[Course Forum] Italian 1-7 by Memrise

Splendido! Grazie mille, Matilde :slight_smile:

OlĂĄ Andrea.

Tudo bom?

Obrigado pela mensagem e desculpe a demora.

Vamos lĂĄ:
NĂ­vel 5-21
-VocĂȘ- fez uma bagunça = -Ho- fatto un casino

Tem razĂŁo. O correto seria “Eu” ao invĂ©s de “VocĂȘ”. JĂĄ corrigi.

NĂ­vel 7-22
I costi = os cursos

O correto Ă© “os custos”. JĂĄ corrigi.

NĂ­vel 6.24
Acertar = azzeccarci ou azzeccare?

“Azzeccarci” Ă© o verbo intransitivo de “Acertar”.
“Azzeccare” geralmente leva um objeto após o verbo (verbo transitivo).

Adicionamos uma tradução literal (“Acertar-lá”), mas seguimos pensando em uma maneira de deixar esta palavra mais clara no curso.

  • Serratura:
    Tem razĂŁo. JĂĄ trocamos para fechadura.

Muito obrigado pelos comentĂĄrios sempre pertinentes! =)

Bons estudos!


Italian 3 Lesson 19: One of the phrases is “Suo fratello studia all’università”. Your translation is “My brother studies at the university”. It seems that “My” should be “His/Her” or “Suo” should be “Mio”. Do you agree?


Memrise Italian 3 Lesson 4 “Getting Fed”: You introduce la mancia as the tips. Why is the English plural while the Italian is singular? It seems that the English transalation should be the tip. Conversely, isn’t it legitimate to say le mance for the tips? Thanks.


Yes you’re absolutely right. I’ve now changed my for his and the tips for the tip (money) as mancia is only used for the one you leave at the restaurant, not as “suggestion”.

Thanks for reporting this! Much appreciated!


Memrise Italian 3 Level 17 (web version): There’s a typo on the page that introduces â€œĂ© alto un metro e
settantacinque”. The literal English says “
(centimetees)” rather than “

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Memrise Italian 3 Level 18 (web version): La cattedrale: the Italian includes “la” but the English is just “cathedral”. Shouldn’t the English be “the cathedral”?

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Thanks for spotting these. I actually deleted the ‘(centimetres)’ from the literal translation as it’s not part of the Italian anyway, and added the determiner to ‘cathedral’.


Ciao Matilde.

Un altro quesito

Italian 6 - Level 10: Sports on screen
oggi giorno 
 in this day and age 

Credo che “oggigiorno” (senza lo spazio) sia utilizzato molto piĂč spesso, ma non viene accetata per me.

Grazie ancora :blush:

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Hi, question for Italian 2 here (US English source language). In Level 2, there are 2 phrases,

‘non ho acqua’ - I don’t have any water


‘certo che ho dell’acqua’ - of course I have some water

I’m curious as to why the first phrase would not use ‘dell’acqua’ since it is saying ‘I don’t have any water’. I would think without the ‘dell’’ in front that it would just say ‘I don’t have water’, and even then, it is just using ‘acqua’ instead of ‘l’acqua’.

Is there something I’m missing here? Can anyone help?

I have found the course, Italian 7, by created Memrise, extremely useful. Thank you!

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I’ve completed 1-7 Italian. What next? How can I increase the number of words (currently about 1,500)?


Ciao Matilde

Italian 7 - Level 31 Fuel Your Vocab

  • realizzare - to realise

I think the English translation is rather misleading; by far the most common usage of the English “realise” would be equivalent to either “accorgersi” or “rendersi conto”, while “Realizzare” would be better translated as “to carry out, achieve, or realise”.

Cosa ne pensa? :confused:

Grazie in anticipo

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Italian - German Course 1

mi chiamo is translated with “mein Name ist 
” the correct translation would be “ich heiße”. “mein Name ist” would be “il mio nome ù”.

The phrase “non mi piace 
” is translated to “ich nicht mag 
” the correct translation would be “ich mag 
 nicht” as the negation is after the verb.


@MatildeBC , In Italian 1, there are lessons numbered 1-14, however, lessons 2 and 5 are missing. What happened to them?

Back with another one in Italian 3:

devi mostrare il passaporto in aeroporto

has the translation

“you have to show your passport in the airport”

but suo or tuo is not present in the sentence (but suo shows up in tapping tests), so the ‘your’ part doesn’t make any sense. Either the phrase should change to

devi mostrare il suo passaporto in aeroporto

or the translation should just say ‘the passport’ instead of ‘your passport’.

Ciao Pietro,

Thanks for your suggestion. I’ve added the translation “to achieve” to it.


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Thanks a lot for your input! I’ll get my German colleague to take a look at it. @mario2189


Apologies for that
 they’re actually not missing and you haven’t lost any of the content. The reason is that in app we’ve added a new chat mode feature, so the course (in app) now shows chats at level 2 and 5 of Italian 1. As a result, because web doesn’t support the chat mode yet, you don’t see chats and it looks like you’re missing levels when in fact what was level 2 is now 3 and what was level 5 is now 6. We’re working to get the chat mode available on web too :smiley: Thanks for your question!


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Thanks a lot for flagging this issue, I’ve just corrected it!