Audio causes application to freeze after selecting correct answer

Actually I mostly use it on my way to work, which means I probably won’t need it until Monday. :slight_smile: No stress, but I hope they do fix it.

The recent and the previous update freezes from time to time. Only in the learning sessions.

I like the new update. Especially the new interface, all in one place now =)

Do you guys have problems with the Android app? It doesn’t stop freezing. I can’t review normally. I can’t learn normally. Including this and the previous updates.

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I have had multiple problems with the Android app - it freezes constantly in the French and Danish courses for me. Though my other courses do not freeze as much. I have not had any luck with Bug Reports.

maybe if you change the title of thread to “it freezes constantly” or something? unless, of course, the team decided again not to answer any complaints…

as person not opening usually threads about the app (not using the app), I had the impression is a sort of “general feedback” thread…

I don’t support opening new threads, especially that there are too many. The first one that I thought it would fit my question in, I have chosen.
I don’t expect any answer from the team. Though it would be nice… I just thought it’s maybe up to my phone.


Hi, @Andrea_Mo3! My app works welk at a moment, no freezing. A couple of months ago it was freezing all the time, I’m glad they fixed it. I’m using ASUS ZenFone2

Hi, for those who’s application is still freezing.

Could you please explain what you mean by freezing?

The more information provided would be fantastic. We would like to know information such as, if the application becomes unresponsive, or the next question is not being shown.

If your device is freezing within a learning session, this can’t be related to the shazam popup as it is shown at the end of session.

It just… Freezes! And after a while the little windows of not responding shows up. Whether while learning or reviewing. But not while speed review. Earlyer the speed review bugged “like a broken record”.

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Two separate situations.

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Because adding a “feature” never affects anything else in an app?

There are probably more but it a pain to find any.

Freezing as it’s stuck there in that one lesson and needs to be closed. If you need to know something specific I’m gonna need specific questions.

Hi, the shazam feature has nothing to do with the Danish and Swedish courses freezing.

The problem is due to your device not being able to be play the audio, which we are aware of. The freezing also only happens on certain words after getting them correct.

This freezing is related to your device, and you will most likely only see this problem with these two courses.

What device are you using?

I have been mentioning before, IT DOES NOT HAVE ANITHING WITH THE SHASM, I just thought it wasn’t necessary to open a new thread, I just looked up one that had something with bugging.
I freezes on all my courses. I learned (or am learning) the Memrize official courses, Duolingo German, Duolingo Swedish, Poliglota German. And the speed review is broken very often. By broken I mean, I answer, and then that red thing that climbs just continue going up over and over.
I don’t have problems with the audios.
I use Lenovo A2010 (but I’m not sure) :no_mouth:

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My device is an android and this is not an audio issue.

Also, if it’s my device why am I not having issues with the Italian or German courses.

Hi Andrea_Mo3, apologies that last message was directed to WildSage.

The title of the thread is slightly misleading, as one would believe the issue was with the Shazam update.

I believe creating a new thread is always the best if you’re unsure if your issue is related or not. From what I understand, there are two different issues which has been raised in this thread.

  1. Danish and Swedish audio are unable to be played on the device, which is causing the application to freeze. I was able to reproduce this problem on a LG G3 device but not on other Android devices. Why this is happening, we don’t know but have been investigating this issue for a while.

  2. Andrea_Mo3 device is freezing for an unknown reason. I was unable to reproduce the freezing of this bug.

Having said that, I would like to get both of your issues sorted.

A message was posted in the Danish 1 - 7 thread, by Anne our Danish translator regarding your issue. Though the message wasn’t directed to you, it’s regarding the same issue.

The problem only exists in Danish and Swedish course, and can only be seen on those same items which you’ve posted in that channel.

This is why you’re not having issues with other courses, as this an audio encoding issue in certain devices.

Playback control operation may fail due to various reasons, such as unsupported audio/video format, poorly interleaved audio/video, file size overwhelming memory capabilities, or a streaming timeout on the internet.

This is the library we are using, MediaPlayer (google one): from an article:

MediaPlayer is a black box, written natively, impossible to debug or figure out exactly what exceptions are happening. MediaPlayer is also installed locally on your phone, therefore there could be differences in implementation and the way it works on different OS’s and phones.

We cannot control or guarantee exactly which version will be used. Many of the states can be buggy, and it is hard to debug them. MediaPlayer sends out weird exceptions codes, and we could not see for certain what crashes are happening.

Could you try reinstalling the application? As those audio have since been removed.

If this doesn’t solve your issue, I suggest adding all the sentences / words which your devices freezes on to your ignore list.

Have you tried reinstalling the application?

Yes, I have tried. All I wanted to know that is there anyone with the same problem. I am a beta tester, and I send feedbacks when it happens.

P.S. If you read the intro , you’ll realise that mine fits into the second line of the intro message.
The name of the thread is sarcastic. That’s how I understood.

2nd P.S. Now I realize that the name of the thread more incorrect than before.

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The name of thread was fine as all of this started with that update. If the problems had been addressed as they were being reported there would be less confusion.

The new incorrect title ignore the other issues.