[Course Forum] Comprehensive German Duolingo Vocabulary by bakpao

There is no “P” in the audio for :herb:die Pflanze.

The audio is fine. That is how you pronounce it.

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I keep mixing up bekommen and erhalten when reviewing, as they have almost the same translations (“to receive” and “to receive, to get”, respectively), and you basically have to know the course by heart to remember which is which, since it’s often only one word out of three distinguishing the possible translations. Maybe the best solution would be to simply accept both as alternative answers in each case?

erhalten is should be translated as ‘‘to obtain’’. I tend to only fix audio related issues in the course or add audio for Bako. I’ll leave it up to him what he feels like doing to translations.

But generally…

erhalten - to obtain
kriegen - to get
bekommen - to receive

and in the abstract, the most common verb I hear and read is…
hinkriegen. This is to get something, as in, to understand something.

Thanks for the response, Geil. If the answers for the words were changed to what you proposed it would help greatly. Hopefully Bako agrees :sweat_smile:

Changed them to:

bekommen = to get
erhalten = to receive

They are interchangeable.


Thanks @bakpao, I appreciate it! :grin:

On the “Occupations 1” skill, I would add “co-worker” among the definitions of “der Mitarbeiter” (it would help to reduce my confusion with der Arbeitnehmer). :slight_smile:

@daveyc02909 you’re welcome

@HakeemEvrenoglu thanks, updated

For would, würde (without the final n) should be accepted as well as würden.

Also, the alternative die Bezahlung is apparently inserted in the wrong field of the word with the ‘main’ form die Zahlung - it prompts me that I typed it in English.

logistic isn’t a word in English - it’s plural only, though it’s obviously not that way in German.

I’d add spectator as a translation of Zuschauer. I’d even say it’s the most relevant translation in Duolingo’s sports context.

I got die Kamera, der Fotoapparat as an (incorrect) tapping option for camera, which can be translated as either one of the two. This might be a bug in Memrise or a ‘ghost’ entry in this course.

der Beschäftigter is wrong, it should be either
der Beschäftigte or ein Beschäftigter.

I’d say “holen” is the most common word used to mean “get”.

That is a different kind of ‘‘get’’. That is like you fetching something.

Where are you seeing Beschäftigter? It should be changed, but it would not exactly be wrong either.

If der Betrieb is to be translated as company, business, das Unternehmen and die Firma should be accepted as alternatives.

haben verändert should also be an alternative to haben geändert for changed (past participle).

How is that different to kriegen?
der Beschäftigter might have been in a different course sorry - when would this ever be correct??

I’d add comment for der Kommentar, as commentary and editorial both sound rather formal and official.

Thanks, updated.

If the English translation is to be Muslim, Moslem, der Moslem should logically be accepted as well, as the older spelling is at least as common in German as in English, and probably significantly more.

Thanks, updated.

I’d change the translation for sich lohnen to something along the lines of to be worthwhile, to pay off, as to be worth by itself is ambiguous - it might as well be ‘this item is worth 5 euros’ or whatever.

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