[Course Forum] Danish 1 - 7 by Memrise

In Danish 6, level 5, for the sentence “hun burde ikke sige det til nogen”, the audio sounds like “du burde…” rather than “hun burde”. Thanks for the course!

Hi WildSage,

We have a problem with certain audio files in level 1. The bug has been reported. I apologise for the inconvenience.
The freezing on the other hand should not be happening anymore. Please send me an email on [email protected] if you do experinece the freezing again.

I really do hope the audio issue will be fixed soon, but unfortunately our developers are very busy. This should only be a problem on about three items in level 1 as far as I’m concerned, althoguh I do appreciate that it is annoying.

Kind regards

  • Anne
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Hi miaomiaopurr,

Thank you very much for reporting that error. I have corrected the item to fit the audio.

  • Anne
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I’ve started Danish 1 in whichever English I didn’t do the last time (and I can’t find where it says which one in the course description). I am finding that it shows Ja tak as the translation for yes (just yes not yes, please) and the audio is Ja. (No tak) .

Hi WildSage,

Thanks a lot. That was an editing oversight. It has now been corrected :slight_smile:

  • Anne
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On Danish 1 from UK English is seems to be freezing on the new words added.

I found another error. In Danish 6, level 10, for the sentence “det regnede så meget, vi ikke kunne gå udenfor” the audio is correct but the English translation is: “it snowed so much…”

Thank you!

Not an error. But a question: isn’t juice in Danish “saft” if so, can it be added as an alternative?

Thanks for the course!


Hi, I’m doing the Danish 1 course but it is very difficult because many of the audio questions don’t work. It asks me to identify the word from the audio but there is no audio. Also it’s not me or my computer because the sound works and I can here some of the words in the course. I also have no problems before with my German courses. It’s just this Danish 1 course. Can you have a look and maybe fix it? Because the way it is now it is totally unusable. Thanks

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Hi hbkitty,

I am very sorry about this. There is a bug with those audio files on Android. For now, I can maybe delete the audio files altogether which should mean that you won’t get audio tests. I can try to re-upload files as soon as possible.

I apologise for the inconvenience.

  • Anne

Hi LauraLP,
It certainly is. I will add that immediately. Thank you very much

Hi miaomiaopurr,

Thank you very much. I will correct immediately

  • Anne
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Hi Anne,

I dansk 7, niveau 22:
“når det kommer til sykket …” skal være “når det kommer til stykket …”.


Mange tak! Den retter jeg med det samme :smile:

In Danish 2-14 - Getting Fed, the Danish input for “pepper” is still “pepper”, instead of “peber”.

Hi Athipol,

Thank you very much, but I only see “peber” in the Danish column for this item. Could you send me a screenshot form your phone where it shows “pepper” as the Danish item so we can find out if it is a bug? That would be very helpful :slight_smile:

Kind regards

  • Anne


Strange, I could’ve sworn that I saw “pepper” as the translation for “pepper” when I was reviewing yesterday. I guess I was mistaken.

However, I spotted another mistake. There is an audio mistake on 3-12 on “en computer”. Audio says “en computer” but keeps going and says “en bærbar” instead of stopping.

Thank you.

Great! Will correct immediately. Thank you very much for helping me tidy up these oversights :slight_smile:

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(Danish Course 5, Level 10) a century should be ET århundrede instead of en århundrede. For reference: http://ordnet.dk/ddo/ordbog?query=århundred&tab=for

(Danish Course 2, Level 12) underbukser are briefs/underpants/shorts. For reference you can google the word and check the pictures or you can check the word on denmark’s online dictionary: http://www.ordbogen.com/opslag.php?word=underbukser&dict=auto

On Danish 4-5 for US English speakers, on the word “politik”, one of the exercises prompts me to choose the correct audio, however, there are two audio files that sound like “politik” but one of them is marked wrong.