[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

I guess this is only for the US course? I never use spaces or ~ for that matter and it never complained.

That being said, IMO it should just accept either です or ます as well.

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Thank you very much for all the corrections you made so far!

But I found some more inconsistencies in Japanese 3 for German learners :wink:

Level 35:

居間に椅子は何脚ありますか? Here the male speaker's pronounciation of 椅子は is very hard to understand, it sounds more like "sua". Is this intended?

〜の外 The audio and the Furigana just say soto, the no is omitted.

Level 36:

私達は山へ行きます: In the audio, furigana and literal translation the particle "ni" is used, not "he". Also there's a typo in the German translation, it should be "_wir_ gehen zum Berg"

Level 37:

私達は博物館に行ってから居酒屋に行きます: In the audio, furigana and literal translation "kara" is missing. (or is the kara too much in the written sentence?)

他の人達は今日の午後海辺に行きたがっていますか?: 午後 is missing in the audio
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Hi Kana,

Would it be possible to let some of the questions also accept “obscure” kanji in the non-multiple-choice questions? Even when it’s not the most common way to write words, I think it’s helpful to still allow people to learn the kanji, as they can also be used in everyday life sometimes.

Some examples:
下さい (saw this in Japan all the time)
醜い (this one was even changed so I made a mistake during review)
御 in general

If you think this is a good idea I can report more of them as I go through my reviewing.

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came across the ~ です ; ~ます problem again. And no, it marks it also as wrong if you just use です or ます with or without the ~. It might be that extra space that will mark it wrong.

That is only in the Japanese 1, US version. I did the British Japanese 1 version when it was released and did not come across this problem. Also it does accept using only です or ます.

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I thought the UK version also didn’t accept just “です”. Good to know!

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Unless it was changed it should still work like that for the British Japanese version. Like I said I started that one a long time ago.

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Hello @GabrieleCramer-Knebe, Hi @ToastyStoemp

Thank you for flagging this! Yes, you’re right, there seems to have been an error in the Japanese course for US English. I have fixed this now, so you will see the change if you once log out and log in again. I’m sorry for the inconvenience!


Hello @Scintilla,

Thank you for flagging them, and thank you for your very clear information them.

I have fixed most of them, but the ones that do not match the audio will temporarily remain without the audios until we have them recorded by our voice specialists. You should be able to see the changes once you log out and log in again :slight_smile:

For the following item,

the unclearness is due to the nature of our language I’m afraid. Becuase of the neighbouring words ending and starting with similar sounds (“ima ni isu wa”), the whole thing will sound like “ima nisua” in real conversation. The female voice is slower, but the male audio is what you will actually hear said in normal situations, so we left the item like that. I know that we are not doing much of that in other items, but since we don’t have a native video for this item, we’d like to leave this as it is for now. We might change it when we get the video though!

Thank you very much for your feedback!


Hi @88Timothy,

That is a good idea, thank you! We are now trying to make the marking system accept other correct answers, and once we have the technology ready, I will add those kanji variations of the items as other accepted answers.

The system is not yet ready, and I’m afraid you will not see them just yet, but if you send me over lists, I will take note of them. Being a Japanese native myself, I should be able to figure out most of the necessary ones myself though, so don’t worry too much! I’d rather you spent time on more fun stuff than listing up kanji variations for me :blush:



Hi @GabrieleCramer-Knebe, Hi @88Timothy,

As 88Timothy mentioned, です or ます alone will not be accepted as correct answers at the moment. This will hopefully be changed when we have the system to make the marking algorithm more flexible.

But also, the current way of teaching です and ます as politeness markers is not very accurate, so this item itself may be changed in the future courses…


That’s great, thanks!

Haha but I’m having a blast going through kanji variations! :yum:

I’ll just let you know when something catches my attention!

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I don’t think that’s a bug, ‘ha’ is often pronounced as ‘wa’, as in こんにちは - konnichiwa.

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I noticed the same on tse for (て), isn’t that a memrise typo?
On the subject of ‘o’, を is only used to denote a direct object.

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it’s only pronounced as wa if it is the subject particle

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My experience with the pronunciation of を as ‘o’ vs ‘wo’ is that it tends to be contextual and regional.

It is true that it will only be pronounced ‘o’ as a particle and not in the middle of a word. Even then though, sometimes it will be ‘wo.’ :slight_smile:

Note: My comment is not necessarily useful in a scholarly sense, but it will be useful in understanding people when you talk to native speakers. Someone speaking the Kanto dialect will likely not only say ‘o’ but a lot of other stuff will be kind of pushed together and blended.

A person speaking the Kyushu dialect however, will likely extend their ‘u’ sounds, and pronounce ‘wo’ very clearly.

Kansai-ben is just interesting to listen to, even for native Japanese speakers.


The first time I was watching a Japanese TV show, and realized that the sub titles were just translating Kansai-ben to “regular” Japanese, I was kind of amazed. :slight_smile:


I am reading back through the forums having posted a while ago, and I just want to say how awesome it is to have such a contributing community and responsive and dedicated person working on the product. It’s so cool to see people suggesting changes and having them so quickly integrated!

Thanks, Kana and team!

The reason I am back looking through the forums is that I logged out and back into the iOS app to get the most recent changes, and it looks like all my progress was lost. Any thoughts?

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Hello @colinr,

Thank you for your message! Our team is doing what we can to best attend to all the issues. We may be sometimes short in capabilities, but we will try our best! I’d like to thank everyone’s contribution to making this app better :blush:

As for your issue of losing your progress, I think we need to look into this further. Could you direct message me your user id, and also which items you are referring to when you say you have lost your progress? For example, have all the items been reset to un-learned state? or Have you lost your learning streaks? Such details will help us resolve this issue faster. Thank you!


Hi @ton4755,

You’re right that it is not a bug, but it is rather about something in the Japanese language. Although some people now write こんにち, the Japanese word for Hello is often written as こんにち, despite being pronounced konnichiwa. This is because the in こんにちは is a topic particle, as in わたし (I am). It is assumed that this greeting originally came from a fuller sentence「今日は。。。」(Today is…), and that’s why it is written how it’s written.


Hi again @ton4755,

Could you give me further details on the possible typo of て? Unlike は or を. て should always be pronounced as te. So if you’ve found instances where it is pronounced differently, I should probably check that!


Hello @burlingk,

Apologies for my late reply! I checked this and I’m afraid you cannot disable Speed Review coming up automatically as “Next” exercise. But you can still choose to skip it by reselecting what you want to do instead from the four dots you see by the “Next” tab. I’m sorry it will take you that extra step though…