[Course Forum] Comprehensive German Duolingo Vocabulary by bakpao

A clearer translation of die Bühne would be stage (for performance), as stage can have other meanings in English - it can also be synonymous with level, floor or tier.

Translating denen to those also doesn’t really make sense - the corresponding English relative pronouns are which, whom, and that.

The season (of the year) in level 54 shouldn’t be capitalized.

bemerken should be accepted for notice in level 86 as well.

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The word “Die Ausrüstung” (The Equipment) is missing in Lesson 72: Objects.

Actually it does. An example: “Der Schauspieler dankte denen, die immer an ihn geglaubt hatten.”

I checked on Duolingo and it’s not there. Are you sure you have the correct level?

Ok in english we have synonyms but they don’t always go exactly in place in one another. It’s why in the first place, another word exist with a similar meaning. Different words sound better in different context, and that is how I would translate them.

Not only that but, in my experience, kriegen is more like being given something, although it can be to get independent of a 2nd or 3rd person. Holen, kriegen, bekommen etc just sound better in certain context over the other. To get, fetch, receive is no different in English. While you would be easy understood in what you are saying and maybe not even technically wrong, it would sound off and stale if I was to use get over receive or fetch over get in many context. German is no different.

There’s no audio for die Türkei in The World.

added male and female voices for die Türkei

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Missing The Department (Das Amt) in Abs. Objects 4 (lesson 108):

edit: not sure why but the word is showing in a further lesson, 111 (Politics 2)

Well that is where it should be.

On another note:

  • could there an alternative be added for “tapfer”. I am always tripping over that one. “mutig” is used just as frequently.
  • the audio of “der Kundenservice” sounds odd. Something like Kundendervice and Kundenvice. “der Service” sounds off too.
  • could “schon einmal” be added? It appears in level The World. “Have you ever been to Russia?” Translation: Warst du schon (ein)mal in Russland?
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die Schnecke (the snail) is missing from lesson 44 (comparisons)

der Wechsel and die Änderung are both translated as change, yet the latter gives a yellow when the other is desired (which is impossible to see). Might be a bug in Memrise.

I’m not sure adding phrases that are not in the word list a good idea because it’s a slippery slope: why add one phrase and not the other? And then we end up with lots of phrases that increased the size of the course unnecessarily. Also “schon einmal” is not that hard to decipher: already + once = happened at least once previously.

Memrise probably has a problem with the letter “Ä”.

I think this would a useful addition. The phrase “Warst du schon (ein)mal in …?” is the standard phrase used to put across the English “Have you ever been to … (place X)?”

A native speaker of English might be tempted to say something like, “hast (bist) du jemals gewesen in …?” so I think it would be very useful to learn this if I was a beginner.

It’s not a bug in memrise, it is just that two words have been given the same translation. Which is the fault of the course creator, not memrise. It is an understandable one, though, because both words can mean “change”.

But, “Wechsel” has the meaning of shift, changeover, too. If I was in charge of this course, I would add something like this, too, to disambiguate the two entries:

[die ~jahre] the menopause, the “change of life”

Seeing as no word called “die Änderungsjahre” exists, if a learner sees this entry, they know that they need to type “der Wechsel” and not “die Änderung.”

This online dictionary has lots of examples of how to translate, “Wechsel”:


Level 3

Is there a reason for Guten Tag to be translated as “Hello” in only 1 of the 3 of the …

Guten Morgen, wie geht’s.
Guten Tag, wie geht’s. <-- “Hello” used
Guten Abend, wie geht’s.

Hi, thanks for the course however i have two issues with it so far.

Level 32 Dative Prepositions
Hinter - Behind (this would be better if it was “to the back”)
Level 49 Location
Hinten - Behind
If you type one into the other then it does not word and the answer is marked as wrong

Another issue
Level 31 - Family 2
der Verwandte - relative
Level 48 - Adjectives: Predicative 2
relativ - relative
Again this doesnt work if you type one into the other.

Can you please fix this?
Thank you

A few important things:

  • It seems that the skill for the “Genitive Case” has not yet been added. This is situated in between Nature 2 and Occupations 2
  • There is also no skill for “Verbs: Future Perfect” which is situated in between Education and Phrases 2
  • There is finally no skill for (haven’t gotten to it yet, but I think it’s called: ) “Conditional Perfect” which is situated between Abstract Objects 2 and Business 2

Less important:

  • Lesson 90 should be “Verbs: Conditional 1”

If your schedule is tight, I don’t want to suggest any thought of pressure. It’s no rush, and thank you for the astronomical work you’ve done on this! I’ve made quite a bit of progress in learning German in my spare time focusing around this, the Duolingo course itself, and a textbook I bought. You are my hero.


on your suggestion of relativ = relative, they are not the same.

The first is your relatives, as in family members or family tree.

The second in comparison, one relative to the other. Or famously, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity (how one thing relates to another).

@bakpao, @Geil,

Hello both of you and thanks for this course.

Would you consider adding me as a contributor please?

I am not interested in modifying, editing, correcting, etc., you course, but what I am interested in is seeing how a good Memrise course is set up from the backend and how databases, levels and settings are operating/arranged. I am currently editing, correcting and cleaning up 2 courses that no longer have creator support.

Sorry for asking this, but there doesn’t appear to be a “crash course” on how Memrise courses function on the backend and bringing visibility to features (such as attributes) I have seen in other courses isn’t so obvious even though I know they are present in the backend database{s] I’m editing.


@Jan_Pliva, you can distinguish between these word pairs because they’re different parts of speech – below the definition, there is a white box with a text, which may be noun, adjective, adverb etc. However, I agree that some of these words would be more recognizable with somewhat altered definitions.

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I can make you a contributor to my course. But can’t and won’t do it for Bak’s. Up to him. I just add audio for him when he ask for it, and if he is prolonged gone, I will go ahead and correct things people bring up if really need be.

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That’s probably because they don’t add new words, only conjugation of previously introduced words.

About course 90: I’m just following Duolingo’s naming convention.


Guten Tag, wie geht’s. <-- “Hello” used

Guten Tag works like hello in English.

Not exactly sure what you are looking for in the backend, but if you want the best practice for a Memrise course, this one probably doesn’t have it because I just used the default template. I think the best way if you want to play around with the layout is to create your own couse, populate with a few entries and edit the settings without affecting anyone else.