[Course Forum] Italian courses by RoyGBiv

In the weather course Level 2

to be fine weather = fare bel tempo

Added It’s fine weather and It is fine weather as hidden alternatives (seems more what I would say!)

It is awkward to say. I expect the difficulty he had is saying it in the infinitive as strictly ‘It’s fine weather’ etc would be third person present tense and so be ‘fa bel tempo’ whereas the Italian is the infinitive version. Perhaps the present tense in Italian should also be a hidden alternative if you think people will write that rather than the infinitive.

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I like the idea of changing the Italian to “Fa bel tempo

Presumably we can move the original to a seen alternative.

The English also gets swapped.

Does that sound a good idea to you - if I have understood you correctly?

If we are going to change the original to fa bel tempo and it’s fine weather - I wouldn’t even bother putting in the infinitive versions. I would also change the other one - to be bad weather to fa brutto tempo and it’s bad weather. This then matches the others in the level - eg it’s hot - fa caldo. which also come from the verb fare which he chose to do in present tense.
We might want to consider alternative English versions though eg it’s foul weather, it’s bad weather and it’s fine weather, it’s nice weather plus dupicates with ‘it is’ as you have already mentioned.

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I’ve just done some extra alterations to the English where there are commas between words on the religion course - all now have individual alternatives. Hopefully now that course is fully foolproofed!!

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Thanks for doing all that.

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I have now been through the Geography course.

I’ve added all the parts of speech and put alternatives without the definite article in the Italian plus done separate alternatives for any items comma separated in either Italian or English.

As there is no gender column in this course where nouns do not end in the typical ‘o’ or ‘a’ and the article doesn’t show the gender I have added this to the Italian.

Level 2 - added alternatives to the directions with hyphens and spaces as these are valid in online dictionaries eg sudest / sud est / sud-est plus added alternatives with articles as these directions can be nouns.

L3 - alternatives for Jugoslavia / Nord America / Sud Africa / Sud America

L4 / 5 - clarified nouns/ adjectives

L6 - added missing region Le Marche and clarified the regions. All have articles and non article alternatives.

Given alternatives with articles to the nationalities as these can be adjectives and nouns. Just added masculine articles - the female version not always used. Added feminine adjectives.

Hopefully any bugs will be catered for now!

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Brilliant, many thanks for enhancing that course @sandslane.

I have been working on some other Italian courses but I look forward to returning to @RoyGBiv’s Geography course.

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Can you add me to the physical world - and I’ll do the same to that course.


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Thanks Sandslane, just have. Another of my favourite courses.

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I have been through the Physical World one now doing the same as the Geography course.

I have added weeping willow as a new word - there was a willow, weeping willow one but the Italian was really just willow. I have added the word tree as an alternative for all the trees eg beech, beech tree. The fruit ones already had tree however there are occasions where you might refer to a fruit tree without the word tree so have added it without as an alternative.

I have put both spellings for olive tree - olivo/ulivo.

plus added some extras to the English eg inlet to cove/insenatura. There were 2 palude so have deleted one.

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I have been through the Physical World course now doing the same as the Geography course.

Many thanks @Sandslane, that’s great and much appreciated. I’ll have to go back to watering those courses.

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Good morning @lien, please could you contact @roygbiv and ask him if he would also accept me as a Contributor on this course:

Food and Drink ~ Cibo e Bevande - by roygbiv - Memrise

. Thanks. (He has 10M points but hasn’t been here.)

Level 8 - Cream has la panna for the Italian but both the audio files say la crema.

Both are correct so could “la crema” be added as a VISIBLE alternative please?

Hi - I think panna is the word for cream - crema is a type of cake according to word reference and also used for things like face cream.

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Thanks @sandslane, interesting.

It does seem that mostly Crema is ‘in use’ eg custard, but my old dictionary (and elsewhere) accepts it as cream and it is also there in the audio file!

It is difficult finding the common usage word. I have just looked in Linguee which has loads of examples. There are more sentences using panna for ‘normal cream’ though there are some examples of crema being used.

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Thanks for doing the research. Perhaps it’s best left as it is.

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We have two entries:

La prungna = plum, prune and

la susina = plum

Personally I have always used la prugna for plum and la prugna secca for prune.

I do see that Susina is plum.

I wonder if Plum should be la prugna, la susina and Prune should be la prugna secca?

What do you think @roygbiv & @sandslane?

I would definitely use prugna secca for prune.

As far as prugna and susina are concerned i found a word reference topic. It’s all down to variety. It seems to indicate that both would generally be understood but prugna is more commonly used. Susina can also be damson.

I would tend to put prugna as the answer with susina as a visible alternative. You could change the susina entry to damson with plum as an alternative answer if you are doing reverse testing.
I certainly would not put them both in the main answer as this causes problems with duo’s colour change system. To get the answer correct and the colour change you would then have to write both in the right order with the comma. It’s a nightmare when you have two correct answers in the main box. Putting susina as an alternative for plum would mean you could get either correct and to get the colour change you would get chances to write the more common prugna one.