[Course Forum] Danish 1 - 7 by Memrise

In Danish 2-14 - Getting Fed, the Danish input for “pepper” is still “pepper”, instead of “peber”.

Hi Athipol,

Thank you very much, but I only see “peber” in the Danish column for this item. Could you send me a screenshot form your phone where it shows “pepper” as the Danish item so we can find out if it is a bug? That would be very helpful :slight_smile:

Kind regards

  • Anne


Strange, I could’ve sworn that I saw “pepper” as the translation for “pepper” when I was reviewing yesterday. I guess I was mistaken.

However, I spotted another mistake. There is an audio mistake on 3-12 on “en computer”. Audio says “en computer” but keeps going and says “en bærbar” instead of stopping.

Thank you.

Great! Will correct immediately. Thank you very much for helping me tidy up these oversights :slight_smile:

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(Danish Course 5, Level 10) a century should be ET århundrede instead of en århundrede. For reference: http://ordnet.dk/ddo/ordbog?query=århundred&tab=for

(Danish Course 2, Level 12) underbukser are briefs/underpants/shorts. For reference you can google the word and check the pictures or you can check the word on denmark’s online dictionary: http://www.ordbogen.com/opslag.php?word=underbukser&dict=auto

On Danish 4-5 for US English speakers, on the word “politik”, one of the exercises prompts me to choose the correct audio, however, there are two audio files that sound like “politik” but one of them is marked wrong.

Hi there qtnex :smiley:

Thanks a lot for pointing out the “en”/“et” thing. That was a typo that has how been corrected (please log in and back out of the app if you use Memrise on your phone to update the changes in the course).

For the item “underbukser”, I have not changed the British English translation (pants), because changing it so it includes all the options you list above, would suggest that “underbukser” refers only to men’s underwear. That is not the case.

Thank you very much for taking your time to point these things out. Please do post of anything else you might come across.

Kind regards

  • Anne

Hi Athiphol,

I have checked Danish 4 and 5 for anything that sounds like “politik”. I only find two options: The item “politik” (politics - Danish 4) itself and the item “politiker” (politician - Danish 5). It could potentially also be the word “politisk” (political), but I don’t think that word is in the course.

Distractors in audio tests are generated to be similar to the target item, so the test is maximally worth it, so I can imagine that the “politik” and “politiker” would be drawn in together.

Could this explain your problem? If not, please let me know.

  • Anne

Unfortunately it’s really difficult to get the same exact exercise to come up so I haven’t been able to recheck it. When I was first doing it, I was on my phone, so that might’ve messed with the audio a bit. However, it really did sound like I was getting prompted to choose two versions of the word “politik”, except that one version was wrong. But as I said, it could also be bad audio from my phone or my Danish listening skills aren’t up to par to determine that one of options actually said “politiker”. Thank you for your help looking at this anyway.

Well, the word “juice” exists in Danish is well, but it’s only used for the kind of beverages that you drink without adding any water to it, and it’s mostly just orange juice and apple juice, although other types exist as well, of course.
If you buy something called “saft”, please don’t drink it without adding a bunch of water. Like maybe 5 times as much water as you have saft in your glass. (Unless, of course, you buy a bottle of saft with the label “drikkeklar” (‘drinking-ready’) on it). If you buy “juice”, please don’t add any water as it will ruin the whole thing.

(And “juice” can have pulp… “saft” cannot). :slight_smile:

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Ok, so basically juice is juice, and saft is what the British call squash (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squash_(drink))? Thanks for the clarification!

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That looks about right, yes. :slight_smile: Didn’t know you called it “squash”, but looking at the definition it’s exactly what “saft” is. :slight_smile:

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Thanks! :slight_smile:

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Now I know what’s going on with the “poltik” conundrum! I finally got the same exercise again and put on some headphones, and the word in question that sounded so much like “politik” was actually the word “politi”! My bad lol.

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Haha! I’m glad you worked it out :wink: Full speed ahead now.

Happy learning

  • Anne
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(Danish Course 5, Level 19) i think that “this was a total success!” should be “DET her var en total succes!” instead of DER her.

Mistake on Danish 2-5: “at købe ind” translates to “to go shoppping” (there are three P’s).

Mistake on Danish 2-13: Audio for “åben” is broken.

Also on Danish 1-11: In the app there appears to be three versions of them.

That’s it for now, thanks!

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Audio on Danish 5-4 “konservativ” needs to be fixed. Says “konservativ… venstre”.

Corrected! Thank you very much :smiley:

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Hi Athipol,

Thank you again for helping me spot these things. It’s very helpful indeed!

I have corrected “shoppping”.
The audio on “åben” is not broken. It’s just not there. I can’t upload a new one immediately. Apologies for that. As a result of having to delete the audio file on “konservativ” that one is now also without an audio file (for now - again, apologies).

I can’t replicate your problem with the three level 11s. The course doesn’t have three levels, so it doesn’t appear to be something I can readily fix. I can maybe advise you to log out of the app and back in. That will force the app to sync the course again and update it on your phone. Can I ask you to check if that solves the problem, please?


  • Anne