[Course Forum] Duolingo Russian (full audio) by cherub721

Please notify me of any issues with this course in this thread or via private message: http://www.memrise.com/course/378212/duolingo-russian-full-audio/

Note: The course is still being updated. The chapters marked (no audio) or (incomplete audio) are pending creation of the audio and may still be pending a final proofreading, so you would be better off skipping them for now (there are still over 2,000 completed items in the course that do have audio, so you’ll have plenty to work on!).


Dear Cherub721,

am I the only one with the problem that each time I want to learn further the course now leads me to level 16? Of note, I have completed level 16 long ago and there weren’t new words added I could see. I tried to fix the bug by marking all words in this level as “ignored” but it still brings me to that level.

Some enlightenment would be appreciated - thank you for this awesome course and the huge amount of work you must have put in it. It helps me a lot to get my Russian better,


Hi Eva,

That’s very strange. The course has 68 levels right now, about 50 with audio. This is probably a memrise bug. For me,whenever I can’t see things that have been added to the course, I log out of the app and back in, which usually refreshes everything. Do you at least see that those levels are there? Maybe you could click on each level’s green learn button, rather than on the learn button for the whole course.

If you’re on the website then I’m really at a loss.

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thank you for your quick reply. I don’t use the app but learn on the website so it seems we are both at a loss now. I’ve been doing what you suggested and keep learning new words by clicking on each level’s learn button.

I discovered that there is a similar issue with level 52. As I said, I was not sure whether this happened only to me or whether it is a memrise bug so I contacted the support team and they fixed it! This happens sometimes and they told me just to contact the support team whenever this bug occurs.

Anyway, thank you for the time you took to answer my question and again for making this course. You have no idea how long I’ve been struggling with the Russian language and how glad I am to have found duolingo and memrise.

Best wishes,

Hey there! There seems to be a problem with the word “twice”… Its, well, twice in the course, one time with дважды as translation and one time with два раза, with no chance to see which is asked. I don’t know were the first one is (sorry!), but the ‘дважды’ one is in Level 37!

…I don’t like the new format for the forum btw :'D Seemed much easier before, I can’t figure this one out… Not to mention how to send private messages… urgh.

Agreed, this format takes some getting used to!

I’ve marked дважды as (adverb) and два раза as (lit: two times). That should take care of it!

Perfect, thank you!

I had the same problem with the “New Penguin Russian Course Vocabulary” course. I was told it occurred because of a blank entry in the database or a learned word that was later deleted. It took about 6 weeks for tech support to fix it. They told me they were looking for a bug fix, but I have some doubts that worked out. It has been a recurring bug that has been reported occurring in several courses for at least two years now. When this happened to me, the level showed one more word on the levels screen (in a browser) than were actually listed in the level. Before they fixed it I got around it by studying one level at a time and skipping the offending one. If you are using an app you have to log out and log back in first. Best of luck!

Dear Cherub721

in Level 55 Dative Она идёт к гаражам - She is talking towards the garages.

I hope it means that she is WALKING to the garages. Just a minor thing, but found it quite funny :slight_smile:

Best wishes,


LOL. Fixed. You might want to hold off on that chapter - I sent it to Igor to do the audio and sometimes when he returns the audio he also catches mistakes and adds more vocabulary. The next three chapters after that do have audio.

Heya! There’s another problem with “one time/once”, you have it as “один раз” and also only as “раз”! Thank you for your time! :smiley:

Hi GwenStacy… what chapter?

oh man… lemme check!

one is in 37… ahh, and in 47!

I see the confusion now… раз is being taught as “a time, once” to teach the word, while один раз is taught as “one time, once” to teach counting and when to use nominative or genitive after a number. I made both раз and один раз acceptable answers to both.

Great job, thank you. How many hours on average to finish this course?

Memrise says it’s 52 hours, but I’m adding more to the course all the time.

Is this course still being updated?

Yes. I received a batch of new audio that I will cut and upload probably this week.

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Dear Cherub721

Thank You for great course. I am learning it for few months now - there is still plenty to learn :-)) (It had to be lot of work on your behalf)

… My only reservation is, the layout of levels … I am sometimes at loss, which level at Memrise here belongs to what level in Duolingo (I am doing both everyday) … is there any way to tell? (The description do not match and the order seem to be a little off too … I do not want be complaining - just that I would like to make head and toe of it :slight_smile: )

Let say Dates & Times … there are two lessons with this name ((Days, Months & Seasons) (General) ) … are both of them relevant for the Time&Num level in Duolingo ? Or the level named People 2 in Duolingo … is that the level “Professions” in your course (or something else?)

I try to learn everything, yet there is so much stuff here :slight_smile: that I need to prioritize if I want to learn it on Duolingo at the same time (I am going there so much faster … so I try to start every lesson here in Memrise in advance and before I end it here … it is ended already in Duolingo) … that is the reason, why I like to know which leson belongs to which one…

This past week I made some updates: Audio has been added for the Education and Dative & Plurals skills. Added bonus skill for Cards & Games with all audio uploaded. Completely revised Genitive Plural lesson which is now split into 3 lessons with audio (I just have to do the explanatory mems, which I hope to have done by the end of the week). I really expanded on the Genitive Plural section with a ton of examples of different types and irregulars… I tried to have an example of everything that would be encountered. Sorry to those of you who already did the skill, but I think it’s organized more effectively this way.

I’m glad you’re enjoying the course. :slight_smile:
The thing is that I originally made this course for use with the reverse course. I finished that tree but then stopped updating it once the regular English to Russian course came out, so I could try to tailor it more to that one. However, the result is that the lessons don’t really match the tree. I didn’t bother making chapters for some lessons, such as the accusative case, as that wasn’t a lesson in the reverse course and I had basically folded that information into the other lessons already.

A lot of the information in my earlier lessons is probably too advanced, because it was from the reverse tree. As I’ve been going through the new tree, I have added more words. I think that memorizing the phrases you don’t quite understand grammatically can be a positive – when I was a newbie working through the reverse tree, sometimes I would just memorize the sentences but later, when reading another source, I would have that aha moment and go “oh, that’s why that was phrased that way.” And the bonus lessons are kind of wonky too – for example I made that school bonus lesson before the English to Russian tree was released, which had an education chapter, so a bonus lesson on school wasn’t really necessary and there’s some overlap. Basically when the course is complete you’ll find everything here but not in the right place.

Also, after each lesson in duolingo, I add the important words and phrases, then I will usually review that chapter in a grammar book (I use Golosa and the New Penguin Course) and consult some websites add more examples, especially for irregular grammar. Then I send that spreadsheet to Shady_arc, and as he’s recording, he often adds additional stuff too…. So there’s a lot, way more than you need to complete the tree, but I like that sense of completeness.

You could look at it more as a general Russian course on memrise with a lot of grammar, that is loosely tied to the duolingo tree, rather than just straight vocabulary from the duolingo tree. It should be attempted slowly, and you can always use the ignore button for words and phrases that aren’t what you’re learning on duo, and come back to those later.