[Course Forum] Italian 1-7 by Memrise

OlĂĄ @Patricia_Baeta86, td bom?

Obrigado pela mensagem!

Na verdade, os cursos nĂŁo sĂŁo complementares, mas sim versĂ”es quase iguais, adaptadas para diferentes idiomas (neste caso, o inglĂȘs e o portuguĂȘs).

Assim, se vocĂȘ fizer o “Italiano 1” e o “Italian 1”, verĂĄ que eles sĂŁo praticamente idĂȘnticos.
É melhor escolher apenas um deles e seguir seus estudos. =)

Qualquer outra dĂșvida, estamos Ă  disposição.



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Hello, in the Memrise Italian 1 for English Speakers course the words buongiorno and buonanotte are written out spaced (buon giorno and buon notte) in the App. If I am not mistaken there shouldn’t be any space in either one.

Yes, one can usually assume the subject pronouns are not included, but there are exceptions (both in Memrise and in normal Italian). In particulate, il congiuntivo has the same conjugation for io, tu & lei/lei/Lei in the present (for essere; io sia, tu sia, lui/lei/Lei sia) and the same for io & tu in the imperfect (for essere; io fossi, tu fossi) so I think the pronoun is often included (e.g., “tu fossi” here) if there may be ambiguity otherwise. Also, I’ve seen that the pronoun is sometimes included in other situations if particular emphasis on the subject is desired; e.g., “Hai bevuto un tù, ma io ho bevuto un caffù” – (you) drank a tea, but I drank a coffee.

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In Italian lesson 6, Level 5, the phrase “the dentist is looking at her tooth right now”, when the selecting the word buttons sample is presented, there are not enough “il” buttons (2) to complete the sentence in Italian, “il dentista le sta guardando il dente proprio adesso”

I just encountered an error/problem in the Italian 2 course for the phrase “she doesn’t like tea or coffee”/“non le piacciono il tù o il caffù”

When I get this question and have to put the words in the right order, I only have one square with “il” to put into my answer, so it will never be correct. I was just stuck on this phrase for several tries until I chose to ignore it.

I took some screenshots to show what I mean:

Here you can see that my answer was wrong (red mark on “caffù”) and that no further “il” was available:

I have another screenshot showing the answer/correction I get, showing that the phrase should indeed be “non le piacciono il tù o il caffù” but as a new member here I apparently can only add upload one image

I tried using the one “il” I have twice, but this doesn’t seem to be possible.

Am I missing something or doing anything wrong, or is there really one “il” missing in the words I can choose from?

Many thanks,


This is the forum for the course you are doing :slight_smile: Hope this helps!



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Hi ! Don’t really know if it’s here to report error with French version ^^ Italian 2-1 (or 2-2, I forgot >< ) for “eccoti qui”, it say the translation is “tiens”, but, I looked somewhere else, and I think “te voilà” is better ^^

Possible error in Italian 2, Level 14
il micino (the kitten) is wrong according to Collins
il micio (no ‘n’) = the kitty, pussy cat (colloquial)
il gattino = the kitten (young cat)

Hi @Gingersmom, thanks for pointing this out!

As reported in the dictionary, “micio” and “gatto” are both terms used to refer to a cat, with the first being a more familiar and affectionate way of referring to it. Adding the suffix “-ino” to words indicates something small and/or a more intimate relation with the object/person you’re adding the suffix to, so both “micino” and “gattino” are correct.

I hope this helped clarify the thing! :slight_smile:



Grazie per il chiarimento !


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In Italian 3 - I wondered if it would be possible/useful to change the entry for “TV” > “la televisione”

I think it should either be “television = la televisione” or “TV = TV/tivĂč” because both languages have a short and long form right?

Please let me know what you think :slight_smile:

Thanks so much for these courses - they’re really helping me :slight_smile:

Error in Italian 3: “My mom and I are going to watch my favorite TV program” =/= “Io e mia mamma guardiamo il mio programma televisivo preferito.” In the English sentence, “My mom” comes first, but in the Italian sentence, “Io” comes first.

(Also, should “guardiamo” not be “guarderemo” in this context?)

Edit 1: Same error here (also Italian 3): “My friends and I are going to go out for a drink.” =/= “Io e i miei amici usciamo a bere qualcosa.”

Edit 2: Another one: “My friends and I are going to go out for a drink.” =/= “Io e i miei amici usciamo a bere qualcosa.”

Hi @holgerdoessing,

Thanks for your message! The reason of the discrepancies you pointed out is that the text has been translated in order to sound natural.

In the case of the word order, both the Italian and the English sentence follow the order they would have in normal speech: in English “I” comes after the other people involved, while normally in Italian “io” comes first. If it can help, when you learn a new item, you also have a literal translation (in grey) under it. This will follow the word order of the item you’re learning and will show what Italian word corresponds to which English one.

In regards to the tense of the verb “guardare”, in Italian the present tense can often be used instead of a future tense (e.g. “Dopo vado al cinema” = “I’ll go to the cinema later”), so in this case both the form you find in the course and the one you pointed out are correct.

I hope this helped, but let me know if you have any other doubt! :slight_smile:


@Chiara_Ma Missing Italian 7 Levels: When I list all the levels for Italian 7, Levels 2, 4, and 6 are missing! I’ve attached a screenshot and, in case it’s any help, the Inspect Element info for this page.

Never seen such a thing before! :rofl: But for you not so funny of course, because you cannot study.
Seems a bug: @memrisesuport, @BeaTrisy: Please, could you look into this? Thank you!

@DW7; could you move this to ‘Android bugs’ forum? Seems a real bug to me
, because users have no control over the level numbering and display.

This has been raised before. The reason for the gaps (they are grammabot exercises available only to Pro users) is explained in this other topic: Memrise official courses - Levels missing? (solved)


Hi @John_Baite re

could you move this to ‘Android bugs’ forum?

As Alanh says, this is not a bug but a restricted feature. So I think as it refers to the Italian course - and you have mentioned BeaTrisy - it might as well stay here. Hope you agree.

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Ok, thanks. Just hadn’t noticed it before, I guess. I see them now as Grammarbots on the mobile app.

Typo in italian 5 (for Dutch)

we woonden in Amerika, maar we we verhuisden

needs to become

we woonden in Amerika, maar we verhuisden

(By the way: Memrise is fun and great value for money)

and while I am at it:

in Memrise italian 5 (Dutch) :

se (se nevica) is translated as of

should be (according to the dictionary)



of is o