That’s a good idea.
I’ll keep an eye out for other specific duplicates now that I have access to the database and I can see what’s been marked already.
For something like Hvis and Om, I still see the benefit of making Hvis an alternate of Om, not because they’re one-to-one synonyms but because they’re synonyms in some of the definitions. Both English translations start with “if”, and it’s very easy to pick “if” instead of “if, whether” if they both show up as options in review. This is more of a question of user-friendliness and lenience. It wouldn’t be exactly the definition but it would give a degree of flexibility to the user and a bit of forgiveness when the definitions are so similar.
That makes sense.
In Level 2, the audio for ‘ei melk’ seems to be wrong. It sounds like ‘en melk’. I’m not 100% sure though since I’m still learning the pronunciation for things.
You’re right. I started going through the words, adding the feminine gender, but I forgot to replace the audio. I’ll fix it.
Yep, all the audio being common gender has made it harder to forget the words that I’ve previously learned as common gender.
Also, (the actual reason I’m here writing) why is ‘seng’ masculine in the course, despite it being a feminine noun? Is it common to refer to it as masculine in Norway (I understand some words are like this apparently, even in dialects which don’t use common gender)? Even if that is the case, I still think it should be put down as feminine, people can learn the cultural intricacies somewhere else.
Oh, if you want a little bit of help with the course I’d be glad to help too
Seng is feminine so I must have skipped over it on accident. I’d be happy to add you as a contributor. I’ve been working on adding audio and the feminine gender, so perhaps you could help with that.
What’s your username? S Shrike isn’t working.
Audio Progress: 58% (1,973/3,378 terms)
This is me, not sure why my name isn’t working (unless you were actually putting it in with a space).
That was the problem. Added!
Thanks for adding me, I’ll correct any words that are incorrectly gendered as I come across them
And I’ll see if I can set aside some time to fix the audio as well.
I’m changing the policy on the feminine gender to better reflect the Norwegian tree: If a word is presented as feminine in the tree, the feminine form will be used as the default for that word (e.g. jente, lever, kasse). Any masculine/feminine words will be presented in the masculine form, with the feminine form as an alternative. I think using the feminine form as the default gender for all m/f words could also be misleading because the masculine form may be used more often.
Audio Progress: 100% (3,378/3,378 terms)!
Could you add some kind of indicator that the word is femine though?
Because otherwise it’ll clash with my mode of learning.
And r.e. it being misleading, I’ve talked with several Norwegians of whom I often ask questions and all of them agree that it’s best to know the actual gender of each word, even if some are used more as masculine.
Could we make a list of all the m/f words in the course and put a link to it in the course description?
I’d like to have the Feminine gender presented as well so I can learn which words they actually are. It was the main reason why I chose this course over the other one.
Would a gender label work instead? You’d still be able to see which words are feminine.
I suppose that would work.
On level 11, the audio for lever and besøker have the infinitive å.