Hi, and thanks so much for creating this course! I am really enjoying working on Romanian with Memrise and Duolingo simultaneously. Please take a look at the word for “you eat” (singular), I think one of the letters is wrong ("manânci instead of mănânci). Thanks. (Also, some of the conjugated verbs won’t accept the verb with the subject pronoun, while others will.) I know it’s still under construction, and once again thank you so much for making this set!!
I just started in Memrise, too, after working at Romanian in Duolingo. I had an issue with translating “fork.” Looking closely, Memrise has “furculiţa” rather than “furculița,” which it marked wrong. From what I understand, the ţ is not correct, especially when ț is available. Thank you for all your hard work!
I noticed a problem with “fork” too, but I wasn’t quite as observant as magdalainn; I only noted that it accpted my t but not ț. Also that word seems to accept a but not ă. On the same topic, mouse (șoarece) won’t accept ș but will accept s. I really hope you don’t mind us pointing out these things in the spirit of helping improve the set. Thanks again for all your hard work.
I’m only a few lessons into the course, but I have also noticed a handful of words that use cedilla and cedilla instead of t-comma and s-comma. (I’ve been writing them down as I encounter them.)
Lesson 3 - mulțumesc
Lesson 4 - furculiță (as you mentioned)
Lesson 5 - căpșună
Lesson 5 - sandviș
Lesson 5 - roșie
The course creator, @SebastianMolin is not active on the forums. @Lien - Could you please contact him to see if he’s still available to update this course? http://www.memrise.com/course/450032/duolingo-romanian-vocabulary/
@butterflyteach3r - If you type cedilla, Memrise will accept the ă on furculiţă. If you use a normal t, Memrise expects you to also use a normal a.
There’s also prajit, which should be prăjit. (I think.)
Thank you for alerting Sebastian about these mistakes. If he doesn’t see this forum directly, is there a better way to let him know? This is such a great tool, and I appreciate his hard work here and on Duolingo.
Hey Kaspian! I sent an email so hopefully he’ll join us here soon.
Found some possible errors in the possessives lesson (comparing them with those given in the Duolingo course:
hers/its (fem sing) al ei should be a ei
his/hers/its (masc pl) al săi should be ai săi
I do hope Sebastian sees these comments and finds them helpful.
I left him a message on duo. I hope he has time to stop by. He seems very busy.
@WildSage Thank you for alerting me about this via duolingo.
Ever since beginning work on the Romanian course on duo, I abandoned this course here on memrise. It was meant to be basic, but now I see there are a lot of you who are actually interested in furthering your advancement with the language.
I decided earlier that I would make this course a more in-depth version of the duolingo course. This will be a source that contains clear pronunciation of the words and sentences found on duolingo. I will record each sentence possible. It will also contain a few more lessons (perhaps regional phrases too - where I will try and get different voices to record e.g. Transylvania, Banat, Moldova - accents)
Building a course on memrise gives me the option to work behind the scenes in a spreadsheet, and then upload it here. This is a great feature as I can get work done without interrupting the current course which some of you use daily.
For now, I have to focus on progressing with the original course on duolingo - we have a lot of reports to take care of, but as soon as we get the reports under control (soon hopefully), I will start uploading (the work that I had done behind the scenes) here on memrise.
For now, I will not be resolving any issues with the current memrise course as all my attentions are focused on duolingo and recording sentences.
Happy Learning!
@SebastianMolin - I understand the need to focus on Duolingo for now. Would you be willing to make me a contributor in the meantime? Although I am still a beginner at Romanian, I am certainly able change s-cedilla to s-comma and correct typos that people post here.
Your plans for the future of the course sound fantastic, by the way!
@Kaspian, as you fix typos, would you mind posting here what’s fixed? That way the next time we strengthen that item we’ll be prepared and get it right
@SebastianMolin - Thanks!!
