I’m finally making progress on Duolingo again thanks to this course!! Duo doesn’t do a very good job of driving the gender of each noun into long term memory but without that you can’t begin to get the rest of a sentence right. And it doesn’t do a real good job on the other words either or require spelling to be exact. This course is great so thanks for all the work that has gone into it!
I’ve collect several smaller requests that I’ll put in other posts, but here are two bigger topics that would help me the most.
Sometimes I’ll press enter after I’ve completed typing a word but even though I’ve forgotten an umlaut, it still marks the answer as correct. I’d prefer to get it marked wrong. Is that a general memrise issue or is that handled within this course? For example: Zäune, ändern, Körper, zuständig, Anfänger and persönlich.
I saw an earlier post about purposely not including the plural version of nouns in this course. I realize that Duo doesn’t always list the plural words as being learned in a particular lesson but it does give questions with them during reviews. I’m starting to find that a lot of my mistakes in Duo are due to not knowing the plural word. I realize it would be a big effort but it would nice if you would reconsider that and introduce them over time.
I agree with you. I do both DuoLingo and Memrise because they reinforce each other. I also believe that only correct spelling should be allowed. When I forget that a word has an Umlaut, and the word gets accepted as correct, I think that I have spelled the word correctly and then, I am not given the chance to write the word correctly a second time to reinforce the correct spelling. The same goes for words I spell incorrectly being accepted as “typos”. Most every time I spell a word incorrectly, it is not because of a typo, but because I don’t know the word well enough to spell it the correct way. The same letter typed three times in a row, now that’s a good typo!
der Kollege = colleague
der Mitarbeiter = staff, employee, colleague, co-worker
So der Kollege should accept der Mitarbeiter but der Mitarbeiter shouldn’t accept der Kollege.
This is a Memrise issue. There’s no specific setting for only umlauts, so if it’s set to strict, everything becomes strict and it does nasty things to some words. For example missing (or too many) space, exclamation mark, etc is not allowed. I tried to turn it on twice, both ended in disaster.
Yes unfortunately it takes too much time to do that. However if there’s anyone who’s willing to do this, I’m happy to grant full permission.
You need to ask Memrise support for this.
Sounds fine to me?
Don’t understand your question but the answers are correct.
Hope you don’t mind bakpao, but added a number of alternate answers.
-zu Abend essen / abendessen (this is completely normal in Öster, thought it would be ok to add) for to have dinner
-der Papa / der Vater and der Vati for dad
-die Mama / die Mutter and die Mutti for Mama
-der Nachtisch / die Nachspeise for Dessert
Allow me to rephrase my previous statement. When I say each word has two correct answers, I mean that when a given word appears on a quiz, both definitions appear on the list of possible translations as two completely different answers. Since both definitions are correct, I am unable to determine which answer is the “correct” one.
-der Samstag now accepts der Sonnabend for Saturday
-weich now accepts sanft for soft/smooth
-ausgezeichnet now accepts hervorragend for excellent
-komplett now accepts vollständig and vollkommen vor complete
-dort now accepts da for there
-relativ now accepts entsprechend and verhältnismäßig for relative
-sinnvoll now accept bedeutsam and aussagekräftig for meaningful
-original now accepts originell and ursprünglich for original
-die Reinigung now accepts das Saubermachen for cleaning
-innen now accepts drin and drinnen for inside (of an object)
-das Shampoo now accepts das Haarwaschmittel for shampoo
-die Zahnpasta now accepts die Zahncreme for toothpaste
-der Rasierer now accepts das Rasiermesser for razor