[Course Forum] Duolingo Norwegian 2.0

There’s a mistake in level 6: it should be “vegetarianeren”, not “vegetErianeren”.

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Corrected. Thank you!


FYI, I’m going to start updating the course to match the new Norwegian tree.

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If you have the list of all the words, perhaps you could cross-reference with this one from UiO. I know most are on the Duolingo word bank, but I’m guessing there are enough to make a bonus level or two. (Or I could be wrong; I haven’t finished the course.)


My plan is to go through a couple lessons every day and add the new words. I’m still not technically done with adding words and phrases from the second edition of the tree since new content tends to pop up regularly when I strengthen my skills. I’ll check out the list but I can’t add any words to the course that don’t exist in the Duolingo tree.

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No worries. Once I finish your course, I’ll look at the list again and add any I didn’t learn to my personal one.

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All the new words are added. I’ll do the audio soon.

On level 62:

en påminnelse a remider (lacking the n).

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level 63:

å anbefale to reccomend (recommend)

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On my review today, I had “an end”, but en ende and en slutt aren’t exchangeable.

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Level 67:

svar anser

And the audio for hold is “hold opp”

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Thanks for putting this together! I’ve been flip-flopping between Duolingo and Memrise as I get started learning Norwegian and your course really helps bring it all together!

I’ve found one small issue so far: in level 1 the audio for “har” is saying “å ha”.

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Thanks for pointing out the error. I’m glad the course is helping!

Level 42

en kakestykke a piece of cake; should be et

Also, I believe it should be sifrene not siffrene:


New Forum!

You are right on both accounts, TheFour-GatedDanzig.