Japanese #2

I could not find the place to put this question, so I created a new post. But, I will presume it will end up in the right place anyway :smiley:
Ok, so on to the question… Why is it written in this course, Hanashimasu, and Hanase masu. The space in between Hanase and masu, yet there is no space for Hanashimasu. I find this odd.
Is it supposed to be this way, if so, this is even more odd. An option should be available to write this in either way, Hanashimasu or Hanashi masu, and the same for Hanasemasu or Hanase masu.
And before I go, I am confused with Sukoshi desu, Sukoshi already means “a little” why add desu to it. Or is this something to do with politeness, which I may add is not really needed either way. Just an observation.
Great course, Enjoyed Japanese #1 and enjoying #2 as well. Suteki desu :smiley:

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise