[Course Forum] Duolingo Romanian Vocabulary by SebastianMolin

@Kaspian Hi! I found another one: In the clothing lesson, cămașă (shirt) has the s-cedilla instead of s-comma. Thanks again!


Level 9: cămaşă : shirt … s-cedilla changed to s-comma: cămașă. cămaşă with s-cedilla is a hidden alternate.

@Kaspian Thank you again!
How about this: in the “Time” level, both sfârșit and capăt are given as Romanian for “end”, so it’s difficult to know which way to respond. What would you think about changing one of them to “end (2)” or “end (alt)” or something that would distinguish which translation the computer is looking for?

As far as I can tell by looking at a couple dictionaries, capăt is somewhat more likely to be used in reference to the end or bottom of a physical object… IE: the end of a cylinder. More of the translations for sfârșit refer to conclusions, terminations, dissolutions, etc… IE: the end of a conversation. But, they share too many translations to definitively distinguish them by “physical versus abstract” or “literal versus figurative.”

How about these clues?

capăt : end, tip, bottom (not s_)
sfârșit : end, conclusion (not c_)

(One of the German courses I’m working on distinguishes synonyms this way, and it seems to work well.)

That is AWESOME. MUCH better than I would have thought of.
Hmmm… I wonder if we could do something similar with dulciori (candy) and bomboane (candies), which always confuse me. (It looks to my beginners eyes like they are both plural. I wonder if dulciori might also be translated “sweets”?)

You’re right about bomboane being plural. The singular is bomboană.

With dulciuri, it’s harder to tell… According to Wiktionary, the plural of dulce is dulci, and Wordreference lists dulciuri as plural, but doesn’t indicate what the singular version is. (I also looked at altadict.ro and Google Translate.)

I’ve changed the English clues as follows:

dulciuri : candy (not b…)

bomboane : candies (not d…)

Thanks again!
Something else. This deck translates arata as “show”, but in Duolingo it seems to be translated “look” (as in “appear”; He looks like you. The pie looks delicious). What do you think of changing the English clue here to “show/appear” or something like that. (Wordreference gives “appear” as the first definition of arata but also gives arata as the translation for “show”)


In level 20, a arată is now “to show, to appear”

Possessives (Lesson 8)

your, yours (2nd pers. plur. / femine sing.) - (“Your sister to you guys”)
a voastră

Should be “feminine” rather than “femine.”

Corrected! Thanks!

Do you know if there’s something I need to refresh to see these changes in the Android app? I came here to check on şoarece and see it says corrected above, but nothing has changed on my app since this thread started.

I only use the website, but I’ve read on the forums that sometimes people need to log out of the Memrise app and then log back in to get it to show changes in a course.

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romanian- tu mănânci …

@murganmori - What are you trying to communicate about tu mănânci?

It’s in lesson 2 as:
tu mănânci : you eat (informal)

my bad… it was an old question :slight_smile: I am making a romanian course anyways… thought about giving something back… what would you want for instance in it… give me some ideas…

Here’s few more trouble spots:

Level 15 (Time)
durată - The audio on this one sounds like it is adding extra sounds in there: duranță.

Level 18 (Occupation)
preot - The emphasis should be on the first syllable.
preoteasă - Usually this refers to a priest’s wife in the Orthodox Church, not a priestess; there isn’t really an English word for this, but plenty of words borrowed from other Orthodox traditions (presvytera, matushka, pani, etc.). (This one bugs me overmuch.)

Level 19 (Adjectives 1)
gras - fat (adjective)
grăsime - fat (noun)
blonde - In English, this is actually a gendered adjective, with the masculine as blond and the feminine as blonde.


Here’s what I’ve updated:

Level 15: durată - I was able to find replacement audio on Forvo.

Level 18: preot - I was able to find replacement audio in Forvo.
Level 18: preoteasă - I changed the English clue to “priest’s wife, priestess.” I didn’t want to remove priestess entirely since several dictionaries include both priest’s wife and priestess as valid translations.

Level 19: gras - I added gras : fat (adj) to the lesson. There is no Romanian audio for this entry.
Level 19: grăsime - I updated the English clue to "fat (noun)."
Level 19: blond - The lesson is teaching the Romanian word, “blond,” the masculine, singular form, which is consistent with the rest of the lesson. It was the English clue that was spelled “blonde.” The dictionaries I consulted seem to prefer “blond” over “blonde” (although both are correct), so I removed the E.

Thanks for the suggestions!!

Basics 1 is missing:

boy - copil


There are many words in Duolingo that are not in this course. It was created 2-3 years before Romanian entered the beta phase.

@Kaspian Ah ok. I figured we would want to find any missing words and add them.