[Course Forum] Danish 1 - 7 by Memrise

I’ve just started using Memrise to study Danish, and I am encountering several of these missing audio issues. The ones that I can remember off the top of my head are: “et emne” and “japansk” and “kinesisk”.

This is an old topic, but I think “panties” is the wrong translation for “underbukser”. In American English, “underpants” or “underwear” are fine, but “panties” are solely for women. As far as I can tell, the Danish “underbukser” is for both males and females.

In Danish 2 (“The Crew”), en kone lists the literal translation as “181”. Unless Danish is a lot more confusing than I thought, this is probably wrong :smile:.

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There doesn’t appear to be any audio in Danish 7-13 and onward.
Is there a release schedule for this audio? I’ve kind of hit a ceiling until this is added.

Hi Anne!

First of all I’d like to thank you (and everyone else working on the lessons) for the wonderful job you did/are doing on these courses! You teach truly useful words and expressions and I especially love that you make the listening tests challenging, by choosing similar-sounding wrong answers to really fine-tune our ears to the language. I also love the quality of the audios: I’ve tried quite a few language teaching apps and the audio of Memrise Danish is the best I’ve heard!
The only problem I have is that some of the audio is missing here and there. I know many people have reported this problem, but I couldn’t find any collection of the missing audios course-by-course, so I decided to make such a list for Danish 1, in case you needed it. If you already know this, do please disregard the next part of my message, but if such a thing is useful to you, then I’d happily make a list for the remaining 6 courses (although I’m still studying course 7, so it might take longer to finish the list for that one).

Anyways, on to the list:

Lesson 1 - Launchpad

  • lad os gå!
  • okay
  • hej hej
  • en kop kaffe

Lesson 2 - I Come in Peace

  • jeg har
  • jeg har det godt
  • hvordan har du det?
  • at have
  • den; det
  • jeg har det også godt

Lesson 3 - Being Human

  • jeg er også sulten
  • ikke
  • du er lidt syg
  • lidt
  • jeg er ikke træt

Lesson 4-8
No missing audio

Lesson 9 - Getting Fed

  • må vi bede om … tak?
  • den; -en (det; -et; de; -ene)

Lesson 10
No missing audio

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Hi Anne,

I noticed Danish isn’t listed as one of the languages with Grammarbot or Chatbot features in the FAQs. Do any of the Memrise Danish courses have these features? If not, is there a plan to add them?

Thank you,


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Same here Robin_Stewart… I did 7/13 solely on playing the odd-one-out, but it won’t work with the review, especially once I get three silent choices I have to pick from. There are few things more annoying than to land an expression in my “Difficult words” not because I couldn’t recall it, but because I couldn’t guess which one it was of the 2 or 3 silent choices. I really love this course and I wish I could continue learning it…

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Good news: I tried to play levels 13+ in Course 7 even without the audio, and I managed to get to level 15, where audio appears again! …so if you don’t mind playing the odd-one-out for a little while, then you will get back on course soon (so to speak).

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Danish 1, Level 4


The inconsistencies with articles is a bit annoying, is there any reason why they are mostly left out, but added for words like “egg” and “apple” (et words)?

It would make sense to have them in or out, but not a random haphazard thing with the article sometimes added and sometimes not.

Just curious, not really a major complaint or anything.

Danish 1 - Level 9 - Getting Fed

at spise doesn’t seem to have an audio file attached.

When I was asked to review, the three audio options came up and I got it right by hitting the one where I heard nothing :smiley:

Same here!

Dear Memrise,

I notice on Danish 3 - Lesson 20 that “sådan noget” is literally translated as “suck something”.


The missing audio issues still persist. I’m guessing the course is currently unmaintained as @aasoerensen1 hasn’t logged in since Oct '17 . Hopefully they will get someone to pick it up soon.

Did make the same remark on october 2017, still isn’t fixed, it is ashame that people learning a less popular language are treated like less important customers, one of the reasons why I stopped paying for memrise.

Hmm…. Funny, I too was thinking of letting my “Pro” membership go when it’s up (which is very soon - good thing thanks to you I just checked!).

Partly for the FU attitude from Danish Memrise, partly for all the audio problems on Memrise, but mostly because Memrise’s general selling point is, “Hey kids! Learn a big vocab list in any language and you’ll speak it!” is a flat out lie, and
they know it’s a lie.

It seems to me basically no one could learn a language from scratch on Memrise unless they lived in the language’s country, were really keen, AND studied something else at the same time, like grammar.


yeah it is ashame, does feel like noone from memrise even reads this even though it is the official course forum for danish.

Don’t get me wrong, I do not regret paying for a year, since it still is a really nice tool to help out while learning a language. I do think memrise is especially good for expanding your vocabulairy, a lot of this also because of all of the extra courses made by other people.

Been learning danish for quiet some time now, got a danish boyfriend so that helps a lot with learning the language, actually planning to move there in a couple of months, so spend quiet a bit of time every day learning danish. Would love to have a pro account again if we would get the same features and attention as some of the other languages.

for grammar I like duolingo better, they have a nice explaining part on the web version. for the rest I use netflix (set account to danish and you can get danish subtitles) and danish telivision and radio online (www.dr.dk) for practice in listening.

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Yep, Duolingo is interesting sometimes for the user comments (lots of grammar points). I’ll check it out when I finish the Memrise course. I’m at Danish 6 now, one to go. I figure to go to like you mention to <www.dr.dk> and try to watch all 84 episodes (with Danish subs) of “Huset på Christianshavn” a 1970s TV comedy series. Have fun in DK!

Hello @Earth_to_Livi, thanks for the feedback and apologies for the delay in getting back to you. We will review your report and solve the issues. Once we do we’ll update you all in here. Thanks for your patience!

Regards and happy learning,


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My name is Christian, Danish linguist and translator at Memrise.
Thank you for raising issues with the Danish course, your help is much appreciated.

The Danish forum has been missing an administrator for some time, so I have compiled a list of problems that have been mentioned over the last six months. Here is what I have found. Please let me know if you come upon other problems, then I can add them to the list and forward to our developers so they can fix them.

Audio Issues

Danish 1

Lesson 1 - Launchpad

lad os gå!
hej hej
en kop kaffe

Lesson 2 - I Come in Peace

jeg har
jeg har det godt
hvordan har du det?
at have
den; det
jeg har det også godt

Lesson 3 - Being Human

jeg er også sulten
du er lidt syg
jeg er ikke træt

Lesson 9 - Getting Fed

må vi bede om … tak?
den; -en (det; -et; de; -ene)
”at spise”

Levels 13+14

General audio issues. Audio is missing

Translation issues

Danish Level 3 - Level 20

”sådan noget” is translated ”suck something” should be ”such things”

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Hi @Earth_to_Livi
A big thanks to you for listing the problems you have come across with missing audio in the Danish course. I have gathered all the issues raised here and forwarded to the devs who will fix them. Hopefully before too long. Please go ahead and inform me, if you find other problems in the Danish course.

Christian Leegaard

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