[Course Forum] Duolingo Norwegian Vocabulary


This is the forum for the Complete Duolingo Norwegian Vocabulary Memrise course. The course is designed to help Duolingo Norwegian users learn and review vocabulary and practice grammatical concepts. It also has full audio and bonus skills!

Errors or Suggestions?

Please reply below if you find any errors or typos or if you have a suggestion about the course. I’m interested in hearing your feedback!

The audio for this course comes from Google Translate via Sound of Text as well as Forvo.

###Want to contribute?
If you’re interested in contributing to the course, reply below.

#####This course is not affiliated with Duolingo or the Duolingo Norwegian team.

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Following from the last forum

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level 77 ambulance is written as abulance.


Level 80, beina has the audio of et bein.

I’m surprised this level doesn’t have organene and nyrene. :fearful: If you ever want to be rebellious against Duolingo…


Also level 80:

å fryse på tærne — the audio stops at på

I should make my monthly comment about how much I appreciate the course and how swift you are with edits. Thanks again!



beskjed is missing its article

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Is this course going to get updated for Norwegian 3.0?

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It already is.

Time for an update again … the Duolingo Norwegian course has gone into Tree 3.0 now …: https://incubator.duolingo.com/courses/no-BO/en/status

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I did a tree 3.0 update a few months ago. Let me know if you find any problems.

It looks like The Office lesson is missing the word for mobile phone: en mobil.

Added. Thanks for notifying me.

No problem. I’m actually interested in contributing to this (if you don’t mind). There’s a few other words missing / mistakes that I’ve noticed. As opposed to posting them here for someone else to fix, I could fix them as I go along.

Yes, I’ll add you as a contributor. If you have to add audio to a term, use https://soundoftext.com/ .

FYI, I’m making various changes to this to make it more consistent with the actual Duolingo course. The changes thus far have been relatively minor, e.g., moving words around. Let me know if there’s anything you all disagree with. I’m considering changing the infinitive form of the verbs in earlier lessons to the present tense form, but that may prove too controversial.

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Ok, sounds good. I haven’t been monitoring the course, so you can just log the changes you make on this thread if it’s not too inconvenient.

Updated levels 1 - 20 today. For nearly all levels, I swapped the order of words so that they conform with Duolingo’s order. In some instances, I moved words from one level to another. I’ve listed some of the more notable changes below:

  1. Made it clear that det, dere, and de are subject pronouns in this level. Moved ei to here.
  2. Made it clear that den is a subject pronoun.
  3. Got rid of the periods that ended phrases like “God dag.” Added en tur and å ha.
  4. No notable changes
  5. Added definite forms for the animals
  6. No notable changes
  7. Added object forms for det, den, and dere, making it clear that they are object pronouns.
  8. Added audio for en sykkel, made it clear that the single-syllable neuter nouns are plural.
  9. No notable changes
  10. No notable changes
  11. No notable changes
  12. No notable changes
  13. Added the possessive form of a few different nouns (basically just an ‘s’ at the end)
  14. Added seg, and a bunch of alts for å ha på seg (could use any reflexive pronoun)
  15. Deleted the multimedia content, and added det, den, and de, making sure to specify that they are determiners.
  16. Added fra, and additional meanings for til
  17. Added for … skyld, as per the Duolingo course
  18. Added umulig
  19. Added all of the various forms of the colors because I don’t think it was particularly clear which words changed based on gender.
  20. Added the prefix u- as an entry

I made some other changes that I ultimately ended up undoing (e.g., changing ei kvinne to en kvinne), so sorry if that affects your daily reviewing/studying.

It’s worth noting that if you want to check out the actual wordlist, you just have to create a Norwegian classroom (i.e., sign up as a teacher) and go to the “Curriculum” page.

  1. Got rid of u. Practiced with it over the last week and I found it a bit annoying. There are enough examples to communicate the meaning of the prefix anyways.
  2. Added ei slekt, definite plurals for many family words (because I don’t think they’re obvious until you realize the pattern)
  3. Added netter, nettene, en mellomtid, et sekund, en nåtid (replacing nåtiden=
  4. Nothing
  5. Removed å jobbe (moved it to professions)
  6. Added å si

Cool, thanks for making these changes.

The Duolingo contributors have announced a new tree, so I’ll (slowly) be working to update this course based on their changelog.