Chinese :wink:
The intended page also doesn’t ‘know’ me, it also presents me with the Start learning button and I am ranked lowest with 0 points.

Being Dutch, isn’t Learn Japanese on Memrise - Beginner - Japans 1 - Memrise a better idea?

Warm regards,


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Hi @ton4755,

Apologies for the confusion my suggestion is causing!

The Japanese course for English speakers and for Dutch speakers are actually two different courses… and that is why your progress in the Dutch course will not be reflected in the English course. When I originally saw your question on “て”, I blindly assumed that you had just started the course, and restarting the English course would not cause too much duplicated learning. But I can see from your other screenshot that you are over 25% into the Dutch course. In this case, staying with the Dutch course seems better, so that you don’t have to go over the basic steps again.

The Dutch course will obviously be in your language and that is another benefit.

The reason I suggested the English course was because this course also includes Kanji and Katakana. The Dutch course only teaches with Hiragana. So there is a difference there.

I will leave it up to you which course you rather learn with. I think with either option will work for you :blush:

I hope I have’t confused you too much!


Hi kanatsumoto,

The confusion is just starting alas… It is the English page Learn Japanese on Memrise - Japanese 1 - Memrise

that wants me to start all over again, not the Dutch page Learn Japanese on Memrise - Beginner - Japans 1 - Memrise, that one recognises me.
As I like to learn kanji, katakana and hiragana, I better stay at the English course, the new one. But that one does not seem to know me…

Warm regards,


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Hi @ton4755,

I’m sorry for the confusion again!

The reason why the English course will not have your learning progresses on your Dutch course is because they are completely different courses that do not share items. You will have to start from the beginning on the English course, I’m afraid.

There is a way to “ignore” items so that you won’t have to learn or be tested on them. You might want to try this function if you find some items too easy now that you have learnt them on a different course.

This talks you through how you do this

Let me know if I can help you further!


There is an error in Japanese 1, Level 6 (I Come In Peace) which causes the correct selection of “desu” and “masu” as the (politeness particles) to be listed as “incorrect”.

I hope this is the place to post this; gomen if it isn’t!

Hi Kana,

As promised, another hiragana entry I stumbled upon that can also be written with kanji:

まっすぐ -> 真っ直ぐ

Hi @BenMorton1cef6f8d98,

Thank you for letting me know about this! It should be fixed now, could you try and see if it works now?


Hi @88Timothy,

Thank you for this! Actually, I would write this in Hiragana as a Japanese native. Did you learn it in Kanji elsewhere?


One of the other courses uses kanji for the primary spelling, but it’s good to know hiragana is most common, thanks!

Still, I like learning the kanji if there’s a remote chance I will ever stumble upon it, since the hiragana is easy to remember anyway. :slight_smile:

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Hi kanatsumoto,

Excuses for the late reply. I’ll leave it as is for the moment, difficult enough :wink:

Hi kanatsumoto,

The tse - te ‘problem’ is indeed fixed on the web-app, but still persistent in the adroid one (and maybe for iOs too).

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こんにちは Kanatsumoto!
Here is some more feedback as requested (sorry, writing in romanji for ease)
Japanese 2
these are prompts which I think have more than one correct answer:

  • JUST - dake / tada
  • HOUSE, HOME - ie / uchi
  • HUSBAND - otto, shujin
  • WIFE - tsuma, kanai, okusan
  • WHY - naze, doshite
  • HERE IT IS - koko ni arimasu, koko desu, douzo
  • ADULT - seijin, otona
  • KISS - kisusuru, chuusuru/shimasu
  • THAT’S MY FAVOURITE - are, sore?
  • TRAIN STATION - denshanoeki, eki

then there are some questionable answers:

  • PAST - sugi? it should at least have (telling time) in brackets
  • DOCTOR - isha is far more common than ishi, isn’t it?
  • IS IT VEGETARIAN? - if the answer is koreha… - then the prompt should be: IS THIS…
  • the same with WHAT A SHAME - if the answer is soreha… - then the EN should be THAT’S…
  • TO CALL SOMEONE - not clear it’s a phone call!
  • shouldn’t MUM be haha e DAD be chichi, then MOTHER okaasan and FATHER otousan?

and finally, there’s an A missing in this sentence:
" he doesn’t have girlfriend, so he’s a little sad "

Japanese 3

  • SUBJECT - kamoku - this is a new word for me, but I learn nothing from this. Subject in what sense? In what context?
  • YET (more) yet (another) - kore ijyou - how about: beyond that, moreover? - this is the sort of expression I don’t think it makes sense to learn separate from a sentence
  • DAMN - I wrote shimatta and it accepted it as correct even thought the voice says chikushou

and these are prompts which I think have more than one correct answer:

  • WAY - michi, kata
  • SOMETIMES - tokidoki, tamaniha
  • ALREADY - sudeni, mou
  • DON’T WORRY - shinpai shinaide, ki ni shinaide
  • TO STOP - tomarimasu, tomeru…
  • ACTUALLY (FACT iS) - jissai, jitsuha

I could not find the place to put this question, so I created a new post. But, I will presume it will end up in the right place anyway :smiley:
Ok, so on to the question… Why is it written in this course, Hanashimasu, and Hanase masu. The space in between Hanase and masu, yet there is no space for Hanashimasu. I find this odd.
Is it supposed to be this way, if so, this is even more odd. An option should be available to write this in either way, Hanashimasu or Hanashi masu, and the same for Hanasemasu or Hanase masu.
And before I go, I am confused with Sukoshi desu, Sukoshi already means “a little” why add desu to it. Or is this something to do with politeness, which I may add is not really needed either way. Just an observation.
Great course, Enjoyed Japanese #1 and enjoying #2 as well. Suteki desu :smiley:

Same course, different question.

watashi wa eigo o hanase masu - I speak English

Hmmm, Hanasemasu. - can speak… So, in all that we have learned, or will learn on this course is that Watashi wa eigo o hanase masu actually means… I can speak English.
Please confirm this. Seems redundant to teach us Hanashimasu means “to speak” when we use Hanasemasu anyways,

Please tell me this is right, and it makes sense. Because to me, it does not translate in to English for me very well at all.

Maria san wa nihon go ga jōzu desu - Ms. Maria, you speak Japanese well.

To me is should be - Maria san wa Nihon go o jozu hanashimasu
I understand Nihon go means Japanese language, so would this make the above phrase, casual ??? And, as a result, not look, sound or feel right to me.

Well in Japanese, there are no spaces to begin with. But I feel Hansemasu as one word seems better too.

Yes ‘desu’ is just to add a tone of politeness in sentences (like masu) and can be omitted an place. But I do not find it unneeded, for the polite tone is an essential part of Japanese speech. And it is still dominant in usage when talking to strangers or fellow colleagues.

To help you understand this sentence, I would say its literal translation is: "As for Maria-san (Maria-san wa) the Japanese is proficient (go ga jōzu desu).
And no, the sentence you gave is still polite, for it has “masu”, the polite form of verbs.