[Course Forum] Italian courses by RoyGBiv

Please use this thread for any ITALIAN courses by RoyGBiv.



Although @roygbiv is currently not active here, @DW7 and @sandslane and others are supporting many of his Italian courses.

The ones which we are actively supporting are easily identified by the TITLE appearing in BOTH English and Italian.

If you find any typos, have problems or questions etc about any of the Italian courses by RoyGBiv we are supporting, please post them here.

Please tell us:

i) which course (by giving a link),

ii) and if possible, which level the problem is in

iii) and of course the issue.

Please also report errors in other of RoyGBivā€™s Italian courses as these may be considered for support by one of us or another contributor.

Hi @DW7 can you clarify a word in the geography course you support level 4 - American - which is statunitense. One American is clarified (of the continent) can you add something to indicate of the united states for the other - Iā€™ve just come to it after a break and couldnā€™t decide which answer to put and ended up putting the wrong one! Thanks.


Nice to hear from you @sandslane and well done in finding this forum thread.

I havenā€™t done that level and I agree with you.

An on-line ā€˜translateā€™ site says ā€œUSā€ and I have changed it to ā€œAmerican (States)ā€. which I think is a good explanation and will help users. (Hope you approve.)

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Hi again - can you correct a spelling in the religion course by roygbiv? I hadnā€™t thought about it till I had to do the word in reverse . Level 2 and level 17 the English for synagogue is spelt with an i instead of y.


also level 22 la rabbia - anger - any chance you could add rage as an English alternative

Hi @sandlane

the English for synagogue is spelt with an i instead of y.

Amended to ā€œyā€.

la rabbia - anger - any chance you could add rage

Both Anger and Rage should be accepted now.

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Thanks for the quick alterations - some other thoughts (sorry to be pain) which I have come across - L1 Itā€™s is difficult to distinguish adjectives and nouns - words Iā€™m thinking of are agnostic / atheist / mystic / pagan could you add noun or adj in brackets to distinguish the others have capitals (eg Buddhist. Catholic) so if you are on the ball you can think noun - but an addition here would be welcome. also in L1 there are 4 where you have to put feminine - Buddhist / zionist/ protestant/ Mormon it would really help if it was in full ie il buddista / la buddista -which it is with some of the others in this level. I make so many mistakes just putting the masculine version. L16 could you add Hebrew to Jew for lā€™ebreo. L18 - sagrestia - could also be sacristy as well as vestry.

just noticed there must be a column for part of speech as there are some references to noun etc in levels so it should be easy just to add to that column although a bit time consuming. Iā€™m just in the process of clarifying a couple of abandoned Italian courses where Iā€™m adding to that column!

Iā€™ll have to give this some thought @sandslane.

Actually it would be nice if @roygbiv was active here as this may be more of a structural change. I am not sure if he is still active on MemRise either.

As you are a Contributor to many other Italian courses perhaps you could ask [email protected] if they could contact him with a view to adding you as a Contributor, then you could make the changes yourself.

OK - the changes memrise made to the ability to contact people via courses have made it really difficult! I thought you were in contact with roygbiv but I suppose if it was only via course forums and he hasnā€™t signed up to the new forum you canā€™t tell if heā€™s active, I will contact memrise when Iā€™ve finished these last 2 courses Iā€™m checking or I will be overwhelmed!

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perhaps in the meantime you could correct a spelling for me - L10/25 ayatollah - also has an h at the end in the Italian

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I assume you mean it should have an ā€œhā€ in the Italian. How strange to have that! No problem - done.

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Hi @sandslane

it would really help if it was in full ie il buddista / la buddista

Personally I would not do ā€œil/la buddistaā€ I would do ā€œil buddista, la buddistaā€ so either is accepted. As this is what you are saying, I am happy to do that. Done.

the others have capitals (eg Buddhist. Catholic) so if you are on the ball you can think noun

All with a definite article are now with a capital (UC) start. The others are all now LC. Hope you approve.

