[Course Forum] Italian 1-7 by Memrise

The fellow (“Luca”) in the “Learn with Locals” video for “to retire” says “non vede l’ora di andare in pensione” (which is another phrase in this lesson). This is not one of the multiple choice answers available. I click on “to retire” (which is one of the options) and it is scored as correct. This erroneous video also shows up for the Italian mutiple choice answers where “andare in pensione” is scored as correct.



Is this something you all could look into? @MemriseSupport and @JBorrego



Level 3

I appreciate my Italian was learned in Italy many years ago, but I am not happy that …

le salviette” = “the towels”.

Aren’t “Towels” = “Asciugamani”?

I’ve looked up “Salviette” and I am given “Wipes” or “Napkin”.
This is not what is implied as towels in a bathroom in a hotel.

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Hi @Cianfrusaglie, Has that been resolved?

I don’t know – I haven’t got a response back and that particular “Learn With Locals” phrase hasn’t come up recently in my review so I can’d check if it’s been fixed. The last time it did come up (maybe a couple weeks ago) it had not been fixed.

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I think this may have been reported by someone else but occasionally the video clip does not match (completely) the phrase or word.

In Italian 2 level 16

The word is “to retire” or “andare in pensione” but the clip says “non vedo l’ora di andare in pensione”.

I think that was it.

See two occurrences below.


This one of course is impossible to answer correctly as the extra words are missing :wink:

Italian 2

Are you sure of this translation?


I don’t know the expression but Candle is Candela

Perhaps you are being polite?

Dear @memrisesupport, do you have an Italian specialist at the moment?
There seems to be a lot of unanswered posts.

Can @Angileptol help?


Thanks for tagging us @DW7 and apologies for the delay in dealing with these reports. We will be reviewing during the next few days and posting updates here. Thanks for your patience! :heart:



Thanks @angileptol, any news if you have someone with spare time to look through our many comments in both the English to Italian courses and ditto for the other native languages to Italian?

Even if the possible errors or typos are addressed first and you leave longer replies (like where I have asked for clarification) until later. :wink:

@angileptol - seeing that you also deal with Italian, could you please take a look at this thread (DE-IT) as well or hand it over to whoever can deal with your official DE/IT course?

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Having started at Italian 7 and working backwards, I am now about to finish Italian 1 and although there have been several words I feel are not the same ones I would have used, this one is strange:

In Italian 1 Level 16

davanti a” = “opposite” but

Davanti a” I think means “in front of

PS But I see you use “di fronte a” to mean “in front of

I might have used “di fronte a” to correctly mean “facing

Opposite” might be “di fronte” or “opposto”.

Perhaps it can mean both but for the video examples you had to choose one.

Level 18

la campagna = the countryside

il paese = the town; the village

I know this may be difficult one but I have always taken

il paese to mean “the country” (ie rural land or ountryside) and not a village.

Villaggio is village.

la posta = the post office

Do you not think that

la posta = the post (that comes though our door)

and the post office should be L’ufficio postale ?

In Italian 2, level 14. New Year’s Eve is presented two ways:

San Silvestro-New Year’s Eve or
l’utimo dell’anno-New Year’s Eve

what is the difference between these two and when is it correct to use one and not the other?

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Italian 3 for English speakers has a new bug on mobile.
A dark circle used to appear around the little rocket ship symbol :rocket: after you completed your streak everyday. Now it stays dark even if it’s the next day and you haven’t completed your streak yet. This confused me once and I thought I had completed my streak for the day and I hadn’t, so I lost my streak. The dark circle is supposed to fade after 12am to indicate you haven’t completed your streak yet for the day. The circle didn’t even fade when I lost my streak; it continued to be a dark circle and said “0 day streak” which didn’t make sense. Please fix this!

Hi @janericat, Hi @DW7

We’re very sorry that it has taken this long for us to reply to your questions. Thank you for flagging all the concerns! These are very helpful. We are going through them now and making the suggested changes with our Italian Specialist.

