[Course Forum] German 1-7 by Memrise

also @sircemloud, first of all we are not taking care of the old German A2 course at the moment, so my opinion or comments on it cannot be binding. It was also created long before I joined Memrise and different native speakers of German might have different opinions on this. The two sentences you mention are both grammatically correct and that is because of relatively flexible word order in German. “Entweder” thus can be moved to both positions, it is just important that the verb “können” comes after the subject “Sie”. Also, in the first sentence, focus is on the object “den Mann” and there are two predicates, both relating to this object. In the second sentence, focus is on “entweder” and the different options we can have. We still only have one object “den Mann”, but we could also say “Sie können entweder den Mann beschreiben oder ein Bild von der Frau zeichnen”, which would not be possible in the first sentence. This is already pretty advanced, so I would not worry about it too much imho. Just keep in mind that both sentences are grammatically correct and I don’t know why one of them was deleted.
Hope this helps at least a little!?
Best, Mario


Thanks, it does help! I know nobody’s taking care of the old courses, but I think it’s a pity nobody’s able to do so at least when prompted, not actively. For example, when a situation like this one is discovered (valid versions not being accepted), it would be nice if someone could just add an alternative.

wrong translation for “beeinträchtigen”. The proper one is “affect negatively, impede”

Hi everyone. I learned German 3 (level 26) on Memrise and I am not sure this sentence is wrong or not?

What’s the date today?
Memrise: Was haben wir heute?

Could anyone help me please.

Hello Punabike,

What’s the date today?
I think the correct translation for this question is:

Welches Datum haben wir heute?

Thank you so much Redux2. :smiley:

How come does Memrise use english-german words and not the often time more frequent german-german words?
In German 7 for example: ‘‘der Effekt’’ and not ‘‘Auswirkung’’ or just '‘Wirkung’. There is a lot of other examples too. Like Institution over Einrichtung.

Hallo Geil,
I’m sorry I’m not Memrise.

These words are very common in Germany. Like the Goethe-Institut. Or "die Deutsche Welle (dw). "DW Akademie is Germany’s leading organization for international media development."

Quote : "Die Deutsche Welle ist öffentlich-rechtlich organisiert und wird aus Steuermitteln des Bundes finanziert."
Deutsche Welle is “Made for minds”.
Only two examples of official German pages.

Many people think this is cool: :relaxed:
Many people think that’s “der Untergang der deutschen Kultur” :open_mouth:

any way… good question
interesting topic
I would like to know what you think about it.


Moin! Und guten Rutsch, redux2!

I think DW is geared towards international audiences just as they advertise, so I don’t really have too much of an opinion on them… The problem I have with english words being used here is that people subscribed to learning German already know the english words. Imagine someone going to Germany and hearing ‘‘Institution’’ without ever learning that word here. 99% chance that person already knows what that word means. Now same person hears ‘‘Einrichtung’’. More than likely will have no clue. If the object of the courses is to make them easier to learn, then they are falling for the same trap Duolingo has. If you by chance have taken a look over there, half the verbs are the latin versions. It is embarrassing. Perhaps someone should be a course for giggles here called ‘‘EngliSCH for English speakers’’. :stuck_out_tongue:

but for sure there are a lot of signs of demise in Germany. Language is just one of many casualties of it. The more multi culture they are becoming, the more their own culture is eroding. Multi Culti is just code for anti culture.

EDIT: So I’m going thru all the books I bought during my stay in Austria and Germany, and there is very little ‘‘engliSCH’’. Even the comic books and manga’s I bought. Which those are geared for teenagers really. You would think the invasion would be more prevalent there. If I had to wager a suspicion on the matter, the majority of the english words one will encounter in Germany could probably be isolated to News, advertisements, and tourist…

Lass uns gehen

I learned this phrase here some time ago. Since then I’ve learned how to put verbs into the imperative. This is in the “du” form of the imperative.

Is it appropriate to say this to a group of people or do you need to say lasst?

@Geil, your post is off topic, so my post is off topic as well

that is maybe because 25% of the German vocabulary is Latin at origin (which is normal, given the history…) also, because English is full with Latin words… Denglish is spoken in “international legalese” - what the US wanted to be the language of international trade - therefore see the language of this branch of law (but take into account the major influence of Roman and French codes of law and vocabulary, all over the legalese on the globe), in the IT, in the hi-tech branches of medicine (see neurosurgery etc), in robotics (“robot” being a Russian word :smile: )), turism, and also… there are some British and US words that came with the occupation areas/forces after the War (Party, Baby etc), also many jokes claim that “Kevin” and “Mandy” are not given names in DE, but “sentences/condemnations” (teacher tend to note down such children, because they sound … “Proll”/RTL-like)


and, please, leave political considerations aside would you? Close to Berlin, Wien/Vienna was for centuries multi-culti… you probaly mean lack of culture of some/ of many - with this I would fully agree

China was never a national state, I mean, the whole Asia (except somehow Japan - but: Buddhism, Ainu, Koreans, Chinese culture - and Korea - but for ex its Buddhism is not of Korean origin, or?) has been since time immemorial multi-culti …many a Thai or a Malay or an “Indian” or or or or would never get your idea of national state…, most of Europe as well was always multi-culti in fact, and what to say about the Americas… … as if the UK was ever some pure culture (what about the Hadrian wall and the Latin/French/Norse vocabulary??? Indian richess to keep the Albion going? slaves? what about the religion of Europe? of Semitic/Asia Minor origin??? Sricptures written in Aramaic and Greek under the rule of the Roman Empire??? well???) maybe “little Britain” is “pure”…

(and, sorry, but Korea and Japan are not the best places to experience openess and respect, as a foreigner)

now you dare to tell me that most of the globe has no culture because is from inception multi-culti…

as many people say, “a national language is a dialect with an army”…

German 6 Level 17: for the English “to miss (someone)” we are given “vermissen” as the audio translation but the totally unexpected “Ich werde dich vermissen” (!) as the written equivalent.
Since “Ich werde dich vermissen” gives a usable model and context, I think that should be maintained and the other two elements corrected.

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If you are speaking to several people, you should use the plural form of the imperative, yes – so, Lasst uns gehen.

Thank you for letting us know! I’ve actually corrected “ich werde dich vermissen” to “vermissen”, since this is what the audio says and it is therefore easier for now to fix it. It is also the more general word/phrase and can be applied to different contexts, so overall very useful!
Best, Mario

A post was merged into an existing topic: [Course Forum] Duits 1-7 by Memrise


in the old German A2, there is a sentence “ich bin mir sicher dass du sehr erfolgreich sein wirst”. Can it be just “ich bin mir sicher dass du sehr erfolgreich wirst”? And if no, why not? (It is not accepted ATM.)

= I am sure that you will be very successful.

= I am sure that you will become very successful.

They don’t mean quite the same thing – one of them has wirst as helping verb to form the future and sein as the main verb, so “will be” (sein wirst), while the other has wirst as a full verb meaning “you become” or, since German sometimes uses present-tense verbs for future events, “you will become”.

In order to be successful in the future, you have to become successful first, so the two are related - but not quite the same.


I am coping with a few anomalies in the translation but this one really gets me :

Level 29
die Beweise deuten darauf hin, dass du schuldig bist
should be
Les preuves indiquent que tu es coupable.
and not
la preuve indique que vous êtes coupable :rage:


Oh that would annoy me, too!

Thanks, not sure how I didn’t get that myself! But thanks all the more, then. :slight_smile:

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