[Course Forum] Duolingo Spanish Vocabulary (OLD - SEE NEW FORUM)

Creating this forum since the old one was removed. This topic is for discussion of the course.


For the idioms section (Level 49) the translation for “You snooze, you lose” is “camarón que se duerme, so lo lleva la corriente.” Shouldn’t the “so” in that translation be “se”?

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It appears the course creator has left the project. There isn’t much I can do unfortunately. I too have a couple of faults with the course that I want corrected, but I don’t know any way to contact them.

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Hi @Firroth57

I think you mean the course:

Duolingo Spanish Vocabulary *In Progres… - by zstoltz - Memrise

Hi @lien,
The course creator does not contribute in this forum under the name @zstoltz
Maybe you can send the course creator an email to invite him/her to the new forum.

Thank you in advance.

Have a nice time!

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I don’t even know if he’s active anymore. He hasn’t added any levels in a long time, and IIRC he wasn’t that active in the old forum in the last months either. I don’t have zstoltz’s email, but I have contacted Memrise support to check whether he’s still active or not.

OK. I think @lien (Memrise) will check this.
If you want we can ask Lien to make you a contributor…(if he’s not active anymore).

I don’t know how is this new forum is organized, so I’ll just put this here… Can someone make this course not strict ?!! All other courses forgive the accidental capitalization, etc…

Does the course have any capitalization at all? I thought everything was lowercase? Perhaps you’re talking about another course. At least it doesn’t care about punctuation, but diacritics are important in Spanish.

Exactly, all words are in Lower case, so if you’re a person who automatically shifts the first letter like ‘El Agua’ instead of ‘el agua’, you’re going to get a lot of mistakes just like this one! Diacritics are also important in French and German, still their courses forgive the diacritics mistakes… Anyway it seems like a preference thing, also, it’s not a problem anymore, I sorted it out already, I wrote a small script that turns everything I type to lowerCase to mend this problem.

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I emailed Zstoltz over a week ago and have yet to hear back. Would any of you like to be added as a contributor to the course?

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Hey everyone. Sorry for my absence. I had no idea that the old forums were removed, so I haven’t been getting any notifications about this stuff, which is incredibly frustrating for me. In the old forums, I could field questions and respond quickly, which I made a point of doing. Hopefully I will get notifications on this thread from now on.

I am still working on this course. Don’t worry. There’s just a lot that goes into it, and I have a busy life outside of this. To be completely honest, this is a course that I created for my own personal use while learning Spanish. I made it public so some of my friends could use it, but I never thought it would get so many users. It’s great that it has, but I just wanted to let you know where I’m looking at this thing from.

If you have any questions, let me know. I can also be reached by email directly at [email protected].


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You are correct. This has been fixed. Apologies for the delay. I was not notified of this comment as I was unaware of the shift from course forums to this.

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I haven’t left. :slight_smile: What faults would you like to see corrected? Many things have been done intentionally, but if there’s anything that makes sense to change that wouldn’t mess with the overall workings of the course, I’m happy to entertain those notes!

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I’m sorry I don’t remember, I should have written down a list. The only ones I can recall I had trouble with were the camarón idiom and the “el salón” = sitting room and “la sala” = living room when they really are synonymous. So if you wrote el salón for living room it would mark it wrong. I’ve just remembered that the “ó” kinda looks like a person sitting in a wheelchair. Great to see you back and I will make sure to post here if I stumple upon more things. It would also of course be nice to see the course completed. :slight_smile:

I changed the settings for your account so you should now be able to write as many posts as you like.

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You know, that always bugged me a bit too… I just did some research and it looks like they are indeed used pretty interchangeably, so I’m just going to make a change and accept el salón as an alt for la sala and vice versa. Good call.

Working on adding new levels. Just been really busy lately. Apparently Duolingo added some vocabulary to older levels, so I’m going to add that stuff as well.


Hey everyone! I started a new course forum that has some updated information. Please use that one from now on as I have the top post, which means I can edit it so that new users can see relevant information as it pops up. Thanks for getting the ball rolling on this @Firroth57. Hope to see you in the new forum.

Edit: forgot the link!