[Course Forum] Danish 1 - 7 by Memrise

It might be a test - jazzing up lesson one, and making it more local perhaps, instead of the very functional and genetic vocab list we had before. Perhaps to see if it increases user engagement.

Hi jimnicholson and LeekHighMFL,

Yes, we did indeed add more content to Danish 1 for you guys to enjoy. If this has affected your learning in a negative way, then we do very much apologise.

We are using Danish to run a quick experiment on our content which we hope will allow us to create better courses and better learning across all the languages we have official courses for. If you have any particular feedback with regards to this, please let me know. It will be very much appreciated :slight_smile:

Kind regards

  • Anne
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I’ve also been affected by the addition of new words to levels 1-3 of Danish 1.
When using the website, I’m able to learn these new words, but there seems to be bugs on the Android app on my phone. For example, the phrases “okay”, “lad os ga” and “en kop kaffe” in level 1 don’t have any audio, neither in introduction or in listening questions, and when these phrases appear in multi choice and translating questions you can select them, but the app won’t let you progress to the next phrase/question. The only way of continuing is to exit the learning session, so you can’t ultimately make progress. There are also phrases in level 2 and 3 with the same issue.

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Hi bmsmrscole,

Thanks a lot! I will look into this. Can you email me the version of the app you are on (bottom of the screen in the “About Memrise” section under Settings)? Is this only a problem on the app or is it also a problem on the website version if the course?

Kind regards

Danish 1 and 2 are frequently freezing on the Android app

Lot’s of audio issues. Just missing audio in Listening Skills where there is supposed to be audio and you pick what it is saying. It is difficult to do when there is no audio. And in multiple choice where it displays the words then you choose between 3 audio clips. Sometimes one is missing and sometimes two.

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In Danish 6, level 5, for the sentence “hun burde ikke sige det til nogen”, the audio sounds like “du burde
” rather than “hun burde”. Thanks for the course!

Hi WildSage,

We have a problem with certain audio files in level 1. The bug has been reported. I apologise for the inconvenience.
The freezing on the other hand should not be happening anymore. Please send me an email on [email protected] if you do experinece the freezing again.

I really do hope the audio issue will be fixed soon, but unfortunately our developers are very busy. This should only be a problem on about three items in level 1 as far as I’m concerned, althoguh I do appreciate that it is annoying.

Kind regards

  • Anne
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Hi miaomiaopurr,

Thank you very much for reporting that error. I have corrected the item to fit the audio.

  • Anne
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I’ve started Danish 1 in whichever English I didn’t do the last time (and I can’t find where it says which one in the course description). I am finding that it shows Ja tak as the translation for yes (just yes not yes, please) and the audio is Ja. (No tak) .

Hi WildSage,

Thanks a lot. That was an editing oversight. It has now been corrected :slight_smile:

  • Anne
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On Danish 1 from UK English is seems to be freezing on the new words added.

I found another error. In Danish 6, level 10, for the sentence “det regnede sĂ„ meget, vi ikke kunne gĂ„ udenfor” the audio is correct but the English translation is: “it snowed so much

Thank you!

Not an error. But a question: isn’t juice in Danish “saft” if so, can it be added as an alternative?

Thanks for the course!


Hi, I’m doing the Danish 1 course but it is very difficult because many of the audio questions don’t work. It asks me to identify the word from the audio but there is no audio. Also it’s not me or my computer because the sound works and I can here some of the words in the course. I also have no problems before with my German courses. It’s just this Danish 1 course. Can you have a look and maybe fix it? Because the way it is now it is totally unusable. Thanks

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Hi hbkitty,

I am very sorry about this. There is a bug with those audio files on Android. For now, I can maybe delete the audio files altogether which should mean that you won’t get audio tests. I can try to re-upload files as soon as possible.

I apologise for the inconvenience.

  • Anne

Hi LauraLP,
It certainly is. I will add that immediately. Thank you very much

Hi miaomiaopurr,

Thank you very much. I will correct immediately

  • Anne
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Hi Anne,

I dansk 7, niveau 22:
“nĂ„r det kommer til sykket 
” skal vĂŠre “nĂ„r det kommer til stykket 


Mange tak! Den retter jeg med det samme :smile: