[Course Forum] First 5000 Words of Spanish by xoviat

These are very good observations (as usual) and I just changed these items to the following:

L7: bajar = to go down, lower, turn down, download

L4: la carrera = career; race (speed); university degree/major

It might just be my hearing, but I think the audio for “asegurar” (to assure) is saying “asurar”.

Hi, there was some kind of glitch in audio recording, so I just swapped in another one that sounds correct (I think).

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Hey Ian, Is this the right comment to ‘reply’ to. ahh Memrise, give us back easy course commenting. anyway, I think that both “Divisa” and “soso” could be adjusted to better the course. My suggestion is that the “Devisa” definition be changed to foreign currency or with a (D…) hint, so as not to be confused with Moneda. For “soso” I think an addition of “boring” be added to the definition so as not to be confused with dull (as in not sharp) - and a clue to show that it is not asking for Aburrido.

thanks as always,


Hi Daniel, this is the right place at the moment.

Very good suggestions I think. I’ve made some changes and the various items now read:

Level 16: la moneda = coin; currency (not “la divisa”)
Level 49: la divisa = currency (not “la moneda”)

Level 61: soso = dull, boring (not “aburrido”)
I also made a corresponding change in one of my own courses:
Top Up #4, Level 1:aburrido = boring (not “soso”), bored

Hello ian_mn,

Could you please add some clarifications to these words (L40):

el hábito - habit --> '‘not la costumbre’'
la cualidad - quality (inherent characteristic) --> not “la calidad”

Thanks in advance!


I edited the following items and they now read;

Level 12: la costumbre = custom, habit (not “el hábito”)
Level 40: el hábito = habit (not “la costumbre”)

Comments have come up before on the cualidad/calidad definitions. I’m inclined to leave these as they stand right now, as they’re not synonyms - unfortunately the word “quality” has two distinct meanings in English. The items currently read:

Level 8: la calidad = quality (calibre)
Level 40: la cualidad = quality (inherent characteristic)

Let me know if you feel strongly about this, and I’ll take a closer look.


Hello @ian_mn ,

Could you please change the English translation in L48 sujetar - to hold ?

Memrise official course S7 L34 already has an item
"sostener - to hold" that can be easily mistaken with this one.
I checked in some online dictionaries and “to hold” has many translations based on exact meaning in the sentence.

I guess sujetar should be “hold down, fasten, restrain” but “to hold” seems too generic.

Hi, I think that’s a good point and I’ve changed the “sujetar” definition - it’s now:

Level 48: sujetar = to hold, hold on to, hold down; to fasten

The verb “sostener” already has a fairly lengthy definition in this course, and I think it’s probably O.K. as it stands?

Level 8 : sostener = to sustain, support, hold up (not sustentar)

Thanks for the correction!

One more thing:
This item has “concretamente” as accepted translation. I think the other two English synonyms are not relevant here as they have their own translations (específicamente and exactamente) somewhere in the course.

I understand what you’re saying, but I don’t think I want to remove the second and third definitions, as they they appear to be more common translations of “concretamente”.

I do think that placing “concretely” in the first position disambiguates the item effectively, and prevents any confusion with the other items in the course that have the translations “specifically” and “exactly”.

Let me know if you feel strongly about this - I can take a look the issue in more detail.

I just received an official warning from Memrise that I’ve been posting too frequently to this thread, and that I need to give other users a chance to enter the conversation. Sorry about that.

off topic: a very strange warning; you’re just answering user concerns … now I maybe understand why"official" curators reply just every now and then in the “official” courses fora???

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@ian_mn and @Hydroptere,

It’s actually not a warning from Memrise. It’s an in-built feature of the Discourse platform that this forum sits on. It’s intended to deter people from ‘hogging’ the kind of forum discussions you get on other fora. It’s not intended (or relevant) for Memrise course creators/curators dealing with course issues.

Just ignore it!


Re concretamente, these example sentences from spanishdict.com would never be translated into English with “concretely”.

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You’re quite right, but further down the SpanishDict entry they give these examples:

“La segunda cuestión, concretamente, es algo que ya mencioné en primera lectura.
The second question, concretely, is something I already mentioned at first reading”

“Concretamente , esa es la fórmula de la Comisión.
That, concretely, is the prescription of the Commission.”

A few things are tripping me up in this course. Any chance you could disambiguate:
el adorno: ornament…add: not ornamento
el carro: car …mark as AmL


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L49 el compás
time measure (music)

I think compass/compasses is also a relevant translation, both the drawing tool and navigation tool can be translated as compás.

I added an extra definition to this one, and the item now reads:

Level 49: el compás = time measure (music); pair of compasses (drawing instr.)

The navigational instrument that indicates magnetic north is usually “la brújula”. If you can give me a good source for “el compás” that shows the nav. instr. translation, please let me know and I’ll make another adjustment to the definition.

SpanishDict has this translation:

“El compás nos permitía determinar el rumbo del barco.The compass made it possible for us to determine the course of the ship.”

But indeed, brújula looks much more accurate. Thanks for the clarification!