Moin! Und guten Rutsch, redux2!
I think DW is geared towards international audiences just as they advertise, so I don’t really have too much of an opinion on them… The problem I have with english words being used here is that people subscribed to learning German already know the english words. Imagine someone going to Germany and hearing ‘‘Institution’’ without ever learning that word here. 99% chance that person already knows what that word means. Now same person hears ‘‘Einrichtung’’. More than likely will have no clue. If the object of the courses is to make them easier to learn, then they are falling for the same trap Duolingo has. If you by chance have taken a look over there, half the verbs are the latin versions. It is embarrassing. Perhaps someone should be a course for giggles here called ‘‘EngliSCH for English speakers’’.
but for sure there are a lot of signs of demise in Germany. Language is just one of many casualties of it. The more multi culture they are becoming, the more their own culture is eroding. Multi Culti is just code for anti culture.
EDIT: So I’m going thru all the books I bought during my stay in Austria and Germany, and there is very little ‘‘engliSCH’’. Even the comic books and manga’s I bought. Which those are geared for teenagers really. You would think the invasion would be more prevalent there. If I had to wager a suspicion on the matter, the majority of the english words one will encounter in Germany could probably be isolated to News, advertisements, and tourist…