[Course Forum] **Duolingo Spanish Vocabulary** by zstoltz

Welcome to the official forum for the [Duolingo Spanish Vocabulary course]
(http://www.memrise.com/course/342610/duolingo-spanish-vocabulary-in-progress/) by zstoltz! That’s me!

If you encounter any mistakes or typos in the course, please post them here.

It’s been a while since I’ve had the time to devote to this course, but I would like to see it finished, so if you are running out of levels to learn and have a desire to help complete the course, please send me an email at [email protected], and perhaps we can work something out where the community can collaborate to finish the course. Otherwise, I’ll do my best to add new levels periodically. Thank you for your patience!


  • Accents are required! Here are some tips for using keyboard shortcuts to make typing accents easier.
  • DO NOT capitalize words. They will be marked incorrect because of the way Memrise treats strict testing (which is enabled because of accents)!
  • If a noun is gendered, el/la (or los/las for plurals) is REQUIRED before the word.
  • Any word that can be either masculine or feminine should accept both forms as correct answers. (e.g., el trabajador / la trabajadora)
  • Duolingo consolidated and rearranged a few levels sometime in mid-2016, so a couple levels might appear in the Memrise course that do not appear on Duolingo. This should not have a significant impact on the way you use this Memrise course in conjunction with Duolingo.



  • Added a new level: Politics (audio coming shortly)


  • Added a new level: Verbs: Future Perfect


  • Added a new level: Future
  • Added a new level: Arts


  • Added a new level: Spiritual


  • Added a new level: Haber


  • Added a new level: Communication


  • Added a new level: Business


  • The Food 2 level has been added to the course! This is a new level that Duolingo introduced a couple months ago, so it sits in the middle of the current course as opposed to the end.
  • Some new vocabulary has been added to a couple pre-existing levels to reflect some of the recent changes made to the Duolingo Spanish course.

@zstoltz On the first lesson you have a/an, un, but not a/an, una.

Good catch. I’ve added “una” in as an alternate accepted answer. That should have been in there already. Any word that can be either masculine or feminine should accept both forms as correct answers in this course.


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“una olla vigilada jamás hierve” nunca can be used in place of jamás. Google suggestions verify this. I think there’s also one where “jamás había sufrido tanto” but I’m not quite sure you can use both. Do you think “nunca había sufrido tanto” should be accepted?

I also believe that zumo should be accepted as juice.

Some fun info about juice:

In Bolivia (and perhaps other places), ‘zumo’ refers specifically to pure juice, with nothing added. ‘Jugo’ refers to fruit juice with water added, and probably sugar, too. If you ask for zumo de sandía, you’ll get pure watermelon juice. If you ask for jugo de papaya, you’ll get pureed papaya diluted with enough water to give it the consistency of juice. If you ask for zumo de papaya, you’ll get a thick papaya slurry. If you ask for zumo de banana, they’ll look at you funny, confirm that is really what you want, and come back with mashed banana in a glass.


That first sentence is not in the course, so I’m not sure where you’re getting that from. That second sentence… I’m not totally sure that nunca can be subbed in for jamás. It is my understanding that the two words have different contextual uses. If someone else with more knowledge of the nuance can confirm that nunca is a proper substitute, then I’ll change it.

I changed the entry for “juice” to read “juice (not z…)” because zumo is not taught on Duolingo and it appears to be regional and less commonly used as @Kaspian entertainingly brought to light.

The first sentence with the watched pot is #12 in idioms for me. Thanks for the insight on jugo vs zumo! And yeah, I was unsure on the second sentence, I might ask my Spanish-speaking friend to clarify. Thanks!

Edit: capitalization.

Ah! Thank you. That was my mistake. I have a master spreadsheet of everything, and the idioms level wasn’t in there because it’s a bonus level. I added nunca in as an alternative in the sentence in question.

Is vosotros registered as an alternate translation for “you (plural)”?

It is not… The course is currently focused only on Latin American style Spanish for the sake of simplicity and consistency.


That makes sense, thanks for clarifying and I’ll keep that in mind going forward. :slight_smile:

Then your course forum doesn’t belong in the category officially dedicated to discussion of Spanish (Castilian/Spain).

You, or one of the moderators, if necessary, should move it to the Spanish Latin American - Mexican section where it belongs.

@xvg11 It has been moved. I don’t believe the distinction existed when I made this forum. Thanks for pointing that out.

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You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

Yes, I think it was just Spanish, without any distinction, up until about a week or two ago. But I think it really is better this way, because it avoids unnecessary confusion both for learners and for others who are trying to answer any questions raised about the language.


Why do you write it like that “juice (not z…)” How am I supposed to know what the z word is?

You may not know that there’s another word for juice that starts with a z, but others might. Perhaps you’ll learn it later!

Why don’t you just write “juice (not zumo)” because (not z…) just looks like whatever you were writing got cut off?

The whole course is set up this way because sometimes the the (not x…) refers to a word that is also taught in the course. It wouldn’t help you memorize the other word very well if it was fully written out as a part of the word you were reviewing.

Hi! I have some trouble with the occupations level. Some have articles and others don’t. While reviewing if I add an article it corrects me wrong. There is no way to tell if el/la is needed or not. Please, can you add articles, or alternatives with articles. Atleta, artista, poeta, estudiante, agente, policía

You could add both forms, like la estudiante - female student; el estudiante - male student etc