[Course Forum] French 1-7 by Memrise

This is NOT funny at all.

I reported an error last year

I even got an answer

I waited patiently.
Reporting that error every now and then

What is happening???

If it is a technical problem, shouldn’t it be fixed by now… with all those NINE (9) long MONTHS ???

@Joshua @MemriseMatty @BeaTrisy @Lien @Guillaume_Jaskula

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Ok, I just talked with the Android developper. She’s going to fix it this week and it should arrive in your update in 2 weeks maximum.
I’m going to keep a close eye on this one and message you as soon as it is fixed so you can try it.
Very sorry for that confusion.

Hello forum,

I’ve been taking the official Memrise french lessons for english speakers and I’ve been having some difficulties distinguishing whether a noun is feminine or masculine when they start with a vowel (e.g. l’abre, l’hopital, l’aquarium, l’abeille, etc.).
An idea would be to:

  • Allow course creators to use colour (in French: blue for masculine and pink for feminine - this could be useful in Russian, German, and also Chinese for the tones)
  • Use symbols (♂, ♀)
  • use ‘un’ or ‘une’ instead of ‘le’ and ‘la’

Merci beaucoup !


Dear Atikker!

The issue with brackets has been solved and you can now choose to only type what’s outside of the brackets, it will now be accepted.
Please make sure your application is up to date and it should now work!

Sorry again for the delay.

Bonne continuation !


Thank you… I will go and try it out

Edit: It seems I can’t log in at all… Tried several times but with no success… Will keep trying

In the old French A1, there is a sentence “il a les cheveux roux et des grands yeux”. In all other sentences with someone having some sort of eyes (although they were about the colour, and not the size, of the eyes), it was always “les yeux”. Why is this sentence different?

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I saw that Level 13 in French 3 defines roux as ginger instead of redhead. I get that Memrise is based in the UK, but in the US the word “ginger” is reserved for use by people who actually have red hair, and I wanted to see if Memrise would change the definition of roux to redhead.

A quick search for “ginger” in the Forums shows that the term is likely used as a definition in courses for other languages. Just want to encourage Memrise to choose the less offensive term for the definition.

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This use of “des” or “de” is hard to explain, I could only describe it as a French way of saying “some (of) great eyes”

As in : “Je voudrais des haricots et des tomates” : I would like (some) beans and (some) tomatoes.

“He has ginger hair and (some) big eyes”

“Les yeux” would be for “the eyes”. “Il a les cheveux rous et les yeux bleus” -> “he has ginger hair and (the) eyes blue”

Does this help ?

No, sorry. :slight_smile: I know the basic concept of les and des: but I don’t know how to apply it here, i.e. why is “les” used in one instance and “des” in the other, while the English remains the same. Are both versions valid in French (and then they just made a mistake in the organization of the course), is one wrong, i.e. French people wouldn’t put it that way (and they made an actual grammar mistake in the course), or is there a rule that explains why to use “les” with colour and “des” with the size of the eyes? :slight_smile:

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I tried to explain. It is not quite the same.

“J’ai les yeux bleux” et “j’ai de grands yeux” are similar but not quite equivalent. But in English you would not make the difference.
You would not normally say : “j’ai les yeux grands”.

“il a de petites mains” / "il a les mains agiles"
But I would also hear/say : “il a de gentils parents”

You would need to look into the “épithete” and “attribute” rules I guess. I struggle to explain it in a simple manner
You are in a more precise use of French here, I try to think of instances where this applies. I think it is often to do with sizes indeed.

I have a problem wth this video.

He doesn’t say any of these

Problem still exists in ‘Französisch 1’. Must also guess if it’s ‘comment’ or ‘comme’!
Also there are no gender attributes attached to nouns (as in ‘French Polyglott’.
Therefore with words like l’heure one doesn’t learn the gender with 'Französisch 1 - 7’
Thanks & regards

I think your post needs to be in a separate course forum for French for speakers of German. You mention “Französisch 1” so I presume you are learning French via German?

Indeed but because it is linked to a former post on this thread I did not notice before, I hesitated to move them all. :cold_sweat:

Is there a separate French 1-7 for speakers of American English? I’m taking the course and find that I occasionally have a misunderstanding of a French word because I’ve been given a British English definition.

I don’t think there needs to be a separate series. But I do think there should be some awareness of where Americans use words differently.

Can’t you just see an American going on a business trip Paris, and based on their learning from this course, they compliment a colleague’s culottes?


Look at the address bar
This is US

This is UK



I noticed in the French 3 course (level 9) the word “Écosse” (Scotland) does not have an accent aigu on the first e and is written like “Ecosse”, which is wrong of course. Can this be fixed? I found the error when I searched up the French spelling in WordReference. Thanks

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@Guillaume_Jaskula It was some while back in the thread, but thank you for confirming la culotte for me, I did wonder where underwear was hiding :joy: I’ll be sure to think of undies when I see pants now, merci beaucoup! :yum:

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It might be difficult for some to type the E with an accent, depending on keyboards. But it should at least accept both.

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In French 6 Course by Memrise, there is a wrong mini-video tied with the phrase “c’est un bon rapport qualité-prix”.
The video reads c’est un question d’opinion.Please check it out

Also, in the same course, the phrase c’est au-dessous de toi is translated it’s beneath you, which is, in my opinion, is wrong.
The expression can mean “This thing is beyond your understanding” or “It’s out of your league” or the equivalent. Even if the expression is taken literally, it should be written as “it’s over/above you”.