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Hi @sandslane re:

L1 Itā€™s difficult to distinguish adjectives and nouns - words Iā€™m thinking of are agnostic / atheist / mystic / pagan could you add noun or adjective in brackets to distinguish the others have capitals (eg Buddhist. Catholic) so if you are on the ball you can think noun - but an addition here would be welcome.


@sandslane is now a contributor to RoyGBivā€™s Italian/ Religion course (mentioned above).

Iā€™ve made a few updates to the religion course -


L7 - collection - la colletta added la questua as an alternative. seven deadly sins - filled out the 2nd half so it says I sette peccati mortali rather than just mortali.

L9 - changed il/la credente - to il credente/la credente

L10 changed il/la martire to il martire/la martire

L18 added sacristy as alternative to vestry

L22 added the great flood & great flood as alternatives to the flood.

L27 am wondering about whether to add (zodiac) in brackets to the Italian to the ambiguous ones eg scorpione/ leone/gemelli/bilancia/pesci/ariete/aquario/toro - as these all have other meanings actually itā€™s most of them! In a rush it is easy to put the other eg scorpion instead of scorpio.

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Just added alternative capital sin to deadly sin - il peccato capital and flood (hidden -without the article for the flood - diluvio universal.

Wondering if you could add me as contributer to geography or do some updates - I keep getting the trees wrong as sometimes the word tree is used and other times not eg cherry tree / hazel. I thought I could add the word tree as an alternative to all the tree words. I think there are a couple of other things as well but would have to go back to the course to look to remind me!

Likewise the weather course.

_both roygbiv courses

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I have now added all the nouns in the religion course as hidden alternatives minus the article. Also added la pigrizia - for accidia - sloth which in word reference dictionary is recorded as one of the sins, crocefisso alternative spelling for crocifisso, and predicatrice feminine of predicatore. Think Iā€™ve sorted everything now!

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Thanks again for your support.

Hi - Iā€™ve been through the weather course now.

I have added all the parts of speech and gender to every word.

I have added hidden alternatives to the Italian nouns without the definite article and with articles for days and weeks of months as there are occasions when you would put an article in front of them and for those where the word can be noun or adj.

I have added hidden feminine version adjectives.

I have added hidden separate alternatives where there are 2 choices - to bug proof!

Other changes :-

L2 - secco alternative to dry, (lack of light) clarification to buio or it could have been cupo, gray sky alternate spelling of grey, icy added to freezing, tempest to storm.

L3 -solleggiato and assolato to pieno di sole, torrential rain to pouring rain (direct translation of pioggia torrenziale),

L4 - diluviare added to piovere a dirotto

L5 - weather bulletin added to weather report, meteorological conditions to weather conditions (both possible translations),
(substance) clarification to mercury, (of ice) and (of water) clarifications to melting point/boiling point - as the phrases would be completely different if they were general.

L6 - bolt of lightning to flash of lightning - il fulmine and flash to lightning - il lampo - to help distinguish them more as I believe they are often interchangeable, tempest added to storm (this must be a duplicate of level 2).

L8 - cloud bank to bank of clouds and Italian alternative - banco di nubi & banco di nuvole - Iā€™m suspicious about fronte di nubi as I canā€™t find it anywhere! Have left it though. banco di ghiaccio alternative for ice-floe, nube and nuvola are interchangeable - so have done the opposite version where it occurs. Dark clouds - alternatives with scure also. menacing clouds added to threatening clouds.

link to course - http://www.memrise.com/course/73396/the-weather-il-tempo/

Now the bugs have been repaired by memrise letā€™s hope it stays that way!


Thank you for these improvements and for listing them.

I more change in weather

L9 covered in snow, snow-covered added to snow-capped - to help with reverse testing - these translations also listed in online dictionaries.
L8 sdrucciolevole added alternative to scivoloso
L3 - persistent rain added to downpour

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