[Course Forum] Danish 1 - 7 by Memrise

(Danish Course 5, Level 24) there is a mistake in the following example:“er DET her mine underbukser? -
are these my pants?”. I think it should be “er DE her mine underbukser?” instead.

Probably not a mistake. I’m a Dane, and I would never say “er DE her …” in that context. I would use “det her”. Doesn’t matter whether it’s an n-word, t-word or a plural form of the noun in question.

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(Danish Course 6, Level 2) there is a typo in the following sentence :“HVO intet vover, intet vinder -
nothing ventured, nothing gained”.

Probably not a typo. “hvo” is a very old-fashioned word, but it exists, and “hvo intet vover, intet vinder” is an old saying in Danish. :slight_smile:
“Hvo” means “the one who” or “the person who” if you want a translation into English. But don’t use it like that with Danes, because it is very old-fashioned and not at all used like that anymore. :slight_smile:

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There’re still many audio files missing in Danish level 1 course on android and there’re still audio tests for these words. Is there any chance to repair it? I would be very very grateful, because I enjoy this course a lot!

Best regards,


I think it’s great, really helping me learn :smiley:
I’ve noticed that on a few words the voice example is missing, mostly with the Countries in Danish 3.
Apart from that…loving it really :slight_smile:
Mange tak!


Hi Maaaaaks and garyjephcote,

I do apologise for the missing audio files. I’ll add them as soon as I can. Thank you very much for taking an interest in the course and letting us know.

Happy learning :smiley:

  • Anne

Hi Anne, I dansk 6, niveau 25: “kongen og dronnigen…” skal være “kongen og dronningen…”. Tak, Ithai

Hi ithai,
I’ll correct immediately. Thanks!

  • Anne
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Hi Anne, I dansk 5, niveau 17: “jeg forslår vi sænker skatten” skal være “jeg foreslår vi sænker skatten”. Tak, Ithai

Thank you ithai. Corrected :smiley:

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I noticed there was a membot exercize in the danish 1 course in the app a couple of days ago. It seem to have dissappeared now. Did it disappear from the course or does it have something to do with my app?

Also another point, in some of the learn from the native exercizes on the app where you have to click on the words to form the sentence they are saying it seems to be impossible to click on them. cause some of the words are behind the arrow for the next question. So failed quiet a few of them because of this.

Hi Yvonne!

Hmm, that Membot exercise surprises me. Do you remember what it was about? If so, maybe I can find out where it came from :slight_smile:

About the other issue, can I ask you to email me the following, please?

  • Your username
  • The courses your are doing
  • A specific example of one of the video sentences where you had the problem with the button (if you remember one)
  • The version of the app you are on (find it under 'settings > about > at the very bottom of that page)
  • The device that you have downloaded Memrise to.

Then we can test and report the problem, so that would be a great help!
I hope to hear from you soon, so we can fix the problem :muscle:

Kind regards

  • Anne

Hi Anne, I dansk 3, niveau 31: “vil de andre med på standen i eftermiddag?” skal være “vil de andre med på stranden i eftermiddag?”.
Tak, Ithai

Hi ithai,

That’s now corrected. Thank you very much!

Happy learning!

  • Anne

In Danish Level 3 Lesson 13 called Measurement there is a simple mistake but many. For example - it says “a tonne = et ton, a centimetre = en centimeter” Most of the lesson is partially reversed. Thanks

Hi Trevor,

Thank you very much for your feedback. Our courses are British English, hence the different spelling.

However, what do you mean by ‘partially reversed’?

  • Anne

Maybe he means that the languages are the wrong way round for part of the level? So you have Danish when you should have English and vice versa?

Hello, in the danish 3 course, it says the litteral translation for sådan noget = suck something. Kinda doubt that is correct

In Danish 1 the literal translations are incorrect for the following two entries:

Danish: jeg er træt
English: I’m tired
Literal translation: I am happy - incorrect

Danish: er du sulten?
English: are you hungry?
Literal translation: are you happy? - incorrect