I couldn’t find a topic for these courses, so I hope I did right by starting one, certainly for such a minor issue:
In the Frans 2 course, level 5, the Dutch translation for ‘le livre’ is given as ‘het book’, while it should be ‘het boek’.
I couldn’t find a topic for these courses, so I hope I did right by starting one, certainly for such a minor issue:
In the Frans 2 course, level 5, the Dutch translation for ‘le livre’ is given as ‘het book’, while it should be ‘het boek’.
Could you please put a link to the course in your first post? But I think you mean this set by Memrise.
@Guillaume_Jaskula for the French part, not sure for the Dutch part. @MerlijnB ?
Dear Youssou,
You’re absolutely right, thanks for letting us know. I’ve fixed it now!
In the Frans 2 course, level 8 the French sentence ‘c’est mon ami de France’, is translated as ‘dit is mijn vriend uit de Verenigde Staten’.
Hi Youssou,
You’re absolutely right, and I’ve now changed it to “dit is mijn vriend uit Frankrijk”. Thanks again for spotting the mistake and taking the time to let us know!
Hi @MerlijnB,
Thanks for the great work of translating the courses!
Just a few remarks on Frans 2.
Level 3
And one typo in Frans 3:
Level 4
Hi @Kahmeal
Thanks a lot for your comments, I’ll go through them and make the necessary changes right away!
UPDATE: All fixed now, many thanks!
Some issues in French for Dutch Speakers 3 (“Frans 3”):
“dat soort mij niet” -> “dat stoort mij niet
"ik een moment nodig om na te denken” -> “ik heb een moment nodig om na te denken”
“la façon de weg” zou “de manier” of 'de wijze waarop" niet beter zijn? “weg” is ook al 'loin", en rue en voie en chemin en route …
“ma petite amie déteste etc” translated as “mijn vriend haat …” should be “mijn vriendin haat …”
“ik wil vanmiddagn gaan zwemmen” -> “ik wil vanmiddag zwemmen”
I saw some more typo’s or issues, is it helpful to post them here?
Sorry, meant “ik wil vanmiddag gaan zwemmen” - just a typo in “vanmiddagn”
Dear lemon9185,
Thanks for your feedback, I’ll get on it right away. And it’s absolutely helpful, if you spot anymore, please let me know here!
Dear MerlijnB,
Thank you for your good work.
Here some more suggestions (Frans 3):
Thank you for your attention,
best regards,
Dear Leon,
Great work! I’ll get on this right away, thank you so much for letting us know!
Dear Merlijn,
Just a few remarks about Frans 4:
Best regards,
Dear Merlijn,
Sorry, forgot one for Frans 4:
When asked for “ongelofelijk” (without exclamation mark) only the answer “incroyable !” (with exclamation mark) is accepted.
To make things more confusing, in Frans 5 “incroyable” is learned again, but this time without exclamation mark…
See the screenshot, from Frans 4: here only the answer with exclamation mark is accepted.
It seems to me that in Frans 4 an exclamation mark should be added to the question with the Dutch word “ongelofelijk”.
Best regards,
Hi Leon,
Once again thank you for spotting these mistakes. I’ve taken care of the typos and added an exclamation mark to the “ongelofelijk” in Frans 4!
Hi Merlijn,
Here are a few remarks about Frans 5.
“ce n’est pas si simple/het is niet o simpel” > het is niet zo simpel
“faisons un essai/laten we hebben proberen” > laten we het proberen (or: laten we een poging wagen)
“peindre/de verf” > verven (the verb, not the noun)
“… parce que c’est un endroit tellement intéressant/… omdat het zo’n diverse plek is” > zo’n interessante plek
“socialiste/de socialist” > socialistisch(e) (as in la partie socialiste)
“communiste/de communist” > communistisch(e)
“il joue bien du piano/het speelt goed piano” > hij speelt goed piano
“cuisiner/koken” > to clarify the difference with “cuire/koken, braden”: “koken, kokkerellen”
“est-ce que vous voulez voir nos photos?/Wil je onze foto’s zien?” > Wilt u (willen jullie) onze foto’s zien?
“ces/deze; die” > add:(meervoud or mv) (to distinguish from ce (cette), which also means deze; die but singular/enkelvoud)
“le maillot de bain/het zwempak” > translated from the English swimming suite? Why not “het badpak”, more common in Dutch and closer to the French original
“le secret de Polichinelle/de olifant in de kamer” > translated from the English The elephant in the room? But De olifant in de kamer is not a common expression in Dutch; the usual translation is: het publieke geheim
“brillant/succesvol” > not quite the same, think of “bijoux brillant”; why not simply “briljant”, that’s good Dutch and covers it all
“tendu/zenuwachtig” > not quite right, think of “la main tendue” or “le bras tendu”. I would say: “gestrekt, gespannen, gestresst”
“autour/rond” > to distinguish from “rond” or “environ”, I would suggest “rond(om)”
“le vote/de stem” > to distinguish from “la voix” (see the dilemma in the screenshot) I prefer “de stem (bij verkiezingen)”
Sincerely yours,
Dear Leon,
Thanks a lot for all these remarks, I’ve just gone through the course and made the necessary changes!
Dear Merlijn,
Sorry, found two more in Frans 5:
“ils ont six points d’avance maintenant/zijn staan nu zes punten voor” zijn>zij
"mes grands-parents sont allés en Afrique quand ils étaient jeunes/mijn grootouders zijn naar Afrika gegaan toen ze jonge waren" jonge>jong
Starting with Frans 6 now,
greetings, Leon
Excellent, also fixed now. Thanks a lot!
Ik raak al mijn toverstokjes kwijt doordat Memrise de dingen precies op één manier wil horen: met haakjes, punt komma, spatie etc. Is daar wat aan te doen?