[Course Forum] Duolingo Russian (full audio) by cherub721

Dear Cherub,

I am referring to a phrase in Level 70, the third sentence from above:

Занятия начинаются в восемь утра и заканчивается в одиннадцать

I think it should be заканчиваются?

Thank you for your splendid course, I am terribly grateful for your work. The same goes for shady_arc.


Level 26 - Prepositions
возле; рядом
by, near, close by

I don’t know why, but on mobile app there are a few spaces between возле; and рядом which makes it difficult to answer correctly.

Thank you for the comments! Salome, you are right and I fixed it. BTW, I’ve sent this out for recordings, and hopefully they’ll come soon (sometimes Shady_Arc will make edits before he records them so he probably will catch that when he sends me the recordings).

To manganium, I deleted the spaces and it should work better now.


Entry они читают - they read occurs twice within Level 3 - Basics 2


“знакомый” appears twice in level 35.

“элементарная частица” appears twice in level 42.

“называться” appears twice in level 51.


I’ve found a problem in level 41.

At the sentence “My mom is Chinese”, the answer “Моя мама китаянка” constantly gets rejected. I suspect that the answer in the database includes a letter in Latin script, not Cyrillic.

Dear Cherub721,

in Level 71 there is “до половины седьмого” - “until half past seven”. I am neither Russian nor English native speaker and the more I do research the more I get confused: http://context.reverso.net/translation/russian-english/до+половины+седьмого

If you could help me out and tell me what time is it?!

Thank you,



“до половины седьмого” actually means “until half past six”. So that’s 6:30 or 18:30. The english translation in the course is incorrect.

By the way, it seems that Cherub721 hasn’t been online since september. I don’t know if this course has any contributers that could help fix the reported issues?

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should be until 6:30

you can think it this way… it is not quite 7 only half of it :wink:

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I fixed it. Thank you Salome for pointing it out.

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Just two small typos, in level 62.
The sentence “wth the family”, should be “with the family”.
And the sentence “in front of he museum”, should be “in front of the museum”.

Also a typo in level 26. The sentence “cofee without milk” should be “coffee without milk”.

And in level 71: “everyo second” should be “every second”.

I found another small typo in level 62.

The sentence “Нам нравится ходит в ресторан с нашими родителями”.
I think that “ходит” is supposed to be “ходить” in this sentence.

Hello there,

another small bug: The answer in level 71 Я её написалa за день is getting rejectet. I suppose the final letter in написала is latin.

And thank you xKimka for shedding light on the “half past six or whatever time it is - thing.”


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This same bug also exists in level 41, in the sentence “Моя мама китаянка”. The last letter is in latin there, so the correct answer gets rejected.

And also in level 66, in the sentence “Она занята”. The first letter is written in latin script, instead of cyrillic.

In level 61, “туз пик” is being translated as “ace of clubs”. But this is supposed to be “ace of spades”.

In level 71: “Каждый день я встречаюсь со своим друзьями”
I think that “своим” should be “своими”.

Also in level 71: “Она покупала одежда два часа”. I think that “одежда” should be “одежду”.

It would be really great if you could find some time to fix the reported issues of the past 2 months. Thank you so much for all your work! I really enjoy your course. :heart:

Thank you for this course.
Since on PC input reading is case sensitive, is it possible to remove all capital letters?

Hello all! If anyone is still learning this course, has anyone been able to download the whole course, with audio, into anki? I am having trouble with it and would love to be able to save a copy as we transition to the Decks system, just in case. I also have a couple of unlisted courses that I would appreciate if someone could transfer. I had started a part 2 for this course, putting together more of the sentences and vocab from the rest of duolingo’s course, but it has no audio.

I did lose touch with the person doing the audio and never ended up completing it. I do apologize for that. I also just now saw all the comments posted by @xKimka and @Salome.O from almost a year ago. I don’t think Memrise ever sent me an email when those were posted so I didn’t realize. So sorry! If anyone wants to save it, you can save it now as the corrections are done! Thank you all, I don’t know if there will continue to be a course forum on Decks and how long Decks will last, so this feels like the end of an era.