[Course Forum] HSK Level 6 by DrewSSP

Here’s the forum for this course. I’ll be checking in regularly.


For the word 档案, the pinyin is “dang4 'an4”. Is there a reason why “an” has a single quote before it, or is it okay if I get rid of it?

I’ve noticed that on a few words myself. If you see them, go ahead and get rid of them. I don’t think they are doing anybody any favours, even though it won’t affect testing. Thanks!

Okay, thanks, and no problem :slight_smile:

Do you know if anyone changed some definitions in the course? Because I am going through review of some cards I learned yesterday and overnight the definitions have changed. About 20 of the 50 cards I went through in review changed definitions, Around the words in the 1500-1700 range.

Yes, I’ve been messing around with stuff a lot. The definitions should still be more accurate now but I set it up so that you wouldn’t notice if you had already learned the words. I’m worried about how you did notice the change.

-all of the definitions in levels above level 62-ish were replaced with the first definition listed in the CEDICT Chinese-English dictionary (that’s the one used by the Zhonwen Chrome extension)
-all secondary translations from the CEDICT dictionary were added as an alternate answer. This did not replace any alternate answers that were already included.

This is an ongoing effort.

Also, On Level 141 I noticed that in order to learn the English meaning of the word, instead of being prompted to type the English meaning of the word, I now have to type the Chinese characters as input. I will try other levels and see if this is a problem overall.

Thanks for pointing that out. The problem should be fixed now. It seems like an isolated case.

Out of curiosity, how did you get to level 141 when I hadn’t gotten to cleaning the definitions in that level before last night? Up until last night, I had only cleaned up the definitions for each word up until about level 62. Going beyond that would have required that you type every possible definition for a word or fix the alt text on my behalf. I don’t believe you did the latter, so did you actually type every single possible definition for each word?

Actually no. there are some weird parts, yes. But usually you can get by if you have a definition of “A;B;C;D” and so on, you can get by with just typing one of them (so long as they are separated by semicolons). So I will usually pick the one that makes the most sense to me based on sentences I find with it online. So, there are 3 or 4 definitions which I had to ignore because it is as you said , they would not let me pass through unless I typed the exact string it asked for.

That’s good to know. I didn’t know that about that extra feature that memrise has implemented.

In that case, I suppose you will have some frustrations as you review words that might have slightly different definitions. Just remember that you have every right to go in and add alternate answers as you see fit. I do recommend that you wait a few hours, however, since the changes you make might get overridden if not.

Sorry for making your learning a little more complicated. This course has always been a work in progress.

No worries, I have been rushing, so slowing me down and making me review a little more is not a bad thing. Plus, I appreciate the work you’ve done on the course, so I’m thankful its here to begin with ! Thanks for the prompt replies and fixing that level that was acting strangely.

Alright. Everything is good to go now. You can go ahead and make changes unimpeded.

Also, I just wanted to say that I have finished the HSK 6 course (for the English meanings). It has been a lot of fun. Especially towards the end of the course where I feel you begin to learn some really interesting words and 成语。 Actually, about that. As a warning to you all, in the last 200 words there are about 50 成语 though I didn’t count officially. That may be off-putting to some. I have changed a few definitions and added a few alts towards the end. Memorizing the string of text for the 成语’s is difficult. Though I must say that regrettably this is merely a starting point even in the vocabulary sense, I feel that if I encounter a word i do not know in a sentence now… it is usually in isolation thanks to these HSK courses.

I don’t have much to add, but I wanted to say congrats :slight_smile:

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I agree. I can only hope to have the persistence to get so far.

For the word 清理, the current primary definition is “cleanup”. Does anyone know if this was supposed to be “clean up/to clean up” instead?

Looking on the wiktionary page for this word, I don’t see “cleanup” listed, but I do see “to clean”, etc.

@neoncube ~ I get this in http://www.mdbg.net/chindict/chindict.php : “to clear up / to tidy up / to dispose of”

got the same result from http://www.yellowbridge.com/chinese/chinese-dictionary.php : 'to clear up; to tidy up; to dispose of"

youdao: 清理 adj. clean, clear/clear up, purge // http://dict.youdao.com/search?le=eng&q=清理&tab=&keyfrom=dict2.top

ichacha: put in order; clean; disentangle; check up; clear; sort out; liquidate// http://eng.ichacha.net/清理.html

@pdao, @Hydroptere, that’s pretty much what I got when I searched, too. Thanks :slight_smile:

I’ve gone ahead and changed the primary definition to “to clean” and removed the “cleanup” definition. If anyone thinks thinks that “cleanup” should still be there, please let me know :slight_smile:

@DrewSSP, @roflcopterlol, any comments?