[Course Forum] French 1-7 by Memrise

Salut !

The wrong video has now been removed, thank you for spotting that.

For c’est au-dessous de toi I think you might have misread the French. Au-dessous means below, not above. So the whole expression does mean this is below you.

Bonne continuation !

Thanks for the reply. I appreciate it.

aha okay, I have double checked that au-dessousbelow, Thanks for the correction. But I have asked a french native and he said that it basically means “it’s beyond you” or the equivalent. Shouldn’t this locution be translated as such ?


C’est au-dessus de toi would be it’s beyond you but c’est au-dessous de toi can not mean that for me.


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aha! I didn’t notice! There is dessus and dessous ?! My bad then. I have mistaken the two. It is clearly as you said.

Désole pour le malentendu.

Rather annoying that I a question asking me to enter in the word being said, but it could be one of two possible answers since Il and Ils both have the exact same pronunciation if it is alone.

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Hi Memrise,

I’ve in the middle of completely French 3 Fuel your vocab: Places to explore. I just wanted to let you know that I think it would be really helpful if the grammatical genders of the countries were included.



Hey i just have a question regarding the audio in the sentence ‘à Rome, fais comme les Romains’ in French 7. The female voice seems to add something in the sentence it almost sounds she’s inserting chez or something after ‘comme … les’. Am I going crazy? Or is she adding another word in?

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“comme chez les romains” is a common variation. It is likely. But the first one is more correct.


I believe I might have found a mistake in “Francês 3, level 14 Retornando a base” (brazillian portuguese), there’s a phrase that says “elles sont entre la cuisine et le salon”, which is translated to portuguese as “ele está entre a cozinha e a sala de estar”, if Elles is meant to be the plural of Elle (she), then the correct pronoun in portuguese would be “Elas”(plural female pronoun in portuguese) instead of “ele” (Singular masculine pronoun in portuguese)

Hi @swedeenz,

Thank you for spotting this, you aren’t going crazy at all. The female audio has an extra word in, which is not entirely incorrect, but is inconsistent. We have removed it for now and will record another audio soon (the male audio is correct and still available). You will be able to see the change by logging out and in again via your profile.

Best regards,



I thinkI am learning the French 3 course for American English, but in Level 22 I am encountering definitions that would only make sense in British English (GCSE, A-levels). (1) How can I check whether this is the American English version? https://www.memrise.com/course/1179698/french-3/

(2) If this the version for Americans, the definitions should be changed. Perhaps something like
le lycée = high school, and le collège = middle school

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Hi @lurajane,

Thank you for spotting these inconsistencies. You are indeed learning French for American English speakers, and you are right that for US English, the translations middle school and high school are more adequate. The changes have been made and you will be able to see them once you have logged out of the app and in again.

Thanks a lot,



Hello here)

I have a problem with finishing French Course 3 level 42. This phrase ‘il est fatigué donc il veut rester à la maison’ has a missed word ‘il’ in next test


Thanks for the awesome app :slight_smile:

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I have the same problem with the sentence “elle n’aime pas le thé ou le café” in French 2, level 11. Whenever I am prompted to assemble it, there is only one “le”, and thus I cannot give the correct answer.

Edit: that was on PC; however, I just tried it in the app, and it gives me both “le” normally.

French 1, lvl 5 - being human, desktop version:

My question: she says “I am tired”… so i thought right answer is " je suis fatiguée" ?


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Hi @ramajana,

Indeed you are right, the feminine of « fatigué » is « fatiguée », but in this case, this lady is saying the sentence « je suis fatigué » to match the course as we don’t teach both the feminine and the masculine for every sentence, if that makes sense.

Best regards,


Hi @orelmax,

Thank you for spotting this. This is now fixed, so if you log out and in again you will be able to produce the complete sentence.



The guy in the video say the correct sentence to practise soit…soit… but #2 doesn’t correspond, I think

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Thank you @spocki for spotting this! We are correcting this asap.




Merci @fanny_sta. At least one person on the memrise team provides good customer service.