[Course Forum] Duolingo Norwegian 2.0

Also, for level 12, there’s no distinction for the majority of words, so I don’t know whether to type the gender, neuter, or plural possessive.

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Thanks for pointing that out. Both are fixed.

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Level 19, the audio for rødt sounds like an American spelling R. O. D. T.

yeah, it sounds like all the noun forms of the colors have non-native speakers pronunciation, which is rather funny.

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Thanks a lot for the course!

Errors I’ve noticed

  • Level 18: There is no audio for plural form ‘billige’ - ‘cheap’
  • Level 19: The pronunciation of all color nouns is wrong. It seems that voice is trying to interpret the Norwegian word as English
  • Level 20: ‘Proud’ is written with error. Must be ‘stolt’ not ‘stol’


  • It would be great to add the definite form of feminines too. Because Duolingo makes a habit of using masculine definite forms everywhere, thus learning feminine indefinite alone will not make a lot of sense unless you practice its definite form as well.
  • I think the course really lacks the adjectives of all forms, i.e. neuter/plural/comparative/superlative. Because for example an adjective ‘old’ has masculine form ‘gammel’, but not so obvious plural form ‘gamle’. And the most confusing - comparative ‘eldre’ and superlative masculine/plural ‘eldst/eldste’. It is easy to get lost.
    Currently level 20 contains masculine forms only. In level 53 for example I see a mix, but still incomplete. I see masculine ‘søt’, I see superlative ‘søtest’, but I don’t see comparative ‘søtere’. And neither neuter ‘søtt’ nor plural ‘søte’ is there. In contrast there is only one masculine form of ‘svak’

And what is the progress of making feminine the default gender, if you don’t mind me asking?

hpchicken, can probably add you as a contributor, if you’d like to be one.

Well, I would actually like to avoid that. If I ever wanted to contribute, I would rather create my own course the way I like it. Moreover it would probably be much quicker to add all words along with the audio into the new course at once instead of modifying each word one by one within the existing one.
It is a good task for automation though. I’m currently looking for this kind of tasks to practice in Haskell. If I succeed with the automation of TTS (or Forvo) for all my lists of words, I’ll let you know here and then we will see if it is worth the effort. It may take time though

Fixed fixed

The errors are fixed.
The feminine gender won’t be added as the default, unfortunately. That was an old plan. At this point, it’s only used for words presented as feminine in the Norwegian tree like jente, bygd etc.

The adjectives 1 skill is supposed to teach users some of the ways adjectives are declined. After that skill, only the neuter and plural forms of irregular adjectives should be included. I’ll look into the irregular comparative and superlative forms though.

Thanks for pointing out the errors.

Quick thing I forgot to mention. On level 25, you have the audio for må as the infinitive å måtte

Thanks. _________

You are welcome!

You have a couple of words with the same meaning but there is no way one could differentiate which one the system is asking you about

  • to come along - å bli med, å komme med
  • to post - å poste, å legge ut

Just a couple of minutes ago I have been struggling with guessing which version of ‘to post’ should I enter, because both happened to occur within one review.

Also there is a misprint in å leve over enve. Should be evne, not enve.

I added the synonymous terms as alternatives, so if you use the wrong one, it will still be marked as correct. I’m not quite sure what I can do to differentiate between synonymous terms without giving away the answer, though. Do you have any ideas?

Fixed the evne.

Takk for at du nevner feilene.

Bare hyggelig!

I also think there is nothing you can do. And honestly I don’t think you should. It worked for “to know” - å kjenne, å vite. If you enter kjenne instead of vite or vice versa, the system still plays you the right audio. And that’s fine with me.

Found another one - starkere (stronger), must be ‘sterkere’ according to this dictionary https://browse.dict.cc/norwegian-english/sterk.html

I’m curious. Can I ask why you’re going through the course so speedily? You’re always at the top of the board with 400k+. Planning to move to Norway in a short time so have to complete this for the citizenship test?

Well, I’m just trying to catch up with my Duo tree. I’m still ahead at Duo by 10-15 levels or so, which allows me to progress through the words quicker. So I guess that’s just a temporary situation and soon I’m going to be at the same pace as everyone else

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According to my understanding both “til tross for at” and “selv om” mean “even though”, “although”. Also found them to be stated as synonyms here http://www.synonymordboka.no/no/?q=til+tross+for
Could you please either give some disproving examples in reply to the post or make them interchangeable in the course as with “å bli med” and “å komme med”?

You are correct. I’ll add them as alternates.

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Yes, it works already. Thanks!

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level 61
en vilje - will, determination
seems it has no audio and thus is impossible to pass through it using mobile version of memrise

It should be fixed. Let me know if not.

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