[Course Forum] Italian 1-7 by Memrise

The reason is that in Italian you wouldn’t say devi mostrare il TUO passaporto in aeroporto (btw, suo wouldn’t work there because devi is informal you and the possessive for that is tuo, suo could be used if it was deve). On the other hand, saying you have to show THE passport at the airport in English would sound as wrong. Once again, the literal translation is there to help you see the difference between the way the target language (IT) works and the way the same expression is manifested in the source language (EN). :slight_smile:



Well done!!!:tada:
So, we’re planning to update the courses and add new vocab to them. At the same time, we’re launching new features that will help you practice the items you’ve learned as well as introducing you to new vocab. In the meantime, have you thought about giving a go to another language? :stuck_out_tongue:


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Thanks Matilde! I have to remind myself a lot that the Itailan phrase and the literal translation are not always supposed to match.

Italian - German Course 2

la cosa is translated to “das Ding”. Well “Ding” is not really standard language and a better translation would be “die Sache”.

e.g. cosa corte = Gerichtssache in German

Ciao @MatildeBC

As a result, because web doesn’t support the chat mode yet,

Have you thought of adding a “Multimedia” level between those levels, because as I understand it, they show on the web (making the numbering correct) but don’t show (or display) on the app version.

The web multimedia level could say that this level is a “chat” level on the app and will shortly be available on the web version.

Che ne pensi!

Cc @benton.1


Ciao @MatildeBC,

Forgive my ignorance (and if it’s been asked before) but in MemRise Italian 1, Level 3, what is wrong with my answer?

to call (oneself)” = “chiamarsi

I wrote: “mi chiamo” (Literally “myself I call”).

PS I have now found this one:

my name is” is given as "mi chiamo … "
although literally it is “il mio nome è …” (name =nome).

Italian 6 Level 14 “The Sanatorium”; One of the screens uses Meet the Natives and the lady in the video says “Il paziente deve evitare cibo poco sano” but none of the four English choices matches this (the correct translation is something like “The patient must avoid unhealthy food”). I’ll select the second choice (highlighted in the screenshot below) since it is a phrase from this lesson, but it clearly doesn’t match what the native says!


Ciao @MatildeBC,

In MemRise Italian 1, Level 4: “sick” = “ammalato”

I wrote: “malato”. Is this wrong or would you accept that as an alternative? I have always used that and many dictionaries give both.

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Ciao @MatildeBC,

In MemRise Italian 1, Level 6: “la verdura” = “the vegetable”

However isn’t it strictly (or also) “the vegetableS” (plural)?

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“The patient must avoid unhealthy food”

Yes, @bushaw, I agree.

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Italian 6 Lesson 12 (for English speakers learning Italian): There is the sentence “mio marito disse ‘speriamo di non perderci’” and the English translation is given as “my husband said ‘I hope we don’t get lost’”. It seems that “I hope” is not the correct translation for “speriamo”; shouldn’t it be “speriamo” with “we hope” or “spero” with “I hope”?

thanks for flagging this, I’ll get @mario2189 to look at this as soon as possible (he’s on holiday atm)!


We’re currently exploring ways of bringing the web app up to pace with the mobile one. Thank you very much for your suggestion, it sounds like a valid placeholder for the moment!


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Ciao @DW7,

I’m not sure I understand the issue here. Chiamarsi is the infinitive form and it means “to be called/to call (oneself)”. Mi chiamo is the 1st person singular in the present tense and it means “I’m called/my name is”. You’re right saying that “my name is” in Italian literally is il mio nome è, but when we introduce ourselfs in Italian, we don’t say that, we say Mi chiamo… (lit. myself I call).

Please let me know if it’s still unclear :blush:

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Hi @bushaw,

Thanks for reporting this! The issue is now fixed :smiley:


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Both issues with malato and verdura are fixed. Thanks for spotting them!


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Hi @bushaw,

Yeah the translation can’t be exactly the same because in English something like My husband said “we hope we don’t get lost” sounds odd, but the same thing applies to Mio marito disse “Spero che non ci perdiamo/di non perderci”. Maybe try to use the lit translation to help you remember? That’s what I do in these situations :slight_smile: I know it can feel annoying at first, but I also think that’s the beauty of knowing how different languages work, isn’t it? :blush:


Yes there is a lot like that eg “Black and White” = “Bianco e Nero” !

However as @bushaw says, for

There is the sentence “mio marito disse ‘speriamo di non perderci’” and the English translation is given as “my husband said ‘I hope we don’t get lost’”. . . . shouldn’t it be “speriamo” with “we hope”

I would have said "my husband said ‘Let’s hope we don’t get lost’ " which might solve the issue.

Che ne pensi?


Yeah! That’s a great suggestion actually! Hahaha! I should have thought about it :sweat_smile:

Thanks @DW7


Happy to help @MatildeBC. BTW Have you seen my PM?