[Course Forum] German 1-7 by Memrise

I thought I fixed the R at the first attempt (right after posting it… it seems I didn’t. Then I noticed I had typed “ist”, so if i translated it to Estonian (my mother tongue) it didn’t make any sense at all.
I had to delete the ist. Again the big R didn’t want to leave me.

So, I am guilty. This kind of noun Reicht does not exist.

And I’m grateful for what you did

Thanks everyone. I still think there is confusion over the teaching of reichen and genügen. What doesn’t help is the lack of explanation from Memrise to differentiate the two words. In the same lesson (Handy Phrases, Level 2), I was told:

  • ‘genug’ translate as ‘enough’
  • ‘Das reicht!’ translate as ‘that’s enough’
  • ‘reichen’ translates as ‘to be enough’.

For an English speaker trying to learn German, this is very confusing. My initial thoughts were, “why am I learning two German words for the same word?”, and then I wondered why ‘that’s enough’ couldn’t be translated as ‘Das ist genug’.

Here’s another confusing issue for me.

Sie hat braune Augen und graue Haare.

I understand why the word ‘braune’ has an ‘e’ at the end but why does ‘graue’ and ‘Haare’ also have ‘e’? I understand the word ‘braun’ has an ‘e’ added due to the word ‘Auge’ being made into a plural word. But I don’t understand why this has also happened to ‘grau’ and ‘Haar’.

Ich schreibe jeden Tag geschichten.

Why is the sentence formed as "I write every day stories?

I know I have previously commented on Memrise no longer providing helpful mems to explain grammar changes (and I know Memrise is doing some work on making mems more helpful) but I feel removing them completely from the learning process is putting people at a real disadvantage. I some complained that they were very confusing but but removing them completely is forcing people to learn phrases without understanding the how or why behind every grammar change.

Haare is plural, that is why. As for the “Geschichten” question, I don’t really understand what is the problem? the English version?

Mems made by natives as to explain grammar in each sentence … - such occupation would be a full time job, who’d pay the mem creators?

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You need to look into declinations of the German language, without the mems to explain it to you, you will not understand unfortunately.

I have started to create a course for French speaking trying to explain those, but it is not simple and you must look up at other sites to read the rules and have more examples (so it needs to be done on the web version)

Memrise alone will fail in teaching you that. You need to look elsewhere. Here is a start on this forum :

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@Hydroptere The official Memrise German course already has mems that explain grammar. They were removed.

@sircemloud I think I’m beginning to realise that Memrise alone won’t enable me to learn and fully understand a second language. This is not a criticism. I think what they offer is very good. I just wish they’d bring back the mems which did go some way to explaining the grammar rules. I found this very helpful and it gave me a better understanding of what I was learning.

Thanks for the links. I shall definitely take a look at them.

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A post was split to a new topic: [Course Forum] 독일어 / German by Memrise for Korean speakers

The British English German courses have a total of 2,756 entries. The American English German courses have a total of 2,554 entries. Why is that? Shouldn’t the courses be the same, albeit with different translations for a handful of entries?


I would suggest to change Nichts zu danken! - You’re welcome! (German 2) for something like You’re welcome! / Nothing to thank for!

Since you’re welcome has too many possible translations as Keine Ursache! Bitte (sehr)!, Gern geschehen! etc and not all are accepted, moreover it’s kinda confusing.

Another point, maybe one should mark in attributes if English you should be translated as polite Sie or du.


German 4 Level 4 sentence: “ich habe gestern abend auf dem Sofa gelesen”

shouldn’t it be Abend with capital A? if that is a mistake, please correct

Hi @moderators , apologies if this has already been brought up (or if this isn’t the right place).
I’m currently on German 3, and a recurring issue I have is when translating sentences from English to German involving ‘you’ - it is not clear if ‘you’ is meant in the plural or singular form in English and I keep making ‘mistakes’ by translating it in the singular instead of the plural and vice versa.
Any chance there could be clarification added to the English sentences in such cases, for example (plural) or (formal)?
It will save some frustrations : )

It is a recurring issue with the French and German courses in many Memrise courses where the learning language makes a difference between a polite you and a casual you.

I trust @mario2189 is working on clarifying those points in the German Memrise courses with our help.

Just saw your post and I have corrected it to capital spelling “Abend”, thanks for flagging this! Have a great week, Mario

There is a typo in the German-6:

the kind and queen stated that they were going to be parents

it has to be “King”, not “Kind”

In German 1 by Memrise (Level 7), for “the German (man; woman)” it gives the answer as “der Deutsche; die Deutsche”. But it should be “Deutscher” for the male. The R is missing.

No error, der Deutsche is correct.
This is an adjective used as a noun and it is declined just like an adjective.

der Deutsche, die Deutsche
ein Deutscher, eine Deutsche
Deutscher, Deutsche (without an article)


Interesting. Thank you for the reply.

I’m curious, why does Word Reference list it as this? Maybe I’m not understanding the difference with/without an article.

thanks for flagging this, I have just corrected it!
Best, Mario