@butterflyteach3r - Yes, please continue to post corrections here. As suggested, I’ll note here what I change.
@magdalainn - If you’re willing to continue to post corrections as you find them, that would be great!
@SebastianMolin - thank you for all your hard work and willingness to let others in to fix little things!
@Kaspian - thank you for taking over these fixes!
Level 4
- pahar = cup
- sticlă = bottle/glass
- ceașcă = cup
- pahar = glass
- sticlă = bottle
My Romanian husband confirms the DuoLingo version, and adds that sticlă is bottle or the substance glass. (I keep tripping over this in Memrise.)
Changes—November 30th:
Lesson 1:
- manânci : you eat (singular) … corrected to tu mănânci. I also added mănânci as a hidden alternative. (For now, the old, incorrect spelling is also a hidden alternative. Please speak up if you’d prefer I remove it…)
- sunt : I am, they are … hidden alternates added: eu sunt, ei sunt, ele sunt
- beau : I drink … hidden alt added: eu beau
- bei : you drink (singular) … hidden alt added: tu bei
Lesson 2:
- suntem : we are … hidden alt added: noi suntem
- (other verbs have the alternates already added)
Lesson 3:
- mulţumesc : thank you … t-cedilla changed to t-comma: mulțumesc. mulţumesc with t-cedilla is a hidden alternate.
Lesson 4:
- sticlă : bottle/glass … English clue changed to “bottle/glass (material)”
- sticlă : glass … deleted this entry since it’s a duplicate
- furculiţă : fork … t-cedilla changed to t-comma: furculiță. furculiţă with t-cedilla is a hidden alternate.
- prajit : fried … corrected to prăjit. (Strict typing is off, so prajit should still be an acceptable answer.)
- pahar : cup … English clue changed to “drinking glass”
- fierbe : he/she/it boils … hidden alternatives added: el fierbe, ea fierbe, el/ea fierbe
Lesson 5:
- căpşună : strawberry … s-cedilla changed to s-comma: căpșună. căpşună with s-cedilla is a hidden alternate.
- sandviş : sandwich … s-cedilla changed to s-comma: sandviș. sandviş with s-cedilla is a hidden alternate.
- el/ea are prânzul : he/she has lunch … hidden alts added: ea are prânzul, el are prânzul. (are prânzul is already accepted.)
- el/ea are cina : he/she has dinner … hidden alts added: ea are cina, el are cina. (are cina is already accepted.)
- roşie : tomato … s-cedilla changed to s-comma: roșie. roşie with s-cedilla is a hidden alternate.
Lesson 6:
- şoarece : mouse … s-cedilla changed to s-comma: șoarece. şoarece with s-cedilla is a hidden alternate.
Lesson 8:
- al ei : hers/its (feminine, singular) … corrected to a ei. (The old, incorrect version is currently a hidden alternative. Please speak up if you think I should remove it.)
- al săi : his/hers/its (masc, plural or formal) … corrected to ai săi. (The old, incorrect version is currently a hidden alternative. Please speak up if you think I should remove it.)
Thanks, everyone!!
In Duo, sandwich is given as sandvici, not sandviș. Not sure how the alternates work in Memrise. (Husband is more familiar with sandviș; I am just looking to standardize Memrise to Duolingo.)
I also noticed that when I did the Duolingo food lesson! (But I forgot to write it down…)
I’ve added sandvici as an alternative to sandviș in lesson 4. Since the audio uses the “ș” sound, I am reluctant to change the main entry to sandvici. (Lesson 7 has the plural, sandvici-uri, and lesson 22 has tu ai un sandvici.)
@Kaspian, thank you so much! I was going to make some suggestions, but you’ve already fixed almost all the things I was thinking of! Wonderful! One thing more: prăjituri is cupcakes on Duolinguo, and cakes here (which is confusing since cake (singular) is tort). Again, thanks a lot!
Level 7: prăjituri : cakes … English clue changed to “cupcakes”