A few comments on some of the things we haven’t applied to the course;

Italian 4, Level 5 Mio nonno andava sempre a correre al mattino - the guy in Learn with the Locals mixes the words up which is a bit confusing. Is it still correct?

This is still correct

Italian 2, Level 15 non vede l’ora di andare in pensione - for the guy in Learn with the Locals the written answer is given as only "to retire’’.

Could you give clarification on this? We have checked the videos for both “andare in pensione” and “non vede l’ora di andare in pensions” and they all seem to be stringed to the correct text.

How about adding “ regret ” (my preferred word) (in the sense of lament ) for “ lamentarsi ” = to complain (oneself).

We haven’t applied this change. Regret means a feeling of sadness about something sad or wrong or about a mistake that was made, or to feel sorry about a situation. Lamentarsi does not have this meaning.

to wonder (oneself) = “ chiedersi
What about “mi chiedo” ? (Literally I ask my self).

Chiedersi is the infinitive form of the verb. Mi chiedo is used for the first singular person. We kept them both to show both forms

everywhere; throughout = ovunque
What is the difference between that and “dovunque”?

They are synonyms. However, if a word ends with a vowel, I would prefer to use ovunque, just because it sounds better. We have added "dovuunque’ as alternatively accepted correct answer to this test.

More to come next week!


You may be looking at the wrong question.

Look at the videos (possibly more than one) for “to retire
So when tested on the audio, he says the long phrase but the answer is just “to retire”.

Thank you very much for looking at the questions I raised, and taking the time and effort to reply (explaining it).

As I’ve said elsewhere:

The Italian courses are really well prepared and delivered, and I am trying to fill some gaps in my knowledge. But having learnt my Italian in the 1960s in Northern Italy, I have had some questions.

Hi @DW7

Thank you for your questions. We’re going through them with our Linguist and applying changes to the courses. Here are some notes on the ones we haven’t made changes to just FYI.

c’è il re in Italia? - Why not c’è UN re in Italia?

Good question! If I say c’è un re in Italia?, it seems like I am asking if there is a king living in Italy, but this king may not be the ruler of Italy. If you want to ask if Italy has still a king as a ruler (if Italy it’s a monarchy) you need to use c’è il re in Italia?

mio nonno andava sempre a correre al mattino

Sorry about this. Instead of removing his video, we’ve added " mio nonno andava a correre sempre al mattino" as alternatively accepted answer, so when you answer this in the tapping test you will be marked correct. Let us know if this is still causing issue and we’ll consider removing the video.


Many thanks @KanaTsumoto (and others) for all you are doing and thank you for taking the time to explain the odd question from me :wink:

A quick comment for this particular one;


The translation and the literal translation are both correct. ‘Moccolo’ is what is left of the candle when is almost all consumed. The idiom ‘non voglio reggere il moccolo’ exists in this variant too: ‘non voglio reggere la candela’.
We’ll add the latter one as an alternatively acceptable answer :slight_smile:

Level 7
the village ; the town = il paese why not use il villaggio ?
to avoid confusion with il Paese = the country

‘il paese’ can mean ‘village’ as well as ‘country’ when capitalised. Even though it may be confusing that is the best word to use to mean ‘villiage’. We’ll consider removing them from being ‘distractor options’ for the other.


Hi @DW7 and @Cianfrusaglie
Thanks for flagging this! This one is very weird, I’ve checked in our database and in a few mobile devices, but I can’t reproduce this issue. I don’t see this video being linked with that word item in the database.

Maybe this is an issue that has already been corrected in the last 4 months. Could you log out and log in again to see if this still happens?


Right @KanaTsumoto, I have logged out and logged back in (and checked I am using the latest software version, which I was).

It should be said I finished all your Italian courses a few weeks ago.

I went to Italian 2 level 16 (and without having to be tested, one can check the video clips).

For “to retire” there is ONLY a correct audio (no video) so it has been removed.

If you swipe to the next item you will see a video clip.
(also in case you didn’t know, by swiping forward and back, quite often one is shown another video clip - so all one has to do [for a user] to check all the different video clips, is to keep going forward and back).

So yes the offending video clip I reported has indeed been